
Expose: New Age antichrist Maitreya & the "Ascended Masters"

Note: Disregard any noncatholic teaching this is informational


Beware the "Alien" propaganda we are exposing the Luciferian new age

Here at the dawn of the Third Millenium after the birth of Jesus Christ, the mainstream media has directed much attention to the beliefs and expectations of millions of Christians that the world will soon enter a time of Tribulation. Time, Newsweek, PBS, A&E, and even 60 Minutes have jumped on this subject, with what appears to be an agenda of proving to non-Christians that Christians are a bunch of irrational, out-of-touch lunatics whose belief system is dependent on blind faith and confusing, discredited and misunderstood ancient religious texts.

This editorial will attempt to show that Christians who believe in prophecy are not driven by irrational “blind” faith, but by their knowledge of two sets of data: Biblical/Historical Data, and the corroborating Contemporary Data. This editorial will also reveal that the media’s analysis of the Biblical/Historical Data is superficial and it’s analysis of the Contemporary Data is virtually non-existent. If the general public were simply presented, in an unbiased and factual manner, these two sets of data, then the public perception of Christian expectations would change from it’s present attitude of patronizing incredulity to one that would most likely be more sympathetic and understanding. Granted, not all would accept and believe the Christian message, but all, even the most extreme skeptic, would have to admit that the Christian expectation of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is understandable and even rational based on the data.
Rather than go into detail and refute the specific errors and shortcomings of the major media’s many articles, specials and documentaries, I will simply give a brief overview of the pertinent data, as it is seen by myself and many other prophecy-knowledgeable Christians. I believe that this short and by no means exhaustive list speaks for itself and proves that the major media either has an agenda against Christianity or has simply and inexplicably failed to do its homework.
The Antichrist
Christians believe that before the Second Coming a man will arise who will succeed in uniting virtually all of humanity in a world system to be composed of a single religion, a single government and a single economy. He will blaspheme the Creator and work to deceive every person on this earth into accepting him and rejecting Jesus Christ. Despite his evil intent he will use seemingly good causes to become loved and even worshiped by many, and he will achieve power and respect through his ability to perform miracles, signs and wonders. To verify the Biblical Data regarding this man go to- http://www.redmoonrising.com/biblicalAC.htm
The 20th century has seen the decline of traditional Christian beliefs and the rise of the seemingly all-inclusive, multi-dimensional belief system known loosely as “New Age” spirituality. Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey were two of the most well known organizers of this movement in the early part of this century (and they will be referred to throughout this article). Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society and Bailey, later a president of the TS, founded the organization known as the Lucis Trust, which has counted as members men of great influence such as David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Paul Volker and George Schultz. Blavatsky and Bailey were avid trance-channelers who claimed to receive messages from spirit entities and both recorded many predictions that were made to them regarding the inevitable appearance of “The Lord Maitreya” or “The Christ” on the earth immediately prior to earth’s initiation into the utopian “New Age.” Because these women engaged in the biblically-forbidden practice of spiritism and because the messages they received were deeply anti-Christian, mocking and ridiculing traditional Christianity, bible-believing Christians have understood that the appearance of the man whom Bailey and Blavatsky predicted was not a prediction of the second coming of Jesus Christ, but was very possibly a prediction of the future Antichrist.
A man by the name of Benjamin Creme, a self-described disciple of both Blavatsky and Bailey, appears to have taken over where they left off. Through his early studies of their works he became convinced in the reality of the “Ascended Masters,” (the supposed inter-dimensional beings who direct humanity’s evolution), and claims that in 1959 he was first contacted by them. According to Creme’s biography… “He was told, among other things, that Maitreya, the World Teacher — the Master of all the Masters — would return in about 20 years and that he (Creme) would have a role to play in the event if he chose to accept it.” Creme claims that he has been in constant telepathic contact with “Maitreya the Christ” since the early ’70s and that Maitreya finally entered civilized society privately in 1977 when he materialized in human form and took up residence in a suburb of London. Since then Creme has traveled the world, giving lectures and appearing on talk shows, to prepare the world for the public emergence of Maitreya. He also claims that a major American television network has agreed to interview Maitreya at a time of Maitreya’s choosing.
