Latest False Prophet Message (July/Aug. 2016)
Covers latest message, Francis, aliens, environmentalism and more...
Know thy enemy!
Excerpts from the recent New Age Magazine
Yeshua Ben Joseph, the False Prophet...
Sidekick to New Age Antichirst Maitreya
From the latest share international magazine (Editorial note)
For several months, the United Kingdom heard its own and foreign politicians, experts and economists all putting forward their opinions as to whether Britain should remain within or leave the European Union. On 24 June, Britain and the rest of Europe woke up to learn that British citizens had voted to leave the EU.
While the result is not what the Spiritual Hierarchy would have advised, Britain’s decision does not derail Maitreya’s plans. Asked his and his Master’s opinion, Benjamin Creme, Share International’s Chief Editor, replied that “the Masters are not ‘worried’” and that events will soon prove that nothing can prevent the Emergence of Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom Who accompany Him. Mr Creme advises a calm response and continued effort to make known Maitreya’s presence and His imminent emergence.
Benjamin Creme has always advised that it would be a mistake for Britain to adopt the single European currency, the Euro, and Britain has indeed kept its own currency. The Masters recommend unity in diversity, and Maitreya Himself warned against federalism which would lead to a loss of separate national identity. However, being a member of the European Union does not contradict this; on the contrary, as we move closer to a global community of nations it will be for each country to contribute its qualities and gifts thus enriching the whole without loss of sovereignty, national culture or identity. The aim for humanity is unity in diversity, with structures in place to protect both the diversity of all and our essential unity.
The One who knocks
by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme, January 1993
There comes a time in the life of every nation when a period of soul-searching must take place; when the ideals enshrined in its constitution, written or not, must be looked at again in the light of actual achievement, and a reassessment of that achievement made. When this is done with honesty and candour, a new and sobering realism will replace the present self-congratulation in which the leaders of many nations indulge, hoping thereby to maintain their faltering grip on the lives of their peoples. Their time is all but over.
Events shortly to occur will redistribute the power of governments and emancipate the people. The sham democracy of today will give way to true participation, and open a new chapter in man’s long quest for justice and freedom.
Even as these words are being written a plan is being set in motion which will speed this process and bring joy to the pain-wracked hearts of millions. Patiently they wait, the unexpectant poor: herded like cattle in the parched and pitiless desert; homeless and workless in the proud cities of the world; farming barren rock in the high plateaux. They await deliverance which now knocks upon the door.
Soon they will see their deliverer; many have already done so and live but to see His face again. In the battlefields which disgrace this time, He appears with equal Grace to all. Soon, the many miracles He has wrought will endear Him to the hearts of men and women everywhere. The healing waters will be discovered, one by one, and a great cleansing of men’s temples will begin.
History teaches that nothing happens twice in the exact same way. Time and evolution ensure renewal of events. Those who await a saviour in the manner of the past will wait in vain. New times demand new methods and new problems new solutions.
Thus it is that Maitreya addresses Himself to the present situation, to the problems which beset all men: hunger and strife; planetary equilibrium; sharing and justice; the ways of peace and war. That He comes to aid men is not in doubt, but He comes, primarily, to teach. Heed, then, His teachings, for they contain the essence of life, and by their guidance and inspiration can you reach the stars.
When you are asked, “What will the future bring?” tell them this: a bright star has forsaken its rightful place in the firmament and has chosen to walk among men, bringing gifts as yet unseen on Earth. By name Maitreya, this Blessed One will teach men the ways of what they can become. He will show them the secret entrance to the heart of God and lead them therein. He will walk with men and angels and relate these two. By example and teaching He will show the way to self-salvation. He will regenerate and rejuvenate the world. Listen for His knock.
[This article from Share International magazine, July / August 2016 , is by a senior member of the Hierarchy of Masters of Wisdom. His name, well-known in esoteric circles, is not yet being revealed (in my research it is Yeshua Ben Joseph). Benjamin Creme, a principal spokesman about the emergence of Maitreya, is in constant telepathic contact with this Master who dictated his article to him.]
Questions and Answers – a selection
Q. Are demonstrations and “people power” important?
A. They are not only important they are vital. It is time that humanity wakes up and takes responsibility to determine its own development and its future. Humanity is waking up. As soon as humanity gets a sense of its Oneness, and this is growing throughout the world, it will make a great leap forward in consciousness. It is a question of consciousness. We are potential gods, but we don’t know it. There is nothing else other than divinity. But that divinity needs structures that are in line with the divine plan; the economic, political, social and educational structures within which we live at present are inimical to our innate divinity and progress. With the presence of Maitreya and the Masters in the world we will make a huge step forward in the development of our consciousness.
