Here is some of the latest coming through my inbox. Please invite your friends, family and church members to TradCatKnight! I rely upon you all to keep spreading word.
I wonder if you can advertise this seminar on your radio starting Monday. Our mutual friend, Tom Ryan of Columbus OH suggested the idea as we are doing a last minute notification campaign.
“Marriage Was Made In Heaven”
The special Creation of Adam and Eve is the foundation of the Church's teaching on Holy Marriage and the Family. The anti-culture of death is based on a denial of this fundamental doctrine. Please allow Hugh Owen, the convert son of Sir David Owen, the first Secretary General of International Planned Parenthood, to show you how to stop fighting the symptoms and identify and eradicate the roots of the anti-culture of death.
Presented by the Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation
Presenter: Hugh Owen, Director, Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation
• What light do Scripture, Tradition, and authoritative Magisterial teachings of the past shed on the origins of Man and Holy Marriage?
• How does sound natural science judge the hypothesis of human evolution?
• How do the answers to these questions relate to the current crisis of faith and morals? Bring your questions, find the answers at this fascinating seminar!
Where: Worthington-Columbus Double tree Hotel across from the Pontifical College Josephinum --- Exit from I-270 North onto North Rt. 23, High St Worthington; then two blocks, right on E. Campus View Blvd and another two blocks and right onto High Cross Blvd to Doubletree. NOTE: When coming from I-270 stay in far right lane to miss new tunnel.
When: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 in the Oak Room, Doubletree Hotel – hosted by the International Paleo-chronology group
Seminar Program 7 PM to 10:00 PM --- no charge, donations appreciated
Hugh Owen short Bio
On February 15, 2017, from 7-10 PM @ Doubletree Hotel in Worthington OH, across from the Pontifical College Josephinum, Hugh Owen will speak on, “MARRIAGE WAS MADE IN HEAVEN.” The special Creation of Adam and Eve is the foundation of the Church's teaching on Holy Marriage and the Family. The anti-culture of death is based on a denial of this fundamental doctrine. Please allow Hugh Owen, the convert son of Sir David Owen, the first Secretary General of International Planned Parenthood, to show you how to stop fighting the symptoms and identify and eradicate the roots of the anti-culture of death. The international Paleo-chronology Group will host Hugh.
Mr. Owen directs the Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation which provides a forum for Catholic theologians, philosophers, and natural scientists all over the world who are dedicated to making sure that the evidence for and against the theory of evolution is made available to Church leaders and to the lay faithful. In the year of Darwin, Mr. Owen and his colleagues participated in four conferences on creation and evolution at major academic centers in Europe, including a conference at Gustav Siewerth Akademie in Germany which received the explicit blessing and encouragement of Pope Benedict XVI. Mr. Owen's presentation will deepen your faith in the wisdom and goodness of God and in the perfect harmony between natural science and divine revelation. For more information, please contact Hugh Miller at 614-263-8613.
Good evening Mr. Gajewski,
I have been fortunate to listen to you on WGSO 990 AM here in the New Orleans, Louisiana market the last two times.
You do a good job against the apostates and heretics.
I just finished listening to your PODCAST on sedevacantism and the diamond brothers.
I never got interested in the Dimond brothers. You are right about some sedevacantism one track minds.
I have spoke with Father Joseph Pfeiffer, FSSPX-MC, in Boston, Kentucky. The website is I never went to his mass centers.
We do have an independent priest at Our Lady of Fatima Catholi cburch, 77110 Vortisch road, Lacombe, Louisiana.
I look forward to your guidance.
Thank you,
Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.
Clarence LaFuentes II
I listened to your YouTube video about Sedevecantism and the Diamond Brothers. I agree 100 percent with your assessment of them.