One major aspect of Creme’s mission was the formation of Share International Foundation and the publication of it’s monthly self-titled magazine. Each issue contains a brief synopsis of the emergence of Maitreya on the first two pages and then a brief message that has been trance-channeled through Benjamin Creme from an Ascended Master known simply as “The Master” on page three. The spiritual thrust of SI is clearly obvious in each issue that is published. Despite this fact, or perhaps because of it, SI has a long list of prominent, well respected international diplomats, religious leaders and political figures who have had articles published in this magazine. They include articles written by former UN leader Boutros Boutros-Ghali; present leader Kofi Annan; former President of Ireland Mary Robinson; Gro Harlem Brundtland who is director-general of the World Health Organization and former Prime Minister of Norway; the Dalai Lama; and recently even Britain’s Crown Prince Charles. Even though the average man on the street would most likely dissolve into hysterical laughter upon being presented with the beliefs of Creme and Share International, it is easily shown that this magazine is well-respected and taken seriously by many influential members of the Global Elite. In fact, Share International Foundation is accredited as an official non-governmental organization (NGO) by the United Nations, and the magazine, as stated on the inside cover of each issue, is published by SI “…in association with the Department of Public Information at the United Nations.”
Creme and Share International are both intimately connected with a number of New Age groups including the Freemasons (Creme often lectures in Masonic halls), the Tara Canter of Hollywood, CA, the Theosophical Society, the Lucis Trust (one of thirty-six contributing organizations to the United Nations Millenium Forum of May 22-26, 2000), and World Goodwill, an organization created by the Lucis Trust and also recognized by the UN as an official NGO. World Goodwill also actively promotes the appearance of “Maitreya the World Teacher” in their literature and on their website.
Maitreya claims to be “The Christ” returned, yet there are many aspects of his character and many of his predictions (as given by Creme) which fall in line with the bible’s predictions of the coming Antichrist and the events that will surround the end of the age. For instance, Maitreya predicts many natural disasters and a period of violence and destruction prior to earth’s entry into the New Age; he warns that the worldwide capitalist financial system will be overturned; he predicts that a new world religion will be established under his guidance and that he will be aided by a future leader of the Roman Catholic Church. Regarding the current problems between Israel and the Palestinians Creme has stated that when Maitreya appears he will solve them, saying, “I believe Maitreya alone has the spiritual authority to point to the solution and achieve its implementation.” Most Christians understand that the final seven year period of earth’s rebellious history begins with a covenant that will involve the Antichrist and the nation of Israel. In addition to these facts Creme says that Maitreya may be rejected by intolerant “fundamentalists” (Christians and Jews), and “The Master,” an unnamed being who also speaks through Creme, warns of people who will reject Maitreya based on “scriptural warnings which they all too readily misinterpret.” (This researcher is doing his best to interpret them correctly.)
To verify this evidence which supports the Christian expectation of the coming Antichrist go to- http://www.redmoonrising.com/contAC.htm
The False Prophet
The book of Revelation makes it clear that the future Antichrist will be aided by an individual known as the False Prophet. He is the man who helps to convince the world that the Antichrist is worthy and deserving of worship, and ultimately it is he who enforces this worship on penalty of death. The bible also makes the provocative implication that the False Prophet may actually claim to be Jesus of Nazareth, and the prophet Daniel tells us that this powerful spiritual leader will come from Rome. Go here to verify this data- http://www.redmoonrising.com/biblicalFP.htm
Benjamin Creme, through the messages that he has received from Maitreya, tells us that “The Christ” and the “Master Jesus” are two separate individuals. According to him, Jesus of Nazareth channeled the power of “Maitreya the Christ” to make it through his crucifixion, death and resurrection as described in the Gospels. However, Creme claims that the simple message of Jesus of Nazareth was quickly twisted into wicked “fundamentalism” and the present Christian Church is the result. Because of the “problems” within Christianity Creme claims that the Master Jesus (an “Ascended Master,” along with Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna, Sai Baba, etc.) has also privately entered human society and that he has the task of reforming Christianity so that it will accept the authority and direction of Maitreya the Christ. According to Creme, the Master Jesus now lives a relatively private life in Rome. Creme predicts that when the present Pope dies the Master Jesus will come out of his obscurity and take up a position of power within the Roman Catholic Church. He has also stated that right now there are two members of the Roman Curia (the members of the Pope’s inner circle) who are secretly direct disciples of the “Master Jesus,” although Pope John Paul II has rejected Maitreya. These predictions have been made numerous times in Creme’s written works, his lectures, on radio and on the official Share International website. Here is a quote from the “Frequently Asked Questions” page of the SI site,
From http://www.shareintl.org/background/FAQ/faq_main.htm#anchor17
Q: Could you explain the relationship between the disciple Jesus and the Christ?