Q. It’s been a while since your Master has given us a current article. Is there a reason for this, especially when we need it most? Thank you for all your good work.
A. We are very fortunate to have had many years of articles from my Master. As explained in Share International magazine these messages are given for all time, not just for one moment in time. It is not necessary therefore to continue them every month. Note that Maitreya Himself recently gave an important message for the magazine (SI May 2016).
Q. Are all UFOs highly evolved – i.e. their personnel?
A. In this present time all UFOs and the people in them that are allowed to take part in the spiritual mission on our planet are people of high evolution. If they are Venusians they are like Gods; if they are from Mars some would be like Gods and others would be very advanced human beings. In any case all of them are imbued with a great love and aspiration to serve this planet and the solar system as a whole. They are our brothers and sisters from our sister planets.
Q. How do we share? (aka socialism)
A. There are many ways. There are 14 Masters living in the world. They have been for many years now and They have disciples – men and women in the world through whom They have brought out various inter-related plans to do with the sharing of the world’s resources which is really to do with finding the right ways to plan it. Sharing is actually not very difficult but it is a question of distribution and re-distribution.
The first political action taken by Maitreya after His emergence in 1977 was to approach the then Chancellor of Germany – Willy Brandt – and ask him to form a commission. It became known as the Brandt Commission. Willy Brandt was a third-degree initiate and he brought together about 40 men and women from many different countries in the world, representing every shade of political opinion to do with the world’s economy. They were of all political persuasions from far left to the far right. They worked together – all these different opinions and approaches and eventually they came to a conclusion. It was announced at the Cancun Conference in Mexico. Everyone agreed, they reached one solid conclusion: there was only one way to deal with distribution of the resources of the world, and that was to share. That was the first time ever that sharing had been named as a means of distribution of the food and resources. It had never occurred to anyone before. But they came to that conclusion – a majority decision as the only way to save the planet. They published their findings as North-South: A Programme for Survival. All the governments met in Cancun and talked about it and the developing world countries were all in favour of accepting the ideas. Two countries were against it – the USA and the UK. And with two such powerful countries against it – nothing could save the Cancun Conference and the whole thing died a sort of natural death.
The way thought to be the best way by the Masters is simple but beautifully effective – a pooling of the excess resources of each country, contributing to a common pool from which each country could draw according to their needs.
This is the way suggested by the Masters – the best possible way. Of course, this is the ideal, but there may be many variations and gradations of this system moving towards that ideal.
Q. Will most people feel their own soul on the Day of Declaration while Maitreya is speaking?
A. Most people will feel their own souls – even if it is the first time in their lives. It will be an extraordinary experience for humanity (is the supposed illumination of conscience Maitreya speaks of this as well). They will feel like a little child, pure, listening from the heart to these wonderful words and experiencing a quality of life they have forgotten about, that goes way back to their simple childhood when they were trusting and full of love and happiness.
Q. What can we do to speed Maitreya’s emergence?
A. Talk about it. Tell people. This is the most important information, the most important thing you can do – tell others what you know, at whatever level of conviction you have. If you believe it you will do all you can to serve Maitreya.
Your heart will dictate how much you do and how much you want to say. If you have 100 per cent conviction and your heart is full of the desire to serve and do something important for the world, then you’ll work day and night and put everything off to do this work before Maitreya appears. Or if you believe it but you are lazy or you don’t want to be laughed at, or you don’t want people to think you’re a bit nutty, then of course you’ll be careful and you won’t say anything. You’ll lose the opportunity of being of service to Maitreya; you’ll lose the opportunity of telling the world what is happening.
I know people in the groups all over the world who feel or think that they are involved and working but they’re not. The truth is they’re interested but being interested and being involved are two different things. They are kidding themselves – to think they’re involved. They would hear that I was coming to their country and they would suddenly get excited and busy for a couple of days. Then I would go home and after a while it all washed off them, until the next time I would go. And there they were again, all involved and excited. But really they are not involved. They go to see other gurus, teachers, this Swami or that holy man. It’s all play-acting. They’re doing nothing at all of importance. They’re not doing any harm; but nothing to do with Maitreya. They have a very, very short time to prepare the way for Maitreya. It’s up to people to use it or lose the opportunity of all their previous lives to do something worthwhile.
