Warning Something Big Is About to Happen in America the Martial Law Is Coming
MARTIAL LAW Is Coming – 100% Chance It Will Happen
The list of items below is my conviction of what the administration wants to achieve once martial law is announced. This list is substantial and to achieve all of it, will require exquisite timing and the use of extreme force. Of course, all of the items listed below won’t immediately happen when martial law arrives, but this represents the ultimate “wish list” of the globalist New World Order politicians (including the President) as well as the super rich elitist bankers who are pulling the strings of power behind the curtain.
Because this agenda represents such an extreme transformation of America, you know that they will try to keep what they’re doing a secret from the masses—until they reach critical mass and rebellion becomes fruitless. Martial law in America, once begun, will never end (unless the government is overthrown) because the goal is to radically change everything.
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1. Controlling the Population. The first purpose of martial law is to place the entire population under strict control. If we can be cowed into obeying and don’t rebel, they will rapidly continue with their more extreme measures.
A. All critical resources will be confiscated and/or controlled. Taking full control over the distribution of the food supply, water, gasoline and electricity will force most people to comply. Dependence upon the government will be encouraged. Being self reliant by hoarding or growing food will be illegal, subject to confiscation. Fresh water will be drugged (even more than it is now) and it will also be tightely rationed.
B. A national ID (or surgically implanted bio-metric ID chip) will likely be mandatory. By tracking the population, it will become more difficult to rebel or escape.
C. All forms of money will be tightly regulated and controlled. Bank accounts and retirement funds will be stolen. Gold will be confiscated (even as it was under President Franklin Roosevelt). Bartering will become illegal. Only state approved and recorded financial transactions will be allowed. Anything done under the table will be harshly punishable with strict penalties.
D. Propaganda will be continually fed to the population about the reason for the national control. The government will attempt to present itself as the country’s savior from whatever manufactured crisis they have authored. Believe almost nothing that they tell you. Virtually everything they say will be a calculated lie designed to keep you hoping and subservient until resistance is no longer possible.
2. Ruthless Elimination of Resisters. The government’s approval ratings are already at rock bottom. So a ruthless takeover will either polarize resistance further or force people to keep their mouths closed in the mistaken belief that things will get better. They will NOT get better.
A. Radical control over all communication. Radio, television, the Internet and the press will all come under intense censorship or will be shut down altogether. Only government-friendly propaganda media will be allowed. Cellphones will be regulated and cut off if used against the state. An uninformed public that cannot effectively communicate will have great difficulty mounting a revolt.
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B. Control over all transportation. Every form of transportation will be taken over by and controlled by the state. Cars will be impounded if rebellion is suspected. Freedom of movement will be dramatically curtailed.
C. Roving TSA and FEMA checkpoints. Everyone will be subject to random roving checkpoints for search and seizure. There will be no citizen rights to be violated. Unlimited detention is the threat that will keep most people compliant.
D. Establishment of a curfew. Restricting times and places of movement will make resistance and escape much more difficult and control much easier for the government.
E. Harsh penalties will be enacted on the spot. Local officials will be authorized to inflict punitive judgments, arrests and even summary executions without charges or evidence based upon the slightest suspicion.
F. Terrorist events will be set off to induce fear. The government will try to make themselves look like our savior as they supposedly stop these horrific false flag events that they themselves have created. Fear through drones overhead, neighborhood spies, electronic surveillance, and the presence of military police everywhere will make the world unnerving for citizens who haven’t seen all of this coming.
3. Disarming the Population. This is probably the biggest hurdle they face in subduing the US population. Because there are more guns in America than people, any attempt to disarm the population will likely result in tremendous bloodbath and maybe even a civil war.
A. Systematic confiscation of all weapons. This is likely to be rolled out slowly in different areas with swat team raids targeting registered gun owners who haven’t turned them in.
B. Gun owners, even those who turn them in, will likely be relocated.The government will no doubt see all gun owners as potential resisters even if they turn in their weapons. So its likely they will be targeted quickly.
4. Relocation of the population. This will probably happen slowly due to the considerable logistics issues involved. But all of this is part of Agenda 21 and it is a common method that Communist despots have used many times in the past 100 years. Uprooted peoples cannot rebel as effectively.
