hey forex traders welcome to for Thursday's the new show that will actually bring you every first day well actually hoping you build yourself up as a forex trader helping you make normal as a fox trader and most importantly helping you identify the first comes in the industry i literally just there to take your money a case where did you try to help you sidestep one of the carpet from the scam one of that just nonsense in the Fox industry and be straight into profitability because naturally ninety-five percent of forex traders lose money when it comes to Fox markets so we're doing the show for the first days every first would actually try to bring to you a new insights about the forex markets both positives and negatives to show you how to make more money and how to protect your trading account how and to protect your trading account through risk management for good folks at quality and will actually go across the board regards to the forks market just actually get your bread and get you to profitability because ultimately know once you get to preferably you put yourself in the position we can start making a good income from the Fox market so you can actually put yourself in a position to trade the forex markets and from home and actually enjoy laughs what time your family more time your friends what I'm kid sets try to do different you and rach am i under name sorry I'm Israel can remember host of the show today and what we're going to be covering today is something really really important okay but if you're going to be talking about the free common Fox mistakes that forex traders comedy fall into ok i'm just leaving to spend today shall talking about free things free common things and if it happens to draw the Fox trailers they all tend to fall into these same issues basically and ultimately these issues will typically important position we actually i'm putting a trading account investment you're clearly / as a whole really high-risk ok so literally like I already said what we doing two shows every single first then we come to bring you some new materials and showing you how to increase your Forex profit is how to actually start making money forex trader and we just want to highlight all the scams of the just nonsense in the industry that will actually sidetrack you actually get your track to actually making consistent returns ok so what you need to do which means if you got any questions and actually send them into questions and vintage education.com and at some point in the future show was this you present your question the show and actually protect your answer that question as well ok so the question that we need education calm when you can have your question answered on the show at some point in the future just like I said today's agenda literally covering free comment Fox mistakes that most forex traders actually tend to fall down into ok someone actually go forward his friend in today's show but i'm also going to have high land give you insights into actually represent or applications ok the city to drop straight into it number one day the first comment Fox estate now forex traders consistently for into and this is an extremely big one and this is someone that sadly losses lots of for traders thousands of dollars ok and essentially back-testing ok now for those of you don't want back testing his back testing is literally when you go over previous price activity previous trial activity and you literally go over as if he were a little forex trading strategy so to speak ok this is typically commonly done with for its indicators ok so you go over previous trading activity and you literally lineup what your your forex trading strategy would have actually resulted in would have been profitable for the last five years or trading what have not been profitable exercise that ok now back testing is really popular and if you don't understand why it's really popularized really popular because what people can actually do is they can take a look this is the strategy of using over the last five years old Baptist is proven five years of back testing a backtest approver okay and is profitable ok so you can basically take that information now going to sell it to the public and say okay I've got the strategy that works fifty sixty seventy eighty percent of the time one of our marketing hook you want to put on it okay or you can say it was not for some actor of our five years work for back testing proved exercise it I want to basically does from down salesmen are the Sultans perspectives . position exactly you know I've got something some proof to show you that this actually works from the consumer standpoint which is you and obviously this is always to protect you from is you get it seems and say okay you know what well if this is actually been proven over the last five years of the last 10 years of the last 25 years whatever it is that they must work ok that's what they obviously want you to feel for okay now one thing I want you to understand is back testing can be really dangerous like always say that now emphasis of today's show is free common for mistakes that fosters actually fall into ok a lot of folks traders get into the position where they say you know what I'm what is it like on our back tests ok and then after you saved himself is is improving the backtest free backtest if they say yes eventually going to start using that strategy i want to don't tell you is what you need to understand about back testing is is back tests in it's just like looking over any suave example in the past in the future ok there's the common saying hindsight or and that you can heighten tire size 24 2020 vision basically ok reason I say that is because you've seen it from this actually happens i was so easy for you to say okay you know what I would have done this this