Erich Diehl
We remain to this day great friends with Fr. Voigt. He has said 100's of Masses for the Holy Souls in Purgatory for my wife and I. As I mentioned in my interview with you this is a numbers game. Time is short and when planet X arrives there are going to be very few priests to have Masses said. Also, besides the Carmelite Nuns over in your neck of the woods, my belief is that I will have virtually no one praying for the repose of my soul. St Alphonsus Liguori makes this very clear.
We celebrated Mass this morning for my mother who died on this day in 1981, as well as Fr. Ahern's mother who also died on this day. We will celebrate if you will, in Catholic fashion on this great feast day. My mother was born just outside Paris. Please keep them in your intentions.
Salve Maria
Chris G
Our Lord says: (October 1875) "France, listen to Me! You will have to suffer much during fourteen days of terrible fighting. During these fourteen days of fighting, the chastisement will come."
"Ah! if My people knew that they are on the eve of their great victory, they could not contain their joy. They would pray every day and, through these prayers, they would receive much consolation."
"France! during these days of fighting you will not give way to despair, you will not lose your courage."
"When the foreigner swoops down on you, he will be driven back and scattered by a prayer that will be revealed. He will charge like a demented lion, with great fury, and with all the weapons of his godlessness in order to break the people of France and immolate them."
"My invisible hand shall smite him."
"O France! if it had not been for My Mother, you would never have risen above your heinous crimes. If victory is given to you so rapidly, it is thanks to Mary, to her entreaties, to her tears."
"France! you will sustain a terrible battle for the King (Henry) who is to bring peace and harmony to your land. You will have fewer difficulties in your defence of the Church. Bear in mind, however, that the liberation of the Holy Father will cause terrible fighting too, but less terrible than for the King. France will need a powerful hand (to help her). The first day, Heaven itself shall wage war. The second day, it will be men."
(REMARKS: All this will take place after the resurrection of France. The last sentence confirms what has been said before: "Heaven shall wage war;" that is the Act of God, the Cosmic miracle; but men will complete the clean-up under the Great Monarch. The Communist forces, shaken by the Cosmic Miracle, will lose their dash
and, instead of crossing over to the left bank of the Rhine as planned, they will be confronted by French troops of the right bank of the Rhine, and will sustain a crushing defeat.
This great war and revolution will probably last four years, the last year of which will be a leap year. It seems that the Foreigner will come twice: first, during the civil war when he will be called in by the traitorous faction (i.e., the Communists). The second time, to fight the Prince who will become the Great Monarch. The last battle will last fourteen days. But "chastisement will come", the "invisible hand" of the Lord shall smite him. This corroborates what many other prophecies announce, and which I discussed in my book "Catholic Prophecy", (published in 1970): the great cosmic miracle will come during the first part of the 14 days: this will be the "chastisement", the "invisible hand", "Heaven itself waging war".
The second part will be that of the great Birch-Tree battle on the right bank of the Rhine river, in West Germany. The Communist forces, coming from three nations, will not be able to cross over to the left bank of the Rhine because it is at this very moment that the cosmic miracle will take place. After this, the Great Monarch will not wait for the Communist forces to recuperate from the shock; he will cross the Rhine himself with his own army which, although very small, will inflict the crushing defeat, as already mentioned.
The Communist forces will be completely routed and scattered, and few of their soldiers will see their homeland again. All these details can be gathered from the 300 or so prophecies which I have read, examined and studied over the last 30 years.
Their concordance is astounding, all the more so because they were made in many different countries, and at all times of the Church's history from the fourth century onwards, but especially in the 18th and 19th centuries. Mankind has been warned, but who listens to the prophets today?
These prophecies are excerpts from three French books:
1. "Le Ciel en Colloque avec Marie-Julie Jahenny" (Dec.1973) 2. "Marie-Julie Jahenny, la Stigmatisee de Blain" (Sep.1974) 3. "Les Propheties de La Fraudais" (November 1974) The author is Fr. P. Roberdel. The books are available from Editions Resiac, B.P.6, 53150
Raymond L.