A. Citizens relocated to larger cities where they can be controlled and put to work. This is all part of Agenda 21 so this is all on record. Those in the country and the suburbs will be removed to the city in stages (maybe first going through detention camps to weed out the problem people).
B. Citizens relocated to forced labor camps. Those who are considered “dead weight” will be taken to FEMA work camps. These will probably include welfare recipients, healthy senior citizens (especially social security recipients) and anyone who has any labor left that they can benefit the state.
C. Citizens relocated to re-education camps. UN Agenda 21 can’t be fulfilled without a dramatic reduction in the US population. Therefore, it seems that few will actually be re-educated. With so many freedom loving people in the US, it will probably be far easier for them to just send everyone with negative traits to the death camps.
D. The death camps. Resisters, those unable or unwilling to work, the sick, the diseased, the inferior races, anyone who isn’t worth redeeming to the political views of those in power will be easier dealt with dead than alive. All that is necessary to reach a death camp is to arouse suspicion of your disloyalty. There will be no trials. Countless millions are likely to receive this one-way trip. Of course, to avoid riots, the true nature of these camps will be kept secret until the last possible moment.
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5. Private property will be confiscated. Most of the land in the US has already been designated for “no people zones.” These maps have already been drawn up at the United Nations for this purpose. Their goal is to have a much smaller population in the US.
A. Property of any kind will belong to the state (except for the elitist rich rulers). No independence will be allowed; people will need to be completely dependent upon the government.
B. There will be no need to own housing. Housing will be at the government’s discretion. Private ownership will simply be terminated.
C. The globalist rich classes (sitting in governmental or corporate offices) will own property and houses. They alone will have freedom of choice and of movement. They will be endlessly entertained (think: The Hunger Games).
D. Independent businesses will be fazed out. Almost all businesses will be nationalized or run by giant multi-national corporations. Almost all food will be created in large efficient factories (similar to what it is now) using genetically modified crops, hormone injected animals, all filled with slow acting poisons and behavior controlling drugs. This type of food production takes less space and is much more efficient, but is deadly to consumers.
E. Crowded multi family dwelling structures in the central cities will house the majority of workers. In small spaces, tightly monitored, they will be much easier to work and control.
6. All lifestyles will be dramatically altered. Transportation, communication and choices will all be greatly reduced. All workers will be vaccinated, fed GMOs, and drugged into compliance without any choices. Life expectancy will be low.
7. Society will have no freedom. The Bill of Rights will become a foggy memory.
8. Children will become the property of the state. Taken at a young age, they will be raised and indoctrinated in state school factories. They will be groomed for different stations depending upon the eugenics standards set by the state.
The Signs Martial Law is Coming
Now I’m sure that some reading this may be thinking: “He’s guessing. How can we know that martial law will involve all of this and that it is coming to America anytime soon?”
I would love to be wrong with what this article predicts. But some future events seem pretty obvious when you assemble all the supporting evidence. Viewed together, the odds that this will happen—and soon—become overwhelming. Here are some of the major pieces of evidence I’ve found which convinces me that this is coming soon:
First of all, check out the UN Agenda 21 so that you can better understand where this martial law agenda comes from and how it isn’t going away anytime soon.
Arms build up within the government. I’ve read and seen article after article on this and the buildup of arms within the US government has definitely accelerated at breakneck speed. You have to ask yourself why all of these governmental agencies are arming themselves. What are they afraid of or planning to do with those armaments?
The DHS has purchased 2.2 billion rounds of ammo, acquired 2700 armored personnel carriers, has 100,000+ armed enforcement agents and has acquired thousands of military vehicles. Almost every department of the government from the US Postal Service to the Social Security Admin to the national weather service, all have purchased weapons, immense amounts of ammo and they all have their own swat teams. Why do they need this unless they expect to have a war on their hands?
2. Indefinite detention is now legal. The National Defense Authorization Act was passed by Congress allowing the arrest and imprisonment of an American citizen on US soil without habeas corpus. And we can now be held indefinitely without due process. This one act is usually the first thing that’s taken away with martial law—and it’s already gone.
3. Americans can now be murdered “legally” by this President.Drones have been used on the President’s approval to kill Americans that were not convicted of a crime or act of terrorism, and who were not even involved in such an act. These killings include a 14-year-old American youth who was merely riding in a car. The memo that was used to justify these murders overseas has come out and it is blatantly unconstitutional.