Q. When the Messiah comes does this mean that the end of the world is near?
A. The World Teacher is here already and, on the contrary, this is the beginning of a new time for humanity – but, a humanity chastened, relieved of its glamours, it idiocy and its destructiveness. It is the destructiveness, the greed and selfishness of humanity which leads to this position – of heading towards disaster. It is because of this that Maitreya, the World Teacher is here. Humanity is ready to change. We may not feel ready but Maitreya knows that we are ready. He sees into the hearts of all the people in the world and he sees that we are ready for change. We have to be ready to make the right choice. He will present us with that choice. What we call humanity is one unit, one being, brothers and sisters of one world. So we must do what every family does – share the resources with all the family. Humanity must see itself in those terms and accept the principle of sharing. Maitreya says that when we do we take the first step into our divinity. Unless we do that we can’t take any of the future steps.
Q. If human evolution is different to animal evolution, and the evolution of Devas-angels, what is your stand on creationism or Darwin’s theory of evolution? Were we all made by God and are separate from any other species or did we evolve? Are evolutions separate or do they meet in some way?
A. They are separate but linked to the evolution of all species.
New Age spokesman Benjamin creme giving the 666, sign of man handsign
Maitreya at the door
Compilation - an extract
We present a selection of quotations on the theme of ‘The One Who knocks’. The quotations are taken from Maitreya (Messages from Maitreya the Christ, Benjamin Creme’s Master (A Master Speaks and Share International), and Benjamin Creme’s writings.
Many will follow Me and see Me as their Guide. Many will know Me not. My aim is to enter into the life of all men and, through them, change that life. Be ready to see Me soon. Be ready to hear My words, to follow My thoughts, to heed My Plea.
I am the Stranger at the Gate. I am the One Who knocks. I am the One Who will not go away. I am your Friend. I am your Hope. I am your Shield. I am your Love. I am All in All. (Maitreya, from Message No.10)
Maitreya’s foot is at the threshold. His hand prepares to knock. Listen carefully that you miss Him not. He comes to fulfil the Law; to serve the Plan; to teach mankind; to lead His Brothers into Their destined future. He comes to see enacted His promise to men made long ago: to redeem them by His love and awaken them to their divinity. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘Maitreya hastens to emerge’)
Look forward to this time which is near at hand; Maitreya stands on the threshold of His emergence, ready to do battle with separation and greed. Rally to His call for justice and freedom, reconciliation and peace, and place your all at the service of the race. This is a time like none before. This is a time which will never be repeated. Look deeply into your hearts and make your choice: a future bathed in light and love – or a denial of your destiny.
Maitreya knows the time is ripe for change. He knows humanity is ready for the test. He stands ready to emerge and begin His mission. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The reception of Maitreya’)
My information is that He is emerging very, very soon – even by our standards. I have been told for over 30 years that He is emerging ‘soon’, but that is by the Masters’ standards of time. They work in 2,000-year cycles, so a few years to the Masters is just like a Sunday afternoon. Maitreya’s emergence is based on certain laws, above all the laws governing our free will. At any time since 1982 He could have been invoked by humanity performing just a few actions which would have allowed Him to come forward. The timing of Maitreya’s emergence is up to humanity. (Benjamin Creme, The Gathering of the Forces of Light)
My friends, I am emerging so quickly now that little time will elapse until you see My face. When you see Me, you will know that your Brother of Old, Maitreya Himself, is among you. I shall call on you to work for Me and for the Plan. I know, My friends, that I may count on you. (Maitreya, from Message No.91)
Maitreya knocks loudly at the door. The door, soon, will open and the Lord of Love will step forward into the fray. When men see Him they will be astonished by the simplicity of His words but also by the clarity of His utterance. His wisdom will baffle and delight in equal measure, drawing to Him those who are ready to follow Him and rebuild the world. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘Transformation’, SI, June 2007)
Long ago in the first Agni Yoga book, Maitreya said: “By human hand and by human foot the New Age must be built.”Every stone, every brick, every step of the way, must be made by man himself. But it will not happen unless the Masters return to the world. It will not happen unless Maitreya not only makes Himself known but is enabled to inspire humanity to create the conditions which will lead to sharing, justice and peace. It requires the bending of every sinew, the tuning up of every nerve, to make that happen as soon as possible.
Maitreya is coming out ahead of schedule, not waiting for the stock-exchange crash: so great are the problems in the world, not least the ecological imbalance which we have created. (Benjamin Creme, The Art of Co-operation)
No longer may men stand aside and let events take their often tragic course. Now is the time to stand proudly for unity and life, for commonsense and peace. Maitreya is on His way and will claim your choice, your answer to His plea.
