
PREPPER: Emergency survival medicine and Planet X / Nibiru


Prescription antibiotics are not always the answer. Let’s look at a series of natural antibiotics that can be used for specific purposes–they have long storage lives and do not require a doctor visit.

First, let’s examine Black Elderberry. This herb grows on many continents, including North America, Europe and Western Asia. Laboratory tests in 2005 at a London research group included findings that Black Elderberry is 99% effective against the Avian Flu virus. In fact, during the flu epidemic in Panama in 1995, Elderberry juice was used to treat people with the flu.

Elderberry enhances the immune system by boosting cytokine production. These proteins are messengers within the immune system that regulate response. In fact, ingredients with Elderberries have more antioxidants than either vitamin C or E. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, Elderberry decreases swelling in mucous membranes and relieves nasal congestion.

In summary, Elderberry juice has very strong antiviral effects–the berries contain proteins that effectively prevent viruses from entering the cells. Years ago, I was staying at the house of someone with the flu and I felt symptoms attacking me. I went to the local CVS, bought Black Elderberry juice and within one day I felt fine, and as well I never came down with the flu.

Colloidal silver is well-known but not too widely tested. However, in 2011 the NIH took 100 children under 12 who were suffering from the common cold. One group was treated with a solution of colloidal silver and beta glucan, and the second group with a saline solution. 90% of the people in the colloidal silver group recovered quickly.

Colloidal silver is silver atoms that are suspended in distilled water. The particles of silver are small enough to move on a cellular level. They destroy pathogens, including but not limited to parasites, viruses and bacteria.

Silver also promotes rapid healing of tissue. In fact, most burn centers use a form of silver and silver-soaked bandaging for burn victims. You can buy colloidal silver at your local health food store.

Colloidal silver has also been used with high success to combat MRSA infections. These are staph infections that can be fatal; they are currently resistant to antibiotics. It’s usually incurred during a hospital stay or in athletic settings.

In the early 20th century, Western medicine used silver as its primary antibiotic. After the 1930s, antibiotics became the treatment of choice.

However, as more antibiotics were created, the microbes began evolving into resistant strains. In addition, the antibiotics caused major digestive problems. Antibiotics can actually lower immunity by destroying the good bacteria. In fact, some fluoroquinolone-based antibiotics have permanently crippled those who have taken them.

However, silver apparently acts by stifling the pathogen’s enzymes that are necessary for survival; therefore, pathogens cannot develop a resistance to silver.

Non-paradigm thinking has to accompany our preparations for the arrival of Planet X. We are one minute to midnight.

23 Prepper Items To Look For at the Goodwill Store

Stockpiling food, water, and supplies to sustain you and your family for a long time can get very expensive. For some, it just isn’t feasible to spend hundreds of dollars or more every week buying supplies that won’t be used right away. Don’t be embarrassed. Most people can’t afford to do that. The trick is to buy used supplies so you can put the money you save toward your food purchases.

Shopping at thrift stores like the Goodwill store is a great way to save money. It’s extremely satisfying to score a good deal on something you really need. You’ll find yourself bragging about how cheap something was rather than how expensive it was.
The following list includes things you will want to keep your eye out for the next time you go thrifting. Most thrift stores will have sales on either certain color stickers or a certain area of the store on a given day. Grab a flier, get a punch card, and start looking for the following items:

1. Wool blankets – Wool blankets are the best for cold or wet weather. They can be expensive, though. Fortunately, some people don’t really like the feel of wool blankets and will give them away. This is your chance to get a great deal on one.
2. Tools – You will always find a variety of tools at thrift stores. Have backups for your backups. Things like hammers, wrenches, and screwdrivers are all worth adding to your stockpile.
3. Kitchen Items – Things like can openers, meat grinders, and manual blenders should be added to your cart.