Guys, as you know George Soros is absolutely horrible. Do us all a favor and help promote this White House petition on your channels so we can get to the 100k mark before February 20th! Your country needs you! Thanks and God Bless.
Rhonda M.
Cardinal Biffi: Trojan Horse of Truth!!! Woo!
On 2/10/17, Denise Lingvall <> wrote:
> "... of the Antichrist, basing his remarks on the works of Vladimir
> Soloviev, a Russian religious philosopher who has received praise from
> Pope Benedict prior to his elevation to the pontificate.
> Quoting Soloviev, the Cardinal said "the Antichrist ..."
> I have been reading Soloviev now, for a few years!
> I discovered him through brilliant Dr. William Von Peters
> ( having ordered the Real Rheims Bible along with two
> Soleviev books, Russia and the Universal Church and the one on
> Anti-christ! Amazing to view today's events through the prophetic
> lens of this poet, theologian and precious confidant of the Blessed
> Virgin Mary!
> Today I was reading about the "abomination of desolation" and Our
> Lady's pleas for us to pray the Rosary. And I read that Lucifer would
> attempt but never overtake the church. Seemed rather dire unTIL I read
> just tonight about how Cardinal Biffi at Benedict's request preached
> the Lenten Retreat along with Soleviev!
> Hope springs eternal!!!
> Thank you for reporting on this and all the rest!
> DeniseRN.OP
Hello, Eric!
You had said we could perhaps Skype sometime. What time would work best for you?
I am very anxious to move to a good Catholic community, as I completely believe in all the approved prophecies. I would love to speak to you about the times, where might be a good place, your ideas, etc. if you have any time. I know you must be incredibly busy, but I would greatly appreciate the personal contact. (I guess I am very old fashioned!)
Thank you so much for your web site. It is the only one I have come across that addresses ALL the topics I am interested in, and I believe are necessary to know about, for these times.
God bless you and your work!
In Corde Mariae,
Hi Eric,
I think it's time to step it up. Of course I love your site. I find the articles on old forgotten prayers and saints fascinating. What I have seen on your site is that people want to connect with other tradcats. We all are looking for a traditional mass, traditional priest, prayer groups, or even people of like mind. It sure can be lonely not having people of similar beliefs. Do you think it is possible to start a forum not only where we can share our holy Faith but also a place where people can form small groups? I mean small groups that can physically meet and pray together. We are all looking for each other. We just need the road. What do you think?
God Speed,
Jennifer C
I came across your website and The Order of the Eagle, I am intrigued by this Order and I have been checking out the discernment section, which brings me to some questions, but before the questions let me lay out some info first. It will help you understand my questions better.. I had joined the Militia Immaculatae, but I am a one man army, I already have long been enrolled and wearing my scapular for many years, saying the rosary daily, the Holy Face chaplet, the Little Crown, I have done the St. Louise D' Montfort consecration, renew my consecration to the Immaculate and Sacred Heart every morning and I try to draw people to Our Lady when I can with the Miraculous Medal and prayer cards that I give them. My question is I do not want to join something that I am by myself or have no contact/support. I am doing that now, if you see what I mean. I want it to meaningful, fraternal and traditional. So I need to know the extent of the organization in order to discern if I am just joining another organization that I am already doing through the Immaculatae. I have not listened to the pod casts yet and my answer maybe in there, if so ignore my long rant.
God Bless your service to God and Our Lady,
Scott G
It is better to live one day as a Lion than 100 years as a lamb!
Si vis pacem, para bellum!
Saint James the Muslim slayer
prayer for us!
Maggie here with I hope all is well at TradCatKnight!
As I was browsing your site, I noticed that your link to 5 Acres & a Dream- Blog (under Homesteading/Off-the-grid/Survivalist) isn't working. I know it can feel like a full time job to keep up with a site, so I thought I'd give you a heads up!
If you decide to fix the link, you might consider linking to our page, as well. If you haven't heard of us, we're an ammo retailer and we've been a resource for shooters and hunters for 20 years.