Know that you are here for just such a time and doubt not the power of your decision today. Make known your choice for justice and peace and enter the ranks of those on whom Maitreya can rely.
Many today sense that something momentous is about to take place. They know not its nature and fear, often, its portent. They respond to the energy of Maitreya even if, by name, they know Him not. Soon, very soon now, they will see Him. Each can and must make his choice: to doubt and reject and suffer endlessly, or to recreate the future and to enter the domain of Truth. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The domain of Truth’)
The time is short indeed till you shall see Me. Make best use of this little time to prepare My way, to teach all those whom you meet with the words of Truth which I send to you. Lead them, too, into the Path of Light and the Promise which My Return brings to the world. My Emergence in full vision is imminent. Watch and wait and sleep not. (Maitreya, from Message No.65)
Much there is to do, for a whole world awaits its transformation. Many hands are needed, for the changes involve all men. When Maitreya enters, openly, the stage of modern life, He will beckon to His side an army of willing helpers. Through them He will administer and oversee the planet’s restoration.
Time, now, is short indeed before Maitreya’s face will be seen, His presence known, His counsel listened to with care. His advice will cover the gamut of present ills and point the way to their amelioration and cure. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The path to Divinity’)
Our job has been to create the climate of hope and expectancy which will allow Maitreya to come forward (without infringing our free will) and declare Himself openly in an arena in which at least a major receptivity exists. Millions of people have heard this story; of course, they do not all believe it. Many thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, do believe it to some extent. They are open to the possibility, and that is a good thing. There are – I do not know how many – many hundreds or thousands of really committed, active believers. Their task, our task, is to further this openness of humanity to the possibility of Maitreya’s appearance. That helps to create this open window which will allow Him to come forward. (Benjamin Creme, Maitreya’s Mission Vol Three)
Very little time indeed now separates Me from you, in full vision. Mankind will see Me very soon. And, if they follow Me, I shall lead them forward into the future which awaits them: a future bathed in the light of Truth, of Harmony, and Love.
My friends, I would ask you to help Me, to take upon yourselves a share of the burden of preparation. If you can accept that I am here, make known this fact wherever you find a listener. (Maitreya, from Message No.6)
Maitreya, Himself, stands at the door, His hand uplifted to knock. His signs increase apace as He awaits recognition. Welcome Him to your heart and ease His entry; let Him work through you. Remember that your brothers, also, deserve to know the Great News; leave them, and your sisters, not in the dark. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘Maitreya at the door’)
... The leadership given by Maitreya will not disappoint. He will raise the hopes and aspirations of all, and set loose the highest that men have, albeit hidden now and unexpressed through fear and ignorance of its existence. He will conquer men’s fear and establish, in truth, a new humanity. ...
Maitreya is about to knock loudly on the doors which lead to freedom and justice and peace. Listen and recognize His knock and be prepared to act boldly and wisely under His lead. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The New Millennium begins’)
I am here to tell you that My Appearance to the world is nigh. Soon, all the world will see Me, will know Me and call Me Brother. I am your Brother, indeed, and return as such to proclaim the truth of God’s Presence within you, to direct your steps into the future, to release to you the Love and Will of God. (Maitreya, from Message No.138)
One day soon, men and women all over the world will gather round their radio and television sets to hear and see the Christ: to see His face, and to hear His words dropping silently into their minds – in their own language. In this way they will know that He is truly the Christ, the World Teacher; and in this way, too, we will see repeated, only now on a world scale, the happenings of Pentecost; and in celebration of this event Pentecost will become a major festival of the New World Religion…
His task, and that of His Disciples, the Masters of the Wisdom, will be to inaugurate the age of Reason, the age of Brotherhood, the age of Love, and so bring men into full conscious awareness of themselves as integral parts of the One Divine Life. (Benjamin Creme, The Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom)
My plan is to emerge forthwith, to speak to the people simply and in language which all men may understand; to speak to them as brothers, to guide their footsteps in the direction of God.
God may be known by many names: I call Him Love; I call Him also Justice. Both Love and Justice are the foundation of our life. Seek Me out and know your Brother of Old. Hearken to My Message, My friends, and together in joy shall we transform this world. (Maitreya, from Message No.38)
Each day that passes brings nearer the Day of Declaration when Maitreya will appear openly to all the world. On that glad day the shared joy of men and women everywhere will transform the present clouded picture of anxiety and fear.
The current turmoil and threat are but the prelude to a new era of peaceful co-operative effort to right the wrongs of the past; to create justice among the nations; to resolve ancient disputes and to uphold the international law.
