everyone this is true in the professional bomb and also the founder and leek trader for the binary options trading leg body left short ok so I'm contact on facebook at facebook.com circle special case and you want to make a connection they will ask me stuff trading binary options trading this video is gonna be as eventually the topic its understanding forex market psychology in our human psychology tracks the forex market my specialty right now aspiring obvious trading i spent seven years as illustrator i decided to go over to violence is training instead because when I first by explosive binary options trading five months ago I understood how the weight of an actress training works it an evil a lot of strategies previously not profitable forex to become very very pretty difficult to be profitable in final artistry so why do I still make this video formats because when a tree very obvious treating i typically treat on for its alright not to Marty's by trail for exports 3424 it's okay so I want to give you some insights on situations where Microsoft Michael psychology can actually play a part in the trail and how that can affect your results and how it's so important that you understand how the market works ok so any end of the array some people are saying all the markets got a life of his own on let's say you know what you have to market watching the answer is the thing that drives the market is people right like you and me obviously not just me but everyone else out there the bank's elements the big investors are the here and politics walk so any other day is human empty stage aftermarkets no single person can can reshape the markets the walk unless is done together for a few other people okay so um when I say to get a few people what it means that most of the time and you know how humans are you have a single currency so in for X or in whatever its dots options binary options people say go with the trend the trend is your friend okay the same goes for counter-trend because if people follow the trend the train has to break the transference is called come to Train followed the track but what if there is no transform where there's no contract form and why doesn't happen it happens because its confusion in the markets ok so let me give you use of use i will try to not mattering station badger to offer today but alright let me let me let me do some screen drawing that be cool let me turn on me turn on like a virtual sketchpad and then i'll give you guys some scenarios and you cannot like understand alright i'll make it as easy as possible for you so let me just do that all right here we are do you see my screen yet i'll be not all right you should be able to see my screen now okay yeah yes okay you alright so I the market typically chops what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna this is the pen tool set alright so let's just give you a few different numbers divided in four pieces so groups oh that's got our control okay to read it alright divided 40 no no no what is that happen alright so 20 right the market typically chops but when it chops to a larger extent we still can typically find my what is known as a trend trend would be influenced back i would just draw like that a best-fit line of best fit line connecting multiple points and i'll be a trend and and and this is I mean the first way obviously 22 kind of like to add that to go of the market is to try to follow a trend so in this case the trend is is one that goes up right so is generally an uptrend actually our reality it is an uptrend what about color trends are in a in a in a uptrend obviously price rebounds off the lights so the goal counter-trend here you go come to train here you could go counter training here and so on and so forth right come to trinity's account training opportunities some are better than others some one reason for that means like first of all these ones within reach online especially this one this one note i went out i did not touch the line so it's not gonna be as good all right and when it's not as good what happens let's see like this one you see this one here didn't touch the line and and it wasn't so good it went out only like halfway itself all the way what does that happen because when people saw that this one this one didn't touch that line didn't come as close to the minus the other ones then people wondering hey you know maybe I'll just I'll just short this one for like you know a minute or two minutes our hit-and-run and what happens because everyone is doing hit-and-run instead of like going down for the next 10 minutes and therefore just halfway to change directions to do makes that doesn't make sense of direction change here in this direction change happen because right people change their mind it and run training let me just put it on next line as make sense alright so that that's one of the things that happens okay and what also happens let me give you another scenario all right what if what if what if the price that should change back to black we give us today let's say the price is going like that that that that that blue and like that that that that okay this is another scenario that happens we had one this morning this morning session we want to have like two treats why do we typically have let you know like you know between six and ten traits as well within the hour session but today when it to treat because the rest like shit and why didn't like shit because the market in the home yet because ok let's eat before this happen maybe he was going like that so after that . after that . it was still fairly good trend so after this point you know a little bit sorry it's still pretty much draw a line like that alignment and they'll be the track and then this funny thing happened and then it brings out the trash you see this one is no longer there and now you're wondering or should I redraw the lines should actually do it this way to try to this way you know try to this way what was erected and then and then because no one knows what's going to happen and then the price instead of doing anything it goes on signal stays still and maybe does that mean what does that everything okay we're gonna be going to go on the train right but what truly talk about this note read it no one knows where the downtrend is because all we know you know what you're thinking is this one but some people could be thinking oh this is the train and they would hit that is it all this is a breakout and then because people was a breakup and then and then people start behaving as we're going to bring the whoo-whoo and what happen you just lost a trait because y-you you did it using a cell right here and this altitude workout workout lost money so what do you do ok so in this kind of case why does that happen it happens because of market psychology people don't know where the light went to draw the Alliance we don't want to draw lines and then when they see anyone buying and the okay listen song by an exponent you know like some sort of sellers that oh you know I can still cannot see any trend but I see some people selling and then it's coming down this much already and then go ok that's the case i think because people are