BC: The disciple Jesus, who is now the Master Jesus, was born in Palestine as a third degree initiate. The five major Initiations which take one to Liberation have their symbolic enactment in the life of Jesus. That is what the Gospel story is really about. It is a very ancient story and has been presented to mankind again and again, in different forms, long before the time of Jesus. He was, and still is, a disciple of the Christ and made the great sacrifice of giving up his body for the use of the Christ. By the occult process of overshadowing, the Christ, Maitreya, took over and worked through the body of Jesus from the Baptism onwards. In his next incarnation, as Apollonius of Tyana, Jesus became a Master. He lives now in a Syrian body which is some 600 years old, and has his base in Rome. He has, in the last 2,000 years, worked in the closest relation to the Christ, saving his time and energy where possible, and has special work to do with the Christian Churches. He is one of the Masters who will very shortly return to outer work in the world, taking over the throne of St Peter, in Rome. He will seek to transform the Christian Churches, in so far as they are flexible enough to respond correctly to the new reality which the return of the Christ and the Masters will create. I am afraid that the Churches have gone very far away from the religion which the Christ inaugurated; which is to do with sharing, with love, with brotherhood and right relationship. But this monolithic institution has grown up in the name of that simple man and transformed his simple teaching into … well, you know what it has taught.
In summary, it is clear that Benjamin Creme claims that “Jesus” now lives in Rome and that he will take over the Roman Catholic Church and then lead humanity to accept Maitreya the “Christ.” For more on these predictions, which precisely correspond with the bible’s prophecies of the False Prophet, please go here- http://www.redmoonrising.com/contFP.htm
Restructuring the Calendar
The prophet Daniel predicted that the future Antichrist would endeavor to change the calendar. This understanding is taken from Daniel 7:25, “He will speak against the Most High and oppress his saints and try to change the set times and the laws.”
The World Summit on Peace and Time convened at the University for Peace in Costa Rica on June 22-27, 1999. The University for Peace is run by the United Nations and the Chancellor is Robert Muller, a former assistant Secretary-General of the UN (Muller credits Djwhal Khul, Alice Bailey’s guiding spirit, as the inspiration for his World Core Curriculum for education). The purpose of this summit was to prepare a Declaration on Calendar Reform as well as seven accompanying Articles of Resolution. The final goal is to change the calendar from its present “artificial” twelve month year to a more “natural” thirteen month year that more closely parallels the lunar and biological cycles. Kofi Annan and the Dalai Lama also expressed support for the project and it was attended by Maurice Strong, the secretary-general of the UN’s 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro and highly regarded New World Order heavyweight. The proposed calendar is declared to be the new “Calendar of Peace,” and the results and declarations of this summit have been submitted to the General Assembly of the United Nations and to the Vatican.
Of course a bigger thorn in the side of the New Age movement, and presumably an irritant to the future Antichrist, is the fact that our present calendar is now set up to date from what was considered the year of the birth of Jesus Christ. Every time an individual writes out a check or signs a document he or she is acknowledging the amount of time that has passed since the earth’s Savior was born. When the Antichrist does make his public appearance and gains the necessary power he may indeed initiate calendar reform, perhaps changing it to a thirteen month year, and most likely doing away with our system that dates from the year of Christ’s birth. To verify this data go to- http://www.redmoonrising.com/calref.htm

UFOs, Aliens, the Ascended Masters and the Fallen Angels
Throughout the 20th Century our secular academics have led humanity on a path that has rejected the existence of the spiritual side of the universe in favor of a completely materialistic paradigm. Our children are taught in public schools that all there is is all we can see and verify with the physical senses. As science and technology have improved we have turned our focus to the universe around us, leading many to hypothesize that because the universe is so big that life must have randomly evolved elsewhere from some other bubbling pool of slime. Carl Sagan was perhaps the king of the secular intellectuals, championing science and rejecting religion and spirituality as mere “pseudo-science.” He was one who romantically imagined that a highly evolved extra-terrestrial race might exist out there somewhere and he documented his notions into what became the movie “Contact.” It was promoted with the provocative, supposedly controversial affirmation of “We Are Not Alone!” Welcome back to solid Biblical Truth, Mr. Sagan.