When men look back on this time they will see it as the dark night which precedes the brightest dawn and will be glad to have lived at this eventful period. The world awaits the Teacher. The Teacher awaits His opportunity to emerge and, in full view, teach and serve. (Benjamin Creme’s Master, from ‘The dark before the dawn’)
You will see Me so soon now that, for the present, there is but one action to undertake. Make known, with all the power of will and mind, My Presence in the world. Make known, My friends, that you believe that the Son of Man walks again, that the Conveyor of God’s Law is among you, that the Light of Truth beckons anew the hearts of men, that the transition into the New Age shall be, by far, smoother than supposed, that My Law shall flourish, that My Emergence is under way. Tell your brothers, My friends, these truths, and bring them into your joy. (Maitreya, from Message No.131)
When we share the produce of the world more equitably, we at a stroke make war and terrorism a thing of the past. We create the conditions of trust. When we have trust, we can sit down and work out the answer to every problem.
Thus will Maitreya speak. Look for such a man speaking in those terms, much more eloquently and simply than I have done. If you believe that He is speaking truly, make it your work to be the first to change, the first to sacrifice.
When enough people are following, not Maitreya, but the thoughts, the ideas, the advice of Maitreya, He will be invited to speak to the entire world on what we will call the Day of Declaration. (Benjamin Creme, The Awakening of Humanity)
Wise Words?? From New Age/NWO "Puppets"
“Foster the practice of love and compassion”
Dalai Lama
Dalai Lama. photo: tibetanreview.netOn 3 June 2016 His Holiness the Dalai Lama spoke to more than 3,000 young Tibetan students about Maitreya’s (Bodhisattva) ‘Ornament for Clear Realization’, which defines the awakening mind of ‘bodhichitta’ as the intention to become enlightened for the sake of all sentient beings. “If you only think of yourself, you put yourself at a disadvantage. If, instead, you open your heart and extend your concern to others, you’ll be free of fear and anxiety. If you think of all sentient beings as being like you in not wanting suffering, self-cherishing will be reduced. Look at those around you. Those who are respectful and concerned about others tend to be happier, those who are more self-centred are less so. Think of those who share their sweets and whatever good things they have and those who keep them to themselves – which of them seems to be happier?”
A few days later, on 7 June, the Dalai Lama spoke to an audience of 7,000 at the Main Tibetan Temple at his residence in Dharamsala.
In his talk he mentioned that what distinguishes India, the Land of the Aryas, is that all the world’s major religions have flourished there for 1,000 years. There are the indigenous traditions like the Samkhya, Jain and Buddhist traditions, and they have been joined by Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. He said this is where we can find all these traditions living together in mutual respect, and as such it is a model for others to follow. He observed that India’s contemplative traditions, including Buddhism, possess ancient understanding of the workings of the mind that continue to be relevant and of interest today.
The Dalai Lama emphasized that while some religious traditions are theistic and stress the existence of a creator god, others are non-theistic and instead focus on causality, the law of cause and effect. Nevertheless, they all convey the same message of the importance of love and compassion and the need to protect these qualities with tolerance, contentment and self-discipline. These are traditions that have been of benefit in the past, are of benefit now, and will continue to be of benefit in the future. They may assert different philosophical points of view, but all foster the practice of love and compassion. For this reason it is important to promote inter-religious harmony amongst them. (Source:
Pope Francis
“The world needs Christ more than ever”, says Pope Francis
Pope Francis spoke to pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square on Pentecost, 19 June. He addressed the growing sense of emptiness and insecurity gripping the world and said that Jesus Christ is needed more than ever before, since he alone knows how to answer humanity’s deepest questions.
“The world needs Christ more than ever, needs his salvation and his merciful love.” The Pontiff continued, “Many people sense a void around and inside of them. Perhaps some of us too,” he said, noting that others “live in restlessness and insecurity because of precariousness and conflict.”
All people need proper answers to their deepest existential questions, he said, explaining that since “Jesus knows the heart of man like no other,” he is able to heal and to give life and consolation to humanity….
Francis focused on the day’s Gospel from Luke in which Jesus asks his disciples “Who do you say that I am?” – a question that Peter responds to with his declaration that Jesus is “the Christ of God.” And he went on to point out that Jesus’ question is being repeated to each one of us today, Francis said, and asked aloud “Who is Jesus for the people of our time? For me, for you, for you, for you. Who is Jesus for each one of us?” And that means adopting an attitude of solidarity, especially with the poor, and of commitment to working for justice and peace.
Pope Francis referred to UN’s World Day of Refugees on 20 June; this year’s: theme is “With refugees. We are on the side of those forced