distance in this and all surprising that will make money ok so from that standpoint you to be extremely careful in stages of you know what you're doing this is that it's been promoted as always impacted of X amount of years that doesn't mean anything ok an hour grk2 not decided to follow any for strategy based on back testing results okay and I say this to my students all the time ok even when I'm when I'm personally giving analysis ok of previous price activity i always like to say look this is all hearsay ok because when you actually get down to the nuts and bolts of actually Fox trading in a live trading setting all that stuff goes out the window okay because what these back tests do not take into consideration our number one emotion ok emotion is a big factor in forex trading ok it's easy for you to look over previous practice activities i came i want to ball here with a sold here ok when this rule after trading when your money's on the line okay you act different ok so support for you to understand that back testing results don't mean anything unless you treat back testing results as zero game ok it doesn't guarantee anything for you because it's not tested in a real-life lifetime example this is the whole point of the whole issue i've had with over the years with indicators in the forex market i'm talking about moving averages and our size 12 bands whatever it is a cane as long as our popular indicates I and this isn't i'm not saying this now to come against those people in who created indicators and if that ok I don't know the intentions why these people made these indicators XYZ dedicated the point I'm making is a lot of false traders full for the mistake of thinking that these indicates actually going to make them rich and this damn Rock ok formats because what you need to understand is all of these indicators are popularly steal other people's charts they're lagging indicators in the same well talk about backtesting going of a previous activity like these lagging indicators are sold to you as ok they'll actually I'm working with you and telling you what to do in full time but not okay given the information based off previous activity and from that standpoint they will not be able to tell you and say okay you know what go so now all alone all by now okay i'll give you a personal example one of the only time to actually used one of these sort of indicators ago this is just a typical indicate i am else other than to buy or sell ok now what happened is actually put it in the cove for my child and it got to the point where said bye so i'll actually bull okay and why I started to see if the indicators interchanging in real time so that by entry told me a couple of minutes ago is now shifting and anyone could have told me to actually sell I can and based on those kind of example you start to see what indicators are not the best but I don't know not your best bet long-term ok so it comes down to what you want okay why I personally wanted long-term success what I want my students to his long-term success so i'll teach my students have to talk about indicators ok because indicators might be here today ok and that's the minute they work get next to the best case tomorrow and I say indicates work today they're not going to work in six months and six years okay if I tell my students and this will actually do it myself personally my students actually showed ok this is what you need to do to trade that's why is it go and do it this is something that work today but what content this time work in 20 years time walking a hundred years time as well as obviously trading environment to trade case that simple but I want long-term success so don't go up and back tests and even when it comes to results ok even with stuff like what I'm teaching i'll get you say they look I can show you my trade I can show you students trains and all those kind of things and returns by that shouldn't come 40 okay until you actually go and test this out and do this on your own trading account ok there is no way for you to validate hundreds and if this actually works ok even going based on past performance okay you do it commonly anywhere in the financial industry possible foremost as a guarantee for you to success ok this is the kind of thing we have to say because why did previously is not guaranteed to work in the future cases that simple so you don't want to be relying on indicate or some sort of back testing data k this strategy is going to work because you're going to use that indicate are you going to use that strategy and it's not you can blow your trading account and you're going to be wondering later on why didn't it work because I didn't want to because the backtest is afford okay in most case scenarios back testing is wrong location take anything in regards to those into Google's data is the first thing back-testing okay another thing you need to understand in regards to common folks will takes is the trading desk if as i like to call it okay and this is actually a really popular one this is something you will see time and time again nothing this is what we're going to continue okay as long as 4x is actually an industry and this is the home with that you need that the 20 screen setup we need all the screens in front of you on a desk in order to trade the forex market successfully okay you done ok now it's actually interesting because i want to show you why did you trade off okay this laptop right here is what I've traded off I'm traded from literally for think about the last six years ok this laptop just myself this is the only laptop reviews okay i don't even have an additional screen this screen here right here okay i don't use this okay for trading okay if I'm actually even i'm going to be using this as I'm trading i'm using this for something else because i might be