4. Camping Equipment – This stuff is easy to find, and it’s great in survival situations. Everything from tents to campstoves can be picked up for a fraction of the cost.
5. Cast Iron Pots and Pans – You know you need these to cook over an open fire, but they are ridiculously expensive brand new. Buy them used.

6. Survival Gear – No joke. You can often find things like waterproof matches, Mylar blankets and multi-tools at thrift stores.
7. Winter Clothes – Things like coats, hats, and boots can be bought for very little money, especially in the off season. Stock up on varying sizes. Even adults can change sizes overtime.
8. Candles – Candles of all kinds, even the little stubs, should be picked up. You can always melt them down to make one large emergency candle. You can typically buy bags of them for just a couple of dollars.

9. Crayons – These are also a great find, even the broken ones. You can melt those down as well to make your own candles.
10. Hunting Gear – Camouflage clothing, hunting boots, and a variety of other gear like game bags and whatnot can typically be found in thrift stores, especially after hunting season is over.
11. Books and Games – Books and board games for less than a dollar are a real steal. They may not seem very valuable in today’s world with tablets and e-readers, but after a collapse they will be a very big deal.

12. First Aid Supplies – This may sound crazy, but you can score unopened packages of gauze, bandages, and elastic bandages. Don’t forget to grab a set of crutches, a sling or two, and any braces you can find as well.
13. Backpacks – Another item that is way cheaper used. Have several that you can use for keeping gear in your car or at work. You will want a nice, sturdy pack for your main bug out bag, but you may be able to score one of those at the thrift store, too.
14. Canning Equipment – Canning jars and equipment for canning are plentiful at the thrift stores. Stock up on them when they are out of season.

15. Garden Tools – Shovels, rakes, and hoes are very useful. Prepare to do a lot of gardening and growing your own food if there’s a long-term disaster.
16. Rags – Bags of these are usually sold for only a couple dollars. These rags can be used for cleaning up or as family cloths.
17. Rain Gear – Boots, ponchos, slickers, and umbrellas will come in handy when you have to work outside. You can’t always stay inside when it is raining. You need to be able to stay dry while you are getting your chores done.

18. Fencing Items – Rolls of barbed wire, rolls of chicken wire, and even posts could also come in handy. Check the backrooms and outside of the store as well. Oftentimes these things are not put out on the floor.
19. Homeschooling Supplies – Text books, workbooks, and other things you can use to homeschool the kids. You are going to be their teachers and having these things will make your life a little easier.

20. Sewing Supplies – Needles, thread, and fabric will be very valuable when you can’t go clothes shopping. You will need to repair your own clothing or even make your own.
21. Precious Metals – Odd pieces of silver and gold jewelry can be used to barter with. Stock up on the singles and broken pieces for very little money, but make sure it is the real deal.
22. Buckets – These are often pushed to the back, but if you can find them, get them. Buckets can be used to carry water, store supplies, and of course, as a toilet. Buckets with lids are even better.

23. Gas Cans – These are really good to have. Storing gas is a prepper dream and if you can save a few bucks on the cans, you will be able to afford more gas.
The trick to getting great deals at the Goodwill is to check often. Know the store and when they put things out so you can be the first to find the best deals.
You’ll have to be willing dig through a lot of junk before you find what you want. Things are often scattered about as well. For example, you may find a rain poncho, brand new in a package sitting in the kitchenware section, so search everywhere. Goodwill isn’t the kind of place where you can run in, do a quick check, and leave. You have to browse. With any luck, you’ll save hundreds of dollars on life-saving supplies.