reacting this way to go okay this is this is definitely going to be the top line this is a resistance so I'm going to start something and it all this could be an extension and now i think that the price is going to go down to to like actually anyone going to increase my canvas as a little bit canvassize it's all more space here we go alright so you will always coming up so i think it is if it's true this distance of this channel right here to go all the way down here and then what happened what really happens know what didn't happen that way it didn't happen so the price didn't come on without their instead you know the price it cannot make him down to this like it anything like that happened this morning it happened this morning i'm making this happen okay so-so up and and they thought was going to go down right we'll have a boom backup and if you're gonna oh okay I get it now is the change transistor object and I do that I'm going to have to do that so maybe maybe that didn't happen and people like okay now now i see i see that you know I see this pattern that pattern never hit shows whatever and then they start making it and that's that's when the market becomes very what is known as nervous ok so when the market is nervous you just don't train but it's nervous just don't trip okay and then they are also scenarios when if you're looking at take chart what does it take to the chick Travis chart is tickets the smallest price movement okay so it's not looking grand chancellor it stick charts ideal take chart was a smooth line is as I've you I do i do kinda think John is ideal internal sometimes the the tick chart can be also you know blocky and this this is when you're not trained so um the point of me show you this is that if you don't know what's happening chances are the next person also doesn't know what's happening and they're going to trade I mean let's see if this will be a price been happening but everyone is singing different patterns so some people selling some are buying and when people buy its when people buy and sell what do you get when people buy and sell the same time the price just doesn't move anywhere it just goes sideways its sorry I can I cannot reach your right to all of my mouth alright so that's when the price goes sideways as well when when people when some people see a pattern and they buy and of you see if you can excel at the same time and pushing each other back and forth goes sideways not tradable can do anything and there have been days like two weeks in a week ago we stopped raining on this hour wednesday friday sat out wednesday thursday friday because the price is just going sideways its and was no tradable pattern has no parents ok so this is how you interpret market psychology and and you know of course that thing's known as levels levels are like no Fibonacci levels and it's something else let me let me give you an example of that ok say this one alright so let's say you know you you draw draw a live here to here and they have levels like okay this is like this is like you know it's your tweet is your 23.6 33 16 this is your 38.2 this your fifth is like no you're fifty percent or whatever and then basically slide which incidentally oh yeah it's just my right oh you had better than likely yeah doesn't like so um apartment trend lines like levels that something else that people like to look at as well and then let's see if the prices making his way is if the prices like seventy percent of away from 23% 23.2 what do you think is going to go it's not going to go back down to a 3.6 it's going to keep going back out to his 38 right let's save the price has already hit 54 nothing always fun one enough it's gonna look down and because of a small group of people think that's gonna happen and increasingly large computer that's what happened it then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy ok so people track the markets people's reactions traffic markets and you also notice that sometimes the times when the market behaves the most ethically is when you know people are experienced traders that was trading like sometimes you get it you get new be straining you get when markets are closed and save our body that lonely electrocuting on TV is not want that the big decision makers and when a new visa training see a very very nervous price action it so um these are just some of the different stuff and I teach all this stuff all the time with live starts life examples like all the trees with with my group the binary lab so if you want more information and how it all started charging Harden and and how to interpret market science so that you can leverage that to make more profitable traits and prevent yourself from using necessarily the markets are you can get in touch with me and facebook.com slash professional and join my training club let ask me in the face message how you can actually get free and i'll be classically for the information how come down my sessions I running daily it's usually like 8-10 930 p.m. eastern standard time 9 30p mp610 I'm and if you i'm in singapore think was like 12 hours from New York so like it's 9pm for me here is my here for you guys there I mentioned all these times in my group in gmt my sessions i usually like 130 am or PM is so you guys get at buffalo 2 that if you see any Australian my sessions are 1130am or $TIME p.m. if you're in Bangkok it's a 830 a.m. or p.m. these are my session times I ran them daily Iran to be 15 sessions a week and if let's say their situations like Marcus very sideways on sections and it kinda short because there's no point in trying to get trades from the market is did so in those cases and we can make another session come back so some weeks will have successions somebody just have fine some some weeks when there's funny stuff happening when we also cut down to like three or four sessions but you know they understand one thing all right it's better to have no profit that losses so we try to win you should only be trained to win money because we're doing this for whatever reasons maybe you you want to treat 22 a better lifestyle you want to trade philippine of your house call off quicker because binary trading is quickest way to make money in our typical sessions if there's no strange conditions we did we make about treating 5% recession just on a very small percent respiratory so that's what you can live 12 expecting and i hope to hear from as many of you as possible for any questions should be message of facebook complementarity this video if you liked my video please click like on youtube and subscribe to my channel because I release videos every Tuesday it's just like this one but for now I think this is probably going to be one of my more and more detailed videos if you go into my you go into my training google finally it was a dedicated facebook group chat has lost files and documents go to which is to understand better than a few webinars line-drawing tips at each other like trying to use the levels of measure ranges how to defend the trends and breakage transits are all that's covered inside the group and idea do this again been involved with the value lab chilling message find out so you have a nice tree