Despite the fact that the major media promotes the notion that the existence of an advanced race of beings would be a challenge to the biblical view, the truth is in fact the opposite. The bible is clear that humanity is not alone and that non-human beings exist and have interacted with us from our beginnings. They are called “angels,” and they are divided into two groups, one group serves the Creator, and the other has rebelled against Him and taken over this earth. The “fallen angels” can also be divided into two groups, the first group, according to Ephesians 6:12, exists now in the heavens, the aerial regions around the earth, and Satan is the ruler of this “kingdom of the air,” (Ephesians 2:2). Revelation 12 predicts that in the future Tribulation, Michael will lead the good angels in a war against Satan and these fallen angels and cast them out of the heavens and physically onto the surface of the earth. The second group of fallen angels exists right now in a temporary place of confinement known as the Abyss. This group of imprisoned angels is led by an angel known as Apollyon (Rev. 9:11), and some of these demons will be let out of the Abyss to terrorize the earth for a time during the Tribulation.
The bible offers evidence that at one time some members of the first group of fallen angels actually co-habitated with human women, “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days–and also afterward–when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.” (Genesis 6:4). This type of contact was apparently forbidden by God, and the angels guilty of this are among those who now reside in the Abyss, “And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their own home–these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day. In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.” (Jude 6-7).
The study of ancient history has been a goldmine of information which has brought forth evidence that substantiates the biblical view that a higher race of beings once intimately interacted with ancient civilizations. Zecharia Sitchin is perhaps the most influential of these researchers. For over twenty-five years or so this man has gathered evidence from ancient Sumerian, Egyptian, Hittite and other records, which all point to a time when nations were controlled by a higher race, the gods of “mythology.” The Sumerian records are the most ancient and many date to well past 2000 BC. These records were kept on baked clay tablets, and thus escaped decay. They have been uncovered on a massive scale during this century in the ruins of Sumerian cities, offering a glimpse of ancient history that is quite startling. These records show that the Sumerians knew that the solar system included the planets Neptune, Uranus and Pluto (modern astronomers did not discover Pluto until 1930). The records prove that the Sumerians understood that the earth orbits the sun, that they knew the relative sizes of all nine planets and they knew the relative distances between the planets. Sumerian records have also corroborated the book of Genesis point by point, from the genetic/sexual interaction of the Anunnaki/Fallen Angels with human beings, to the great flood, to the dispersal of the nations at the tower of Babel, and even documenting the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Ancient records from the Middle East and from the Americas even offer evidence that at one time the sun stood still in the sky for an extended period of time as related in the tenth chapter of the book of Joshua.
The Sumerians referred to these advanced beings as the “Anunnaki,” which means “Those Who From Heaven To Earth Came,” while the Hebrews referred to them as the “Nephilim” which means “Those Who Were Cast Upon [the earth].” The Sumerians and other pagan civilizations worshiped these beings as gods, while the Hebrews were told by God that they were rebellious beings outside of God’s grace who were to be shunned. Their final end was predicted in Jeremiah 10:11, “These gods, who did not make the heavens and the earth, will perish from the earth and from under the heavens.”
Helena Blavatsky referred to these “gods,” these wicked fallen angels, as “The Ascended Masters of Wisdom,” (perhaps down is considered up from their perspective). Through her channelings of these beings they convinced her of their benevolence, and they also led her to develop some very racist evolutionary ideas, promoting the notion of an Aryan race, and denigrating the Jews as inferior. This notion reached it’s climax through an Austrian by the name of Adolf Hitler. Dietrich Eckart was the famous occultist and German nationalist who befriended Hitler and promoted Blavatsky’s work, leading Hitler into a deeper and darker occult vision. At the very end of Hitler’s notorious book Mein Kampf, Hitler closed with these words,
“And I want also to reckon among [Nazi heroes] that man, who, as one of the best, by words and by thoughts and finally by deeds, dedicated his life to the awakening of his, of our nation: Dietrich Eckart.”