4 Forgotten Meat-Preservation Methods Of The 1800s

The struggle to keep and store enough food is not a new problem, and as far back as 12,000 B.C., there is evidence of food preservation. The greatest tools to the ancients would have been sun and wind. Of course, we also can look to the Native Americans to learn how food was preserved. They smoked and salted meat to make it last longer.
Or we can look to the classically trained chefs of the 1800s. Their stories may not be as exciting or as fraught with peril as the American pioneers, but under certain kings they could be one bad meal away from the gallows!
1. Fat cap
Fat has an astounding ability to preserve. This is especially true when it rises to the top and seals in food. When fat cools and seals food in, it also keeps oxygen out. Without that precious oxygen, it takes much longer for the food to spoil. That is because bacteria need oxygen to proliferate.
One of the best ways to take advantage of this fat or fat cap is to create a stock or broth. Bone broth has become very popular and would work here, as well. As you simmer the bones in your stock or broth, try not to skim off the fat. (Although you do need to skim off the foam and impurities.)
As this mixture cools, you will see the fat cap begin to rise, form and solidify. Store this somewhere cool. A refrigerator is ideal for the modern homesteader, but a cool basement will work, as well, particularly in colder temperatures. In the fridge, you will get up to a month if you leave the fat cap undisturbed; you could get up to two weeks in a nice cool area.
2. Salt cure and hang
This is a combination of techniques and is one of my very favorite preparations. The best method comes from the world-famous chef, Jacques Pepin.
Traditionally it is to be used on the pork picnic or hind quarters. You will first have to salt this piece of meat for 30 days. Place it in a large container or odorless trash bag. Cover it completely with salt and leave it in a cool place for a month.
“The Big Book Of Off The Grid Secrets” — Every Homesteader Needs One!
After the month is up, wipe off the salt, but do not rinse it because we are in the business of dehydration with this preparation; rub it with some whiskey or bourbon. In France, they would tell us to use cognac but we are in America so I use what we make here.
Next, wrap this beauty in some cheesecloth or a breathable chef’s coat.
The timing is critical, as it will take six months to hang and dry. You must be aware of your climate and the time of the year. To do this right, you need a nice cool, dry environment that will stay that way for most of the six months. On the East Coast, that means hanging your pork around September or October and pulling it down in March or April.
After about three months, unwrap your meat and give it a look. Make sure it hasn’t fallen prey to bugs or something bigger! Also, there may be some mold growing on this meat and you will need to trim that off, as well. Rewrap and hang for the remainder of time.
Once you have reached the six-month mark, drop your meat and bring it inside. Touch the meat; is it springy in the center or solid? Cut it in half and look it over. If it’s not completely dry, it will still be gummy in the middle. Wrap it again and hang it for another month. If it’s dry, shave off any mold and unsightly pieces.
Eat it raw or use it to flavor soups, pastas and stews.
In today’s world, this might sound like a lot of work for something you cannot eat for six months, but if you killed an animal in September and you could have access to the meat six months later, that would be a huge benefit to the people who are storing food.
I have used this on the following cuts of meat as well:

Beef shoulder — same prep as pork

Deer hind quarter — same prep as pork

Duck breast — salt one week; hang 1 month

Goose breast — salt two weeks; hang 2 months.

3. Rillette
The rillette is a preparation that also takes advantage of the powerful preserving qualities of fat. This preparation is traditionally used for rabbit and is one of my favorite ways to enjoy a good hare.


The meat of a rabbit should be roasted slow and low in an oven until it gets tender. It is then minced or processed in a food processor with a mix of herbs. (Chefs of the 1800s, of course, would have used cleavers.) For this flavor, use lavender, thyme and oregano. Chill the meat at this point.
Add fat to this mixture, as that is what makes it a rillette. Traditionally duck fat is used for this and you want the mix to be pretty creamy. In other words, add chilled fat slowly into your food processor until you achieve a good balance. Season it if you wish with salt and pepper.
Divide your rillette into smaller containers and top each with some warmed duck fat that will harden like the fat cap we mentioned earlier.
I am not positive on shelf life of the rillette because they get eaten fast. I bet if you had tops to cover them and buried this in the ground during winter, they would last at least a month.
4. Confit
I have saved my very favorite chef prep method for last. To “confit” is to cook on extremely low heat, submerged in fat. It is basically deep fat baking instead of frying. The results are totally different from that of deep fat frying, though. Meat is transformed into something incredible at these low temps.
We will focus on duck legs, as that is the classic meat used. Salt the duck legs for 24 hours and cover them with a little fresh thyme. After 24 hours, rinse and place the legs in a nice deep baking dish. Next, cover with duck fat and bake at about 200 degrees for six hours.
The legs become juicy, tender and incredibly succulent. They are also covered in fat. I am sure you know where this is going. Once cooled, the fat will harden and prevent spoilage. Shelf life: one month.

