
The program is presented by both Microsoft and the Victorian Department of Education, and supported by the ACMI (Australian Centre for the Moving Image).

In an Australian first, the Victorian Schools Games and Apps Challenge gives Victorian students in years 6, 8 and 10 the chance to pitch their own game or app to Microsoft and solve real world problems. Microsoft is providing fantastic prizes, including Xbox One consoles, and the overall winner will have the opportunity to work with industry developers to further enhance their game or app.

The challenge represents a new way for teachers to implement lessons for both Digital Technologies, and Critical and Creative Thinking, which can also link to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and Arts. Teachers will also be able to access free professional development opportunities to help their students, including free online coaching seminars from August 15th through 18th.

Christine Evely, the ACMI's Education Manager, had this to say about the program.

“Helping students develop interactive screen-based technology has long been a top priority for ACMI, particularly in our education programs, so we jumped at the chance to work on this exciting new project. In particular the Challenge asks students to identify a real world problem, then apply critical thinking, conduct research, analyse data, and use this information to design and code a prototype Game or App. With links to curriculum standards, as well as the real world experiences of students, there’s never been a better opportunity to develop students’ digital skill sets to put them in good stead for their futures.”

The challenge is a result of some careful research and analysis by the Victorian Government. Victoria’s tech industry now generates more than $34 billion in annual revenue and employs more than 91,300 people across the state, with numbers set to grow.

Entries for the challenge close on Friday the 14th of October, 2016. Winners will showcase their designs during Melbourne Games Week at the Education in Games Conference on Monday the 7th of November.

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