Blavatsky’s signature publication was a huge volume entitled “The Secret Doctrine,” which claimed to illuminate the true origins of mankind and our relationship with the Ascended Masters. At the end of Dietrich Eckart’s life, as he lay dying, he offered these final words regarding his infamous protege,
“Follow Hitler! He will dance, but it is I who have called the tune. I have initiated him into the ‘Secret Doctrine,’ opened his centers in vision and given him the means to communicate with the Powers. Do not mourn for me: I shall have influenced history more than any other German.”
The Apostle Paul referred to these “Powers” in his letter to the Ephesians as enemies of humanity (6:12), “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Is it such a shock to realize that Hitler was motivated by an evil much more real and much more dangerous than simply his own deluded mind? The occultic source of Hitler’s beliefs and goals have been documented in numerous literary works, yet why is there no mention of the spiritual side to his evil movement in our textbooks? Why is this information considered irrelevant?
Many secular researchers are fantasizing that UFOs are purely physical, and that they represent contact with a race of beings from another planet. However the data that has been gathered over the years on the UFO issue does not support this hypothesis. The UFO phenomenon does not represent the attempts of another intergalactic civilization to contact humanity, rather it is a phenomenon that has been with us throughout our recorded history and it is a phenomenon which transcends the materialistic rules that our modern scientists believe to be true. Jacques Vallee is perhaps the most unbiased and “scientific” among those who endeavor to understand the UFO phenomenon. Here he comments on how modern “science” conveniently ignores major facets of humanity’s existence,
“I have never been comfortable with an arbitrary separation of the world into the physical universe (which is presumably what science studies) and the psychological, social and psychic side of life. To me that arbitrary separation is the major weakness of our intellectual system.” (From an interview with Jacques Vallee in the e-zine 50 GCAT.)
And here are two quotes from him which deal with the subject of UFOs,
“The UFO Phenomenon exists. It has been with us throughout history. It is physical in nature and it remains unexplained in terms of contemporary science. It represents a level of consciousness that we have not yet recognized, and which is able to manipulate dimensions beyond time and space as we understand them.” (From his book Forbidden Science.)
“The UFO phenomenon represents a manifestation of a reality that transcends our current understanding of physics… The UFOs are physical manifestations that cannot be understood apart from their psychic and symbolic reality. What we see in effect here is not an alien invasion. It is a control system which acts on humans and uses humans.” (From Messengers of Deception.)

Who Are The Ascended Masters


Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) – Contacted by the Master Morya in 1851. After years of contact with her spirit masters she helped to found the Theosophical Society in 1875. Published Isis Unveiled in 1877, established Lucifer, an occult magazine, in London in 1887, and then published The Secret Doctrine in 1888.
Alice Ann Bailey (1880-1949) – Contacted by the Master Koot Humi in 1895. In 1917 she became acquainted with students of Blavatsky and then joined the Theosophical Society. In 1919 the Master Djwhal Khul contacted her and asked for her assistance in taking some dictation. At first she refused out of fear, but then later accepted upon instruction from the Master Koot Humi. The Master Djwhal Khul then wrote eighteen books through Bailey over the next thirty years. She founded the hugely influential Lucis Trust in 1922.
Benjamin Creme (born in 1922) – From a young age he was a student of the works of Blavatsky and Bailey, (and other occultists). First contacted by The Master (full name undisclosed) in 1959. The Master informed him that he would play a major role in the reappearance ofMaitreya the Christ. Formed Share International Foundation in 1975. Since then he has been travelling the globe, speaking and lecturing in preparation for The Christ, and he claims to be in direct telepathic contact with both The Master and Maitreya.

Maitreya the World Teacher (a.k.a. The Christ) – As he allegedly appeared in Kenya in 1988. Creme claims that Maitreya created and inhabited a human body in 1977, and privately entered society taking up residence in London. Since then he is alleged to have privately appeared to thousands of individuals, performing miracles and wonders and convincing many of the truth of his mission. (Wayne S. Peterson is one influential casualty, as is Mikhail Gorbachev.)