If you’ve stopped prepping, it could be the biggest mistake of your life

In a wildly viral article from TheEconomicCollapseBlog.com, Michael Snyder reveals that prepping has collapsed among Trump supporters since the day of the election. “[I]nterest in prepping is probably the lowest that it has ever been in the history of the modern prepper movement.  A couple of weeks ago, I wrote an article about how it was like ‘a nuclear bomb went off in the prepping community’, and nothing has changed since that time,” Snyder wrote.
Liberals and leftists, meanwhile, are suddenly stocking up like mad on food, guns and ammo. In an article titled, “Now it’s the liberals who are arming up,” McClatchyDC.com reports, “Gun shop owner Michael Cargill told NBC News gun classes at his Austin, Texas store are selling out. He’s noticed an increase in LGBTQ, African-American, Hispanic and Muslim customers. Store owners told NBC they’ve seen up to four times as many minority customers than is typical.”
Liberals, it seems, are scared about the possible rise in “hate crimes” under a Trump presidency. What they don’t realize, of course, is that nearly all the hate crimes are hate hoaxes committed by leftists. But that doesn’t stop them from buying guns, which is probably a smart thing to do no matter what the fear behind it.

Preppers are being lulled into complacency by the final blow off of a wildly overvalued stock market
My warning for all preppers — no matter what your political affiliation — is that if you’ve been lulled into a sense of complacency by the rising stock market and the Trump election victory, you could be making the biggest mistake of your life. Here’s why:
The Federal Reserve has already set the debt collapse apocalypse into motion by raising interest rates. The dominoes that will fall have already begun to tumble. The Fed promises two more interest rate hikes (at least) next year, giving the absurd excuse that the “Obama economy is overheating” from all its economic abundance and must therefore be slowed down using interest rate hikes.
This is all being done to create a false narrative that Obama is handing Trump a “robust economy.” Next, rising interest rates are coupled with a halting of quantitative easing and the acceleration of debt instrument failures in Europe. The result is that at some moment in President Trump’s first term, the global debt collapse is unleashed, unraveling the decades of debt creation and mindless bank deregulation we all witnessed under Clinton, Bush and Obama.
When that nightmare lands in Trump’s lap, the most likely outcome in the streets of America will be mass riots and social chaos at a level America has never before witnessed. Remember: This is all being set into motion to blame Trump and discredit the Republican party. I’ve released a mini-documentary explaining all this. You can read the full transcript at this link. Watch the video here:

What the mass riots are going to really look like
It’s difficult to give you the full picture of what these riots will really look like, but I can start by explaining that the food stamps will almost certainly stop working for an extended period of time. You can probably imagine what that will mean in America’s inner cities. No free food from the government? Burn it down! (That’s what the food stamp recipients will be shouting as the also chant, “Kill the pigs!”)
But let me back up for a second and share something that will help you understand the “financial freeze” that will immediately follow the global debt collapse. There’s an outstanding book by Jim Rickards called The Road to Ruin: The Global Elites’ Secret Plan for the Next Financial Crisis. I strongly recommend you read or listen to this book (it’s available on Audible.com, too).