4. The DHS mission has now changed to one of domestic terrorism. The Department of Homeland Security recently sponsored a study which proclaims their mission is no longer foreign inspired terrorism. They’re now focusing on domestic terrorism by Americans against the US. In other words, they are now targeting law abiding Americans who are worried about their own government. The government views those of us who feel this way as the “new terrorists” to be dealt with.
The government also sees armed forces veterans as potential resisters as 90 percent of the armed services are not in alignment with the agenda of our socialized government. So the armed forces and the vets must be neutralized.
5. Local police forces are being federalized (in violation of the 10th Amendment). All sorts of used military equipment is now being transferred to these city departments. Through this process the DHS will end up acquiring a national police force to enhance its already considerable national manpower to enforce martial law.
6. Police forces are now engaging in consistent swat attacks for minor offenses.Last year alone it is estimated that 80,000 unannounced swat team invasions of homes occurred in the US. These involved breaking down doors, concussion grenades and the deaths of many pets and innocent occupants including many children who have also been injured or seriously traumatized.
7. Limited-edition martial law lockdowns are happening throughout the US on a regular basis. The lockdown declared in Watertown area after the Boston bombing was a sort of “beta test” of the martial law process. During this attack innocent occupants of homes were forced onto the street with no opportunity to grab clothes, flashlights, cellphones or turn anything off inside their houses. They were forcefully made to place their hands behind their heads as they were crowded together.
Simulated “terrorist war games” are now being held in many big cities as local police, DHS, and National Guard units all swarm in with helicopters and overwhelming firepower designed to make average citizens yield in fear the state.
8. The President is already acting like a dictator. He now routinely disobeys and refuses to enforce laws he doesn’t like. He rewrites laws on his own that have been passed by Congress. He instructs the government to increase hardship on the American people for political reasons. He uses the IRS and other agencies to target and punish his enemies. He flaunts and simply ignores all the investigations into his law breaking.
He has opened the borders telling our agents to stand down. Thousands upon thousands of illegal aliens (especially children) have been wooed in the Central American by the CIA, and escorted to our borders by paid guides (paid by the CIA) who have been told they won’t be asked to leave if they can get here. Aliens who have all sorts of diseases which is creating a humanitarian crisis. He has also invited the UN in to deal with this crisis (which is another act of giving away our sovereignty.
And of course he has now written his own laws saying that these illegals have more rights than US citizens. They can get driver’s licenses, travel freely within the country, get society security cards and aid if they have no money. He’s also rewriting US foreign policy towards countries like Cuba and Iran with virtually no oversight allowed of Congress. Even though his policies were soundly defeated in the most recent election, he continues to rule on his own agenda no matter what anyone says or thinks.
9. Many martial law orders are already in place. This is an extremely compelling argument that we are on the edge of this declaration. It has already been planned and it will be totally “legal” when it happens. Multitudes of redundant executive actions can quickly be enforced and they will thoroughly lock down the country and put virtually everything under the President’s control. And I mean everything.
People are born with the innate desire to survive, but sadly, many in our increasingly dependent society look to others for relief and assistance following a disaster. The fact is that help from government, family, or neighbors is often unavailable when needed most, and in the end you may have only yourself to count on. Do you know what to do and how to do it if disaster strikes?
9 Rules to Survive Martial Law! – Detailed Guide!
Survive Martial Law!
I came across this article during the Veteran March on DC on October 13th. The grammar was pretty bad, so I did my best to clean it up. The guide in LONG, so it took me a while to get it in this good a shape. Whoever wrote it may not have been the best writer, but he or she certainly knows how to be prepared. if you find grammatical errors, I will probably spot them and have them fixed soon. I did as many as I could as fast as I could for the purposes of getting the article published ASAP.
This article will start off assuming that the Reader is already subject to MARTIAL LAW; that is, the “suspension” of the Constitution. Curfews, rationing of basic goods, enforced relocation, confiscation of firearms and supplies, and summary arrest/execution by soldiers, paramilitary police and other jack booted types wielding assault rifles. Basic survival tips will be followed with some detailed ideas on how this country should be run once we take over. IF you’re reading this before MARTIAL LAW is imposed by the current corrupt government, and IF you are reading this while you still nominally under Constitutional Law, it’s urgent you read from the beginning to end so as to appreciate the opportunities you currently have to not only protect yourself and yours, but to attempt to stop all of this from ever happening.