using it to watch a video or something like to just do something completely different and unrelated to forex trading ok we need one laptop i lookin good email yesterday a couple days ago asking hate Israel what laptop and what do you recommend for orchestrating an excuse replied wagon tricity ok all you need is one laptop it doesn't need to get special laptop just needs being out of that can turn on can connect internet and there's no obviously the laptop ok just general laptop ok obviously it's like comes over and over laptop on the novel is obviously more high-end laptop by da time I can be installed on the laptop works ok step simple okay don't fall for me all you need to 10 screens to be successful let me tell you some other things it's whole trading desk is actually going to do you okay it's gonna lead you to have lack of focus ok so if you're focusing on 820 how many different screens ok what does that do that allows us time to focus on what you need to focus on ok let's say for example two scenarios ok go on tomorrow we've got 20 screens ok each spoon has one culture on it then you go laptop here one laptop is it has 20 spoons as well mixed up okay you know how easy it is to cover the ratio of just the laptop screen actually cover those top currencies ok opposed to you to recover and 212 screens that are being found 152 be easy ingress my eyesight left or up and down okay with 20 this up i need to get out to the National to the right look down look straight ahead okay I'm losing focus okay number two its focus is making focus on things that just aren't making money ok it's going to take money from me okay because you need to keep them be spending minority sounds when we need a laptop okay to get started actually money ok that had been the face and my training to the way home . that using an additional one announced its literally 45 really entertainment purposes from stampin up i want to see what is actually had to have more push means i can i'm here to say again today look I struggles to use one laptop to trade the forex market is that simple okay you don't need additional monitor or other charts and those kind of things don't waste your time let's talk about this after done okay it needs you to spend time on things that ultimately don't like you money the more time of spending wasted on all your perfect forex trading set up on all of this that month sound ok the last election spending and actually making money in your arms training and ultimately it comes down to money okay are you making profits ok don't want to tell on these crazy self is crazy expensive about yourself as well i add you don't need them with unnecessary okay don't fall for that mean ok it's not about looking parts about actually being apart ok so if you're going to be dedicated for success you do not need those are different screens to make yourself a professional trader ok if you cross out from attacking your ass online from that teach down but for the new fox trade up for the trade that's not profitable ok you don't waste time on those kind of things won't you are profitable forex trader in the making money then if you want to add one of those screens ok for your own letter for your entertainment purposes then you can ok I'm going to values to skip the talent on different trading the sizes moral standards are phonies and ages 8-12 top energy star trading the forex market starts and ok so covered the second trading with conflicts mistake Hoss traders problem for us trading the trailing this myth actually gave you a couple of reasons and disadvantages deadly force to attack going to about today's show for birthday can only talk about lasting here and that's what you're listening to fx4 who's this is going to be really costly mistake of you are probably going to make if you have made already ok and for you don't talk about this is a common mistake happened time and time again ok now the first thing that happens to a lot of orchestrators when it entered the market is they take themselves ok screen where can I let you try to force market is it on the internet search around and they drinking anything from become members of forms only color field and the Fox industry flowing at a popular forms out decade as those ok baby pips is a popular one you've got traded to win in court for factory effex tree of these different communities out a different form different kind of minis exceptional ok and what typically tends to happen in these communities is you get one active for glue these are the Guru's that typically are making money from frustrating ok obviously been in the game for years they have been Devon never made money they've been in the game for you and then usually burn out and just overwhelmed and just end up we loved the different ways that usually been duped in the industry ok so the finger talking about where to my hand at being jumped into binary system based on our back tests back testing data that's one finished the trading wasting the time focusing on the host out these other people talking about the dance form goes down all of this stuff okay actually consumed overwhelming to staff and the bottle plan where that's some skeptical about markets ok I don't trust anyone anymore to another ultimately losing money anymore okay because they're burnt out for wood sticking stuff and when it's actually come to the apartment will actually go and actually find someone that's actually something that you can are they was they spend their days in forums can call their been in this industry so long okay you know i'm talking about those people in these forums don't say they've been a member for six years seven years 10 years except ok be the people giving up with a virus like professionals I didn't know what I'm doing that making money but these are the worst people to get last one