If you think we'd be a good fit, we'd be honored to be mentioned on your site, but no worries if not. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing back from you!
What herbs do you stock up on???, are they freeze dried, irradiated, organic, home grown and what when where why and how do you recommend???
Thanks, Dan
Kay I just found out about this from a lady at church. She has friends in
Brazil and there is a great deal of evil going on down there that the
mainstream media has not reported. follow the
I love your show. Mary has guided me to your show a couple of times during my pray and discernment of testing the spirit. With Medjugoria and my first hand experience with demon attacks. Your show was very informative. It's a long story but I'll try to brief it.
My son and I went to Alabama to the apparition field.
My son found a rosary like mine on the ground made of stones.
He put it on(red flag). Later we went to the bedroom where Mary was know to appear.
I prayed the rosary silently and towards the end my ears bursted with pain of a static sound for a second. We left and I told the lady what had happened. She said it has to do with my life. I was confused.
Went back home to Texas. Immediate evil was happening.
My daughter broke her phone. I broke baby Jesus statue from EWTN.
A couple of time my kids would come down stairs claiming I called there name.
My fiancé wanted to run static on the Tv all night to clean it.
Soon after the bed would shake.
I have been praying and discerning. What happened and what was going on.
I came across your show. The key phrase the spoke to my soul was when Padre Pio said " he couldn't see her feet."
I started to understand that the glory of God was supposed to show. I came across more stories of the saints when they were encountered by a spirit.
Conclusion is I threw away the rosary my son found and mine also. The back of the cross hat mir,mir,mir. It mean me,me,me. I would always wonder also why I became selfish when praying with it.
I said my deliverance prayers did the Fatima visit and bought the biggest statue of our lady.
My God, my God how I thank the lord for teaching me a lesson and bring me back to Peace. My house is unbelievable at peace. Even my teenage kids are treating me like a mom.
It's a blessing to have the Holy Spirit to teach us.
I'm a 4 year convert to the Catholic Faith and your show is a blessing. Thank you for being Gods instrument. God be with you. Amen
Thank you Eric for your apostolate and great effort. Again, you are one of the very few who cover the work of the TFP for whom I am an ardent supporter. Through Our Queen's help, I have been with them on some of there most epic campaigns throughout the country. I have enclosed a letter, some of it's contents have been taken by the TFP handout ( at their permission) which we distributed in D.C. during the March for Life. Please feel free to print it or use any part thereof. I am working on a plan to direct a Catholic apostolate to specific business leaders of good repute as I travel and this letter, or something like it will have attached a letter of introduction and battle plan. I hope to have all the pieces in place soon. Our Lady keep you and yours,
Leo Fitzsimmons
I heard you say we should not now start entering into the SPPX Churches, and I know you say to stay out of the New Mass. How about the Apostolate of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter?
I would like to know what your view is.
Thank you.
Paula A
Sarah is gonna freak!
Ro B.
I came across this article and it struck me with the possible “convenient with many” from revelations. What do you think?
Jennifer D.
Hi Eric, Thank you for what you do. I also reject the current apostate church. I go when I can, but at 53 years old, I long for a truly Holy pre Vatican 2 mass. I will pray for your success and I ask that you pray for me.I am an ex gay and I still have a real problem with prescription drug abuse to fall asleep at night. I also recently started masturbating again after being able to avoid it for months. I pray every day for the gift of being stronger in my walk with God. I had a real issue of Protestant vs Catholic. The protestants know their bible and always criticize Catholics. I was ready to leave my lifelong Catholic faith until I heard you for the first time recently. Now I know we are the true church which has gone horribly astray. The key is to try to find pre Vatican 2 church here in Old Lyme, CT. Anyway, sorry this was so long, but you did restore my faith in the Catholic Church. God bless you. I'll pray for you and I ask the same in return.
Norman Bilodeau
Dear Eric, What is the name of the person who is blessed that got prophecy regarding the warning or maybe some saint with the name beginning with an O. If you can send me the link regarding same. I would be very greatful.
Yours Sincerely,
Stephen R.
Here in Ireland. God bless you in all your efforts in spreading the Truth about these times and Our Blessed Lady Messages.
If Catholics are so divided, is everything you are doing for naught???...Don't get me wrong, I love listening to your dissertations, but hey, let's make a difference here!!.....Let's get some real actions out of your amazingly powerful words!....Maybe you could add that to your website.... sort of a bulletin board for like-minded people to get together to form communities in these last days...I would like to find some people here in the midwest that wanted to do a sustainable hobby farm community....I know you are busy, but if you did do a show on this topic and got some interest...I would be willing to help and do anything to make this a reality.
Blessings, Peggy
I recently listened to your interview with Jonathon Van Maren and since then I've had a nagging urge to contact you. I felt called to share my story with you because in it is something men simply fail to see, its something I had never heard myself until my world came crashing down 3 and a half years ago. Perhaps something you'd like to investigate to help save marriages seeing most people talk about the whores that are being victimized and the men, who freely choose this, describing them as prisoners. It is the mothers who say their rosary, take care of their children (homeschool) and sacrifice their entire life for one man in the name of Jesus Christ who are the true victims, the ones who choose the narrow gate. With the click of a mouse my husband sent evil to directly attack me. These are the spiritual ramifications of being handed over to evil without consent and without lifting a finger. My witness to this hell on earth is as follows, read if you wish.
When my husband started working from home 4 years ago it took about 6 months for things to start changing with me. I began to fall into depressions, I started to feel unable to move and would stand in my kitchen for hours at a time just staring out the window. This was very unusual for me, being a mother of 5 at 36 years old (now its 7) I'm always going, meeting my children's needs and running our household. Praying became like torture for me during this time and I pulled from many Saints who lived in spiritual dryness for inspiration and focused on the sacraments for help. I started distancing myself from my sisters who live close by and their children. I knew something was VERY wrong with me, even talked to my husband about it (haha) but no relief came. I was so weak, and filled with an uneasy fear. Nightmares became regular. At the same time my daughter who was 10 started having nightmares keeping her up on a regular basis. I would sprinkle holy water on her pillow at night which seemed to help. This went on for over a year and then I discovered what my husband had been viewing on our home PC after I went to bed at night (not by snooping or even feeling like I should have looked, all things come to light though). I'm the type of person that would usually say, "you want to be a weirdo, that's your problem" but I already wasn't myself for a year. I just shut down, falling into despair and profound anger, neither of which is like me at all. I wanted nothing more than to end our marriage (done by an independent priest in '05) and I dont believe in divorce unless there is grave injury. The long and the short of it is my husband opened the door to infidelity and perversion, letting in truly demonic forces through his computer. One priest said to me that my husband served up a spiritual jackpot to Satan. I wasnt even aware that I was being put on the diabolical spit when I was suffering for more than a year not knowing this was going on. As the spiritual head of a family, men are responsible for the rise and fall of many. My husband open our home to profound diabolical oppression, something that was so powerful only the enthronement of The Sacred Heart could relieve us of. This is something that is magnified when a husband lets it enter the home and far exceeds teen and wives viewing this material. Men don't know that they directly attack their wives and families, even if nobody knows they're do it, on a spiritual level. My oppression was so great and so very real. "Husbands, love your wives." Serving us up as a demonic snack isn't love. You get the point, food for thought.
I would send money but since these demonic forces were kick out of our home they are attacking us elsewhere and my husband lost his job suddenly last week. I will keep you in my prayers.
When I first came across yout site it was the article about the bad fruit of the vatican II . Can you republish or send me the link? Thank you for your work.
Alvinitia L.
Have the German Bishops forgotten that God and His Doctrines do not "Evolve" to suit mankind's whims, and are not subject to man-made "Change"?
God and His Doctrines are Immutable (Unchangeable).