Government and it’s components of career politicians, bureaucratic vermin, and their agents of enforcement, the SS ninja wannabes, have survived on illusion and lies, and for a lot longer than you’d think. It’s the very nature of the job; being part of an empire wrapped in the cloak of American political traditions of Freedom, that corrupts. All that power, attracting the most venal along with the most patriotic to defend America. All that license under ever mutable law written by money whores to lie, steal, embezzle, blackmail, extort, poison, torture, enslave, murder. Is it any wonder then that such human scum would get together and work “the system” to set themselves up as kings, dispensing with the pretty coverings of Constitutional limitations that trip their crimes like a prom dress?
Do NOT tell anyone anything that could get you in trouble. Assume anything can get you in trouble, because it probably will. Especially with any government official, but anyone looking to gaining a favor with the state can and will snitch on you. The rat who would sell you out for his thirty pieces could be: *A small businessman looking for a in with the state so he can make money a little easier. *A former friend who’s looking to get some revenge. *Someone desperate for even some food. Times are tough and will get tougher. Again, KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!
Review the remaining rules of surviving MARTIAL LAW with Rule #2 ALWAYS in mind. Because some rat on two legs you say the wrong thing to, WILL snitch to the “authorities” in exchange for favors or even brownie points, and then you get to find out how ironclad Rule #1 is.
Unless you are waging a war of liberation-gathering intelligence or spreading disinformation or infiltrating-have no relation with nor voluntary contact with any soldier, police officer, bureaucrat, or anyone in authority in private life cooperating with MARTIAL LAW. Review Rule #1: Assume they’re all liars, con artists, hustlers, thieves, and sellouts. The same goes to any fellow travelers in big business; they and government have been in the same bed for centuries. Stay away from them as much as possible. Tell them lies. Don’t do any business with them. Unless they’re sticking a gun in your face don’t even acknowledge that they exist. Shun them, their family and any sycophants that fawn over them for a few favors.
Word of the day: Prepare! And do it the old fashion way, like our fore-fathers did it and succeed long before us, because what lies ahead of us will require all the help we can get. Watch this video and learn the 3 skills that ensured our ancestors survival in hard times of famine and war.
If you’re prohibited from having an item that helps you survive, get the item; review Rule #2 AND KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. If you’re prohibited from having extra food, medicine, guns (no brainer) then you will CACHE your prohibited items in a place where they won’t easily be found.
Use your imagination. One idea is to store “whatever” in seal tight waterproof containers in remote wooded areas, known ONLY TO YOU! Firearms are metallic; they can be detected by metal detectors unless you store them deep underground or in a place they won’t think of looking right away, like sealed in wider metallic tubes, away from your property. And if you by chance acquire or keep firearms knowing HOW TO USE THEM (sight alignment, trigger squeeze) and RELOADING AMMUNITION will be mandatory.
On semiautomatic pistols if the slide-that moving part on top-is locked back there’s a small lever on the left side of the gun. Push on it and it will close. Otherwise you’ll have to pull the slide back yourself.
Pistols are concealable, rifles and shotguns are for starting a fight.
Shotguns you load from a port on the underside, behind the fore stock or it breaks open.
Rifles come in several varieties; single shot, pump, bolt action, automatic, and feed from the chamber, an internal magazine or has a detaching magazine. The rifle you want first and foremost is an automatic rifle in a military common caliber. That coupled with proper marksmanship transforms you from a victim to a freedom fighter.
They, unlike you, have decided that there’s nothing to lose and therefore deserve anyone’s help who’s willing to risk their lives. Do you think MARTIAL LAW is going away on it’s own? Those bastards in black will have a sudden change of heart and do something worthwhile for a change and not oppress you?
At The VERY LEAST: have extra food, water for resistance fighters, basic medical supplies, ammo caches (hint, these should be concealed).
Those who fight will need to keep hidden, yet able to communicate with fellow fighters. You can be an intermediary. If you have skills, like welding, machine tools, chemistry, you can make weapons, ammo, other things the resistance needs.
If you have inside information, share it. If you have videography experience, tools, make how-to videos on resisting the theft of your freedoms. If you have medical training, set up an underground hospital.