-The Ascended Masters are the Fallen Angels
-Predictions of the Emergence of Maitreya compared to the Biblical predictions of the Antichrist
-Parallels between the life of Jesus Christ and the career of the Antichrist
-Other Statements and Predictions from Benjamin Creme

The New World Order
According to the prophecies of Daniel, the Antichrist will arise out of a single kingdom that dominates the entire world (7:23-24). The Antichrist may appear before this predicted New World Order, but he will not take over effective control until after it has been established. The so-called “New World Order Conspiracy” suffers greatly from ridicule in the mainstream media, but it is a reality nonetheless, with many different, yet inter-related supporting factions.
Three of the most important factions are:
The International Bankers Cabal- the monetary powers who rule behind the scenes.
A handful of families have, little by little over the centuries, gained control of virtually the entire world through their creation of central banks in the different economic centers of the world. First in Continental Europe, then in England, and then in America through the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. The banks these families own, despite the fact that they have names like the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve (sic) Bank of New York, the Bank of France, the Bundesbank-Germany, etc, are not institutions that exist by the people and for the people, but are instead completely private institutions that operate purely for the profit of the small group of elites who own them. This is how the United States Treasury has amassed a debt of trillions of dollars (a debt which we the people are responsible for), while the Federal Reserve has never been more profitable (a profit enjoyed by the owners of the Fed). Yet this incredible state of affairs is almost never commented on by the media, and those who call for eliminating the Fed and returning financial controls back to the public are labeled as kooks and extremists.
The situation is even worse in the Third World where, after half a century of “aid” from institutions like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, these countries find themselves in a condition of perpetual debt and poverty that has stemmed from their reliance on high-interest loans that have often been squandered by their despotic leaders. The homepage of the official website for the World Bank (worldbank.org) is emblazoned with the headline, “Our Dream is a World Free of Poverty.” The fact is that the World Bank is one of a handful of institutions most responsible for the pathetic situation that the Third World is currently mired in. Bruce Rich, a former consultant to the World Bank, demonstrates this very conclusively in his book “Mortgaging the Earth,” and many other critics have amassed significant data and research proving this conclusion as well.
The march to a socialist, dictatorial New World Order is led by the men who control the world’s money, and many believe it will be ushered in by a pre-meditated and manipulated world financial markets crash which will, as did the crash prior to America’s Great Depression, act to transfer wealth from the masses back to the central banks, and to transfer power from the masses to a small circle of elitists bureaucrats. Benjamin Creme, in his lectures and writings, has stated many times that the appearance of Maitreya will be accompanied by a major stock market crash and a global financial meltdown.
The United Nations- the diplomatic/political arm of the NWO.
The UN is an organization that was created immediately after World War II to aid the moneyed elite in their goal of establishing a one world socialist government. Since that time it has steadily gained influence and respect. For the most part the UN is a benevolent organization with goals of world peace, ending poverty and hunger and stopping disease, yet there are many sinister aspects of this organization as well. The UN is striving to have all religions respected and acknowledged as equal in truth, and is promoting a ban, aimed at evangelical Christians, on all forms of proselytizing. The United Nations is also pushing for a worldwide ban on civilian gun ownership and it is promoting abortion as a “human right.” The UN is also working towards the establishment of a permanent “police force,” and supporting the formation of a permanent World Criminal Court.
All of these goals have the effect of limiting personal liberty and giving control and influence of many aspect of public life into the hands of unelected bureaucrats. Can we trust them to make the best decisions for individuals and the world as a whole? Increasingly we are being forced to accept their rules whether we agree with them or not.
The New Age Movement- the spiritual force motivating the NWO.
Alice Bailey and the Lucis Trust were staunch supporters of the formation of the UN. In her channeled writings it has often been stated that the UN is the organization whereby a united and peaceful world will be established. For years this occultic New Age organization was headquartered on UN property at the UN Plaza, until recently moving to a location on Wall Street. In 1950 the Secretary-General of the UN at the time, Dag Hammarskjold, designed the official UN Meditation Room and it was given over to the Lucis Trust, which has maintained it to this day. Share International also speaks highly of the UN. An SI columnist, Bette Stockbauer, writes this of the UN, “Maitreya and his group of spiritual co-workers have designed a plan that is brilliant in its simplicity and insight. They visualize a world organization, administered by the United Nations, which will completely restructure our economic systems. Instead of the present system of domination by market forces which has led to the complete polarization of wealth, we will see an equitable distribution of planetary resources. Instead of a world in which the richest societies blindly ignore the total degradation of countless millions, we will see the greatest solicitude for human suffering.”