now I'm not saying everyone ok there we can understand what I'm saying it don't take my context say everyone that's been informed amount of time isn't making my of saying okay but typically cannot the time you see these people and if you've been informed of any number of ma no i'm talking about King these are people i literally just about enough information that doesn't need to be spotted off okay to be telling stories about different stuff and literally one of the big things it away really gets me is because I don't know that I'm not say oh no what don't pay for education just do it alone and that is the worst advice you can give someone ok I'm not understand this because I'm a teacher okay because we sold products of course in order anything okay i'm gonna fall straight i'ma fuck straight okay I've been in that position where I'm learning to trade the forex market so what did i do ok I did exactly what they promote today I didn't buy education you know what happened to me ok waste thousands of hours and you use thousands of power and normals where every currency is ok my case pounds do you know what started taking for me when i started paying for education okay so it's not just because I'm a teacher is because i have been in a position where I'm going to trade and the best finish shooting is find someone who believe and trust in he educates you the right way and let them teach you how to trade the forex markets this is where the mistake happens okay you something these kind of people okay don't tell you not to pay anyone for education and what energy said to you is gonna paint a market to teach ok the market is the most expensive teacher in the industry ok the market is the most expensive teacher industry marketing if you take all of your money just like that ok oh and actually fuel flow to go up in the emotion was actually happening he want then the lessons ok so steps in the best we can literally do go what if you literally just coming to the forex market the stages of okay let me find someone is actually i'm teaching good star-catching so this stuff not sending me a lie ok and i want to learn them ok because if you want to spend your time for storms and all these different community you can k i'm not saying that completely waste waste of time wrong i'm starting material in these forms of communities understand wow you need to mind now if you actually going to spend time in these communities from these kind of people I'm talking about an injury just become so skeptical skeptical over the industry but once they've been taking an intuitive because my cell phones because everyone knows them in the communities ing floor plans to continually show face to speak and keep up the act ok when if you are these people do you have betrayed actually made money okay they'll really wanted to tell you how much money did made almost time for this delta T keep spouting off all those of educators out-and-out to scoop and yes the wrong but these other reason our trained a show putting out knows we content free materials on a daily basis because you want you to be informed you want you to be in the position with continually making money ok the film's i'm talking about on the shelves of other materials that we have to do awfully obviously mup are my paid for us course materials to help you make money and actually stop wasting your time guard especially complicated a the episode vacation for birthdays 3 comments for strangers commonly formed into number-one back-testing don't want to miss they come back testing day and incentives ok the strategy is guaranteed to work because it's not a number to go for the trading desk Malik you mean to hang up something for its quality trading sell more than one spring to be successful that's not the case literally wasting time focus on making one really looking one laptop to be successful it's that simple number three okay don't waste the time when it's not abuse FX form gurus why does the new uniforms all day at like blues with energy just been people that haven't made any money and it is on this spot negativity and he keep you away from farms says the other three fingers into the show my hope that been really helpful helpful to you to subscribe to the channel essentially view products friends because this is actually going to be beneficial to them ok and if you want to start to the forex market you want to learn how to do with me for frequently every for us cause today expression tattoo today for free trial do that shit that at you everyone will get to you free of charge and literally what was that site in years because like i said if you haven't realized this problem while I'm actually talking about in today's episodes and one of the materials we distribute 43 our mind my wife and I have my word and I'm confident allowed in because it's obviously working for me as a false traitor and obviously working for my students if you if you want to just actually fast-track your journey with me if you get straight into the agreed great the best content after empty initially came in below this video right now i'm actually going to give you seven days free access to my number 14 is course ok now if you actually completely satisfied after seven days initially building down but wait for giving you a test on a trial and from best for terials and just to show you that automatically after your frock success so i'm also going to give you a lifetime access as well ok and her friends call you go for the materials and it seemed happy you're going to get access lifetime access to my first community regardless of what happens anyway today I'm giving you instant access to our community can come into the community and interrupted me and I'm forex traders actually can last for helping you make money right now today in your forex trading don't take care