Not all Patriots can or should pick up a rifle and blow a traitor’s head off. By uniting in common cause with all one has to offer the traitors can be defeated, and Freedom restored to the land. If you’re not at least giving aid to those helping to liberate you, forget this article, go back to being a victim of government oppression.
This is a group of people with skills and/or resources who can help each other in areas they would be lacking on their own. It could be anything from extra food, medicine, and repair parts, fuel, transportation-whatever. In any given neighborhood you can have machinists (weapon makers), medical personnel, drivers (good knowledge of local roads), gardeners (agriculture knowledge base).
Petty bureaucrats secretly opposing martial law are prime candidates to spy, steal, or commit sabotage. Computer technicians can hack government systems and create surveillance systems and guidance packages for missiles.
Construction workers can build secret rooms to hide anything from an arms cache to a secret factory. People in the media can smuggle cameras and work with computer techs to bug enemy meetings, and produce freedom media that documents successful means of resisting. Salesmen can “borrow” merchandise from their stores for use, anything and everything is useful.
Especially useful will be disgruntled cops and military that can provide everything from intelligence on raids to weapons to training. Keep the numbers of your group “small”: smaller cells are more difficult to penetrate by enemy agents and professional snitches. Keeping that in mind, a means of communication independent from wiretapped phones and audible eavesdropping devices must be developed amongst you.
Runners can be an athlete or a kid on a bike. They can carry small packages, or notes with a handy breakable vial of flammable liquid if discovered. With a sealed packet of potassium chlorate taped to it, the gasoline will automatically ignite; otherwise you’ll have to actually light that incriminating evidence.
A mail drop can be a home, a hollowed out tree trunk, a hole in the ground, an open fence pole, anything. Just be sure it’s discreetly out of sight of surveillance. If God’s really blessing you, one of your groups will be a SMART SURVIVALIST.
This will be an exceedingly rare breed, because although most in this group were smart enough to prepare for the collapse to begin with, they WEREN’T smart enough to avoid detection of their awareness and distrust of government.
They signed form 4477 registration forms for their firearms, used credit cards and checks for their weapon and ammunition purchases, registered for weapons permits, or registered themselves with gun clubs and shooting organizations.
These people more than likely got swept up in pre-dawn raids or got blasted resisting.
The SMART SURVIVALIST prepared-and kept his mouth shut about those preparations.
He or she never signed federal permit forms for purchases or carry license. He or she presented an “average American” profile or totally disappeared.
Get or find one in your group and you’ll have a literal treasury of knowhow and resources to survive, maybe even start taking back a little?
Know where the cameras are and how to avoid them. Know who patrols where, and what routine they follow so as to avoid contact. Know your snitches and always feed them B.S. if you can’t avoid them.
Find ways around checkpoints. Side streets, forest paths, neighbor’s yard, railroad tracks, tunnels; whatever go around necessary to getting from point a to point b without a pack of government troops searching you, checking your ID. I can’t and won’t go into detail, how you find your way will be up to you.
It could be from a disaster, an attack, or even because they’ve decided to end the pretense and show you what they really think of you and your “rights”. You’ll just wind up in a detention camp where your freedom of movement and resources will be strictly controlled. That means having a place to go away from your area, a means to get there, and supplies. Very difficult to do in a martial law situation, with shortages and rationing at gunpoint.
Remember the victims of Hurricane Katrina?
Remember how they were set up to be stranded in New Orleans by the government?
How they were constantly baited with false hope of rescue for a week after the catastrophe?
How they eventually were herded by FEMA into concentration camps?
You disregard Rule #1, you’ll find out.
Get a safe house of your own, an abandoned home, an empty storefront or even a patch of woods. When the troops start going street-to-street, house-to-house have escape routes by lesser-used streets, trails, whatever.
You may have to go on foot, so have a light backpack with a few days worth of nonperishable food, portable water purifier, a first aid kit, a light sleeping bag-and your weapon.
A mountain bike may be a more optimal and versatile escape mode than your road-dependent car. Better to be on the run, desperate-and have your freedom-than be imprisoned in a FEMA slave camp.
Living without power, cars, electronics or running water may seem like a nightmare scenario but to pioneers it was just the way life was. Having the skills to survive without modern conveniences is not only smart in case SHTF, it’s also great for the environment. Keep in mind that the key to a successful homestead does not only lie on being able to grow your own food but on other skills as well. Learning these skills will take time, patience and perseverance, and not all of these skills are applicable to certain situations.