RELATED : Underground Food Storage: Root Cellars and Food Caches

As Rickards explains, the government’s solution to the next big banking crisis will be to “freeze” institutions and transactions, much like the “Ice-Nine” molecule in Kurt Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle fiction novel. As described in the book, Ice-Nine was a special kind of water molecule that was frozen solid at room temperature (its melting point was higher than room temperature). More importantly, Ice-Nine would convert all other water molecules it touched into Ice-Nine molecules. Thus, it could spread like a molecular pandemic, freezing ponds, streams, rivers and eventually, entire oceans.
The coming debt collapse will function much like Ice-Nine, Rickards explains. Because of the global interconnectedness of central banks, investment funds and retail banks, once the next large collapse strikes a single institution, it will spread to all the other connected institutions, “freezing” their transactions and assets in the same way that Ice-Nine would freeze rivers and lakes.
The newly frozen institutions will, in turn, spread the “financial freeze” to all the other institutions to which it is connected. Because no bank operates in isolation these days — everything is connected — the Ice-Nine financial freeze will quickly spread through the entire financial system, locking up the western world’s financial infrastructure on which everything in our society depends (including food stamps).

When ATMs stop working and food stamps collapse, the ignorant, unprepared, left-wing masses go berserk
This means no one will be able to get cash out of their ATMs. Food stamps won’t work. Credit card transactions will be halted at retail. Businesses won’t be able to write checks, wire money or deposit funds. Essentially, just imagine the worst case scenario in the world of banking and finance… that’s what’s coming.
The effects on the streets shouldn’t be difficult to visualize. As the following chart from Visual Capitalist shows, nearly 52% of Millennials have less than $1,000 in savings. This number is even worse among females, where nearly 57% have less than $1,000 in savings.


Across the nation, the numbers are similarly alarming. A 2013 article from CNN.com reported that “Roughly three-quarters of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck, with little to no emergency savings, according to a survey released by Bankrate.com Monday.”
The article explains that 22% of Americans don’t even have enough cash to cover a $100 emergency expense, and 46% can’t cover an $800 expense.
Consider how this plays out when the Ice-Nine freeze kicks in across America’s financial institutions. Bluntly stated, approximately half the population will face starvation in just one week due to an inability to purchase food.
That’s when nearly every major U.S. city begins to burn. President Trump will have no choice but to declare martial law and roll out troops on the streets. The starving masses — mostly leftists who failed to prepare — will loot, steal, rob and murder anyone in sight if it gives them something to eat.
It is during this time that you will thank yourself for having some storable food on hand (like my certified organic survival food buckets). You’ll be thrilled that you picked up that extra Glock or POF-USA rifle. You’ll wish you had spent twice as much money on ammo, gold and silver (instead of the Starbucks, porn and lotto tickets you blew it on).

Don’t forget about the mindless zombies who demand your stuff, citing “equality”
As you ponder all this, don’t forget about the mindless liberal “zombies” who will wander out of the cities in a desperate effort to loot the suburbs and countryside for food and medicine supplies. I know, it’s insulting to call them “zombies.” But it’s actually not a bad description for a humanoid organism of low intelligence that’s incapable of planning. Those are the ones will will be the greatest threat to you and your safety (their total lack of preparedness turns into YOUR emergency when they show up at your door demanding you “share” your stuff).
The communist-leaning philosophy of the political left is also extremely dangerous during times of social chaos. Because they’ve been taught that “inequality” is an evil thing, they truly believe that your stuff belongs in their hands so that everybody is “equal.” Of course, they didn’t spend equal time or money to prepare, did they? So what they’re really doing is justifying their theft by calling it “equality.” (And that’s communism in a nutshell, come to think of it.)
If you live in a rural area, you may want to double check the range, in yards, to your front gate, and match it to your DOPE charts. If you don’t know why that’s important, you might not be qualified to live in the country during a zombie apocalypse. Make sure you have a PVS-14 at the ready, since the zombies come out at night, as Michael Jackson showed us in Thriller.

How To Grow Potatoes Indoors, Using Straw

Did you know that you can grow potatoes in a container with just a little bit of soil and a whole bunch of straw? You bet you can. Using straw has a couple of huge benefits: the container remains light and easy to move around, and it’s easy to harvest early potatoes without disturbing the plant and the rest of the tubers.
Preparing The Seed Potatoes
One of the most important steps is choosing the correct variety of seed potatoes. Late-season cultivars work best because they will continue to set tubers as the plants grow taller, unlike early-season potatoes, which set tubers only once. There are a lot of fantastic late-maturing varieties to choose from. Kennebec and German Butterball are popular late-season varieties, but you also can switch it up and try cultivars like Russian Blue or All Blue (which have blue flesh) or the Purple Peruvian, which is a purple-fleshed fingerling variety. Whichever kind you choose, it’s best to use seed potatoes. If you saved potatoes from last year’s crop for seed, you’re ahead of the game. If you don’t have your own seed, buy them from a reputable seed company to ensure that your own potato crop is disease-free. It’s not recommended to plant store-bought table potatoes.
Looking For Potato Seeds? Get Them From A Company You Can Trust!
When planting a potato, the most important part is the eye — the indentation on the surface of the potato skin where sprouts pop up. Larger potatoes have a number of eyes. While you can plant a whole potato of any size, it’s more cost-effective and productive to cut larger ones up, leaving one to two eyes on each piece. It’s possible to start potato plants from potato peels that have eyes, but for best results keep each cut piece to roughly the size of an ice cube or small egg.
If you plant freshly cut potatoes, they may rot. It’s best to let the cut parts “scab over” before planting. Just spread the cut pieces out and allow them to sit for a day or two. The flesh of the potato should dry up a bit. If they turn black or start to mold, you should cut up new seed pieces.
Preparing The Container For Planting
Tall containers work best for this project. Use things like tall tote boxes, garbage cans, bushel baskets, and five-gallon pails. Extremely soft bags probably won’t work since the straw won’t support the sides very well, but sturdy grow bags should do just fine.
Start with about an inch of small gravel at the bottom of the container. Cover that with about four inches of container soil that has been amended with a little bit of compost. Water the soil and let it drain before planting. It should be moist but not soaking wet.

Image source: Pixabay.com

Once you’re ready to plant, place your seed pieces on the soil, with the eye/sprout facing upwards. Aim for about eight inches between each seed piece. The seed pieces only need to be covered with about a half inch of soil. Once the soil is in place, cover it with about six inches of weed-free straw. Do not pack the straw in. Keep it loose.
The Growing Stage
While you wait for your potato plants to grow tall enough to poke out of the straw, keep the sunlight and moisture levels regulated. The container is nice and light, and easy to move around so that it gets as much sun as possible. The straw acts as mulch and keeps your soil from drying out. It’s important to not overwater potato plants or they will rot. Just stick your hand in through the straw to see how dry the soil is, and water right through the straw as needed.
It should take about three weeks for your potato plants to start showing. Once they start peeking through, add about another four inches of straw. This encourages the plants to keep growing taller, and as they grow taller, they will set out more tubers. Once the plants poke through this second layer, you can add another four to six inches of straw.
You can start checking for new or baby potatoes about eight weeks after planting. Potatoes are super-easy to locate and harvest when you grow them this way. Just stick your hand into the loose straw and gently feel around for potatoes that are large enough to pull out. If you are helping yourself to potatoes as the plant keeps producing, there probably won’t be a lot left when the plant dies back. But once the plant starts turning yellow and withering, it’s time to finish the harvest.
Potatoes are not fussy plants. They are generally easy to grow and it’s fun to try the different varieties. Growing them in a container with straw makes it easy to enjoy fresh homegrown food in the depths of winter. Wouldn’t fresh baby potatoes, steamed, and served with butter and dill, hit the spot right about now? I think so!

Tim Spencer "Pray For The Best Prepare For The Worst"  

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