The basic tenet of New Age belief is that all religions come from the same source, and that all serve their own limited purposes and point to a higher truth. New Age belief understands that all successful religions recognize the Golden Rule of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Within Christianity this Rule is understood as the second most important commandment, yet NA belief elevates this commandment to prime status and dispenses with Christianity’s most important commandment as irrelevant (see Matthew 22:34-40). With this basis the New Age movement welcomes a New World Order that will be based on socialism and the priorities of human evolution and environmental protection, and the global elites who actually control the mechanisms that could produce a NWO are deceiving countless well-meaning New Age believers into supporting their goals.
The Final Goal
Foster Bailey, the husband of Alice Bailey, referred to Hitler’s Third Reich as an attempt to put the ‘Plan’ into action. The next totalitarian experiment is just on the horizon and New Agers, communists, socialists, liberals, and other left-wing intellectuals and activists are ready to embrace it with open arms. Once again the tried and true technique of the Hegelian Dialectic is being used by the global powers to achieve their desired goal. On the one hand the moneyed elites are promoting full-scale global capitalism through the policies of the IMF and the WTO. This system puts profit as the ultimate goal, promotes greed, selfishness and materialism, contributes to environmental degradation, and places the third world in a system of indentured servitude. Yet on the other hand the moneyed elites have a history of supporting communism and socialism through their complicated network of private trusts and media control. They engineered the creation of the UN and they have infiltrated the global environmental movement. Why would the powers responsible for the present system of out-of-control global capitalism also promote the very forces which seem to be against it? Because they see neither global capitalism nor idealistic democratic socialism as the ultimate goal. By playing both sides they aim to achieve the desired synthesis which will be a totalitarian New World Order under their complete control (at least until the Antichrist takes command).
To verify the New World Order data please go here- http://www.redmoonrising.com/NWO.htm
End-Times Babylon
The 17th and 18th chapters of the book of Revelation offer a detailed description of the last great secular superpower that the world will see. She is shown as a woman that is dressed in “linen, purple and scarlet,” and named Babylon the Great. She is referred to as a great city, but other prophecies make it clear that she represents more than just a single city.
– This woman is said to effectively rule over the kings of the earth.
– The great city of Babylon is referred to as the “city of power.”
– Geographically she resides “on many waters,” and is composed of a melting pot of cultures.
– In Old Testament scriptures Babylon was the home to Jewish exiles, and this is implied of end-times Babylon as well.
These are all important clues regarding the identity of end-times Babylon, but by far the majority of the descriptive emphasis is placed on the fact that she is the world’s foremost economic power:
– Babylon is described as the wealthiest nation on the earth, basking in her “excessive luxuries.”
– She is described as being the home to the “merchants of the earth,” and these merchants are called “the world’s great men.”
– Her crimes include seducing the world through the luxuries that are peddled by her global merchants.
– Her general attitude is described as one of supreme self-confidence and arrogance, but when the great city is suddenly destroyed the merchants of the world weep with grief because of their terrible loss.
After the sudden destruction of the great city of Babylon the remnant of end-times Babylon appears to resist the New World Order and the conquests of the Antichrist. However this resistance is ultimately crushed and the nation is absorbed into the Antichrist’s kingdom as related in Revelation 17:17-18, “The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire. For God has put it into their hearts to accomplish his purpose by agreeing to give the beast their power to rule, until God’s words are fulfilled.”
For more information regarding end-times Babylon, and for evidence of her obvious identity, please go to-

Final Words
In the interest of brevity much information has been left out, such as the move to digital money, chip implants and the Mark of the Beast, the predictions involving Israel, a rebuilt Temple, and two Middle Eastern wars, expectations by some cults of “alien contact” and plans to build a “space embassy” in Jerusalem by the Raelians, etc.  Christians are not crazy, they are simply informed. In presenting this article to members of the media it now becomes the responsibility of the media to carry out their duties of investigating the data (all of it clearly documented), and in continuing this process of informing the general public. The words of the disciple Peter, as written down almost two thousand years ago, make a fitting close,
“For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty. For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount. We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts.”
2 Peter 1:16-19
“…There shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, and saying, ‘Where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.’ For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water… But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.”
2 Peter 3:3-9

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