Hopefully, though, you managed to pick up some great ideas that will inspire you and get you started! Just like our forefathers used to do, The Lost Ways Book teaches you how you can survive in the worst-case scenario with the minimum resources available.It comes as a step-by-step guide accompanied by pictures and teaches you how to use basic ingredients to make super-food for your loved ones.
Probably not with guns or bombs, but there’s plenty of ways you can monkey wrench the basic functioning of the state during MARTIAL LAW. If you work for the state you have plenty of opportunities to mess things up, but the government subcontracts even private firms. You know who’s just earning a paycheck, who’s backing this war against the people, and who’s getting off on “just following orders”.
If you can take action, great, concentrate most of your planning on getting away with the job. Otherwise, get contacts with Patriots and be the most reliable source of intelligence you can be. Every bit of drag on the government beast helps, perhaps in botching that paperwork, breaking that surveillance camera in disguise, or misdirecting that bureaucrat or soldier cop.
That act might be the beginning of a butterfly effect of bringing down the state of MARTIAL LAWand restoring Freedom to our nation. Always keep that in mind. You must find your own way, but find it you must, if you want what was stolen from you back!
As far as a detailed list, here’s what I have:
A sturdy army surplus backpack.
A first aid kit, including bandages, iodine, alcohol, gauze and painkillers.
Close range “melee” type weapons. I have a hand made bearded axe that will go through solid walls, a welder’s chipping hammer (nasty looking thing), bowie knife, and assorted pocketknives. 4. Long range weapons. You will need a rifle, not a sniper’s rifle. Choose something that uses common ammunition, something you will not have a problem finding in looted sporting good stores, dead bodies and trashed houses. Choose something lite that you can strap to your back and above all MAKE SURE YOU KNOW HOW TO USE IT.
Clothing. At least one set each of hot weather and cold weather clothing; you can always ditch what you don’t need.
Boots. Sturdy new pair of military combat boots preferably steel toes. Trust me on the steel toes, when you’re stuck with no weapons you’ll be glad you have them. Make sure they are comfortable and broken in. Waterproof boots are good for woodland areas, for areas like bayous and such make sure you have Vietnam era jungle boots.
Manuals. When you’re on the run, starving, and out of water you won’t be thinking clearly, manuals are a good way to ensure you will not forget important information. I currently have my improvised munitions handbook, an army wilderness survival handbook and a wilderness observation and tracking book.
Water. Make sure you have a canteen and get purification tablets to refill. I can’t stress water enough.
Rain gear. This one is obvious.
A fire kit. When you’re freezing in the woods you will not be able to rub two sticks together. Make sure all your matches and lighters are sealed in plastic. Bring kindling if you can. I have also included lighter fluid.
Light. Bring an army style red lensed flashlight. The red light will not ruin your night vision (your natural night vision) so you will not be left in the dark when you have to turn it off.
Medicine. Any important medication you may be on i.e. insulin, asthma medications.
Radios. If there are others in your group you will want to be able to communicate with them if you get lost.
Hand signals. If you have others in your group you will need to be able to communicate with them silently, make sure everyone in the group understands the hand signals.
Navigational equipment. Bring a compass and maps of the surrounding area. Good maps include road maps, hiking maps, and topographical maps. MAKE SURE you know how to use a compass and read a map.
Shelter. A tent if you can carry it, something that will keep you out of the wind and rain. If it’s too big to carry in your bag and run at the same time leave it behind. You will then have to improvise.
A hand crank radio. You will want to keep updated on new reports and such.
Batteries. Lots of batteries
A watch
Cooking equipment. This includes a pot of some sort, eating utensils, and something to cut wood with. I’d suggest a “Commando Saw” which is like barbed piano wire and will fit in your pocket.
Fishing equipment. Maybe not a rod, but bring hooks, lots of line, and lures. LEARN TO FISH
Knowledge. This is your absolute best weapon. Once you have chosen the place or area you will run to make sure you know it like the back of your hand. No doubt others have thought of the same location, it will be your knowledge of the area that makes your better. If there is a stream, know where it starts and where it goes. Know the hills, the mountains, the trails, the flora, fauna and climactic conditions year around.