I founded Trade With Joe over a year ago with one goal in mind; to bring together a great group of traders to share trade ideas in real time. I did that via the Trade With Joe Trading Room. Each day there is at least 100 traders logged in at any given time. It is an amazing group of traders. I added Sunday Night Strategy Sessions and weekly webinars to the mix as well to create a true “learn while you earn environment.” It works and I am very proud of what we have created as a group. As a group we trade options (mainly), stocks, and futures. We log in at all hours of the night. I could go ahead and post all the testimonials, but it would fill up this page.
I am happy to announce that the private Twitter feed is now available to all. What does the private Twitter feed contain? Here is the list:
Entries and exits on all trades that I make. (Both day and swing trades.)
Intraday market commentary.
Charts that I only share with members of the private Twitter feed.
Unusual options flow tweets.
Trade ideas (these are trades that I don’t take.)
Sunday Night Strategy Session Recordings
Weekly Webinar Recordings
Prompt answer to all questions via direct message if requested.
For a limited time I am offering the following special on the Private Twitter Feed –
4 Months Of Private Twitter Feed + Trading Room access + Sunday Night Strategy Sessions (recordings available) + Weekly Webinars (recordings available) for $99. The normal value of this is $320.
4 MONTHS Access – $99 – Click Here (Best value.)
1 MONTH access – $79 – Click Here.
If you are a current member of the Trade With Joe Trading Room plan (no twitter access) and would like to add the Twitter feed please purchase a plan from above and I will take care of the rest.
Hope to see you on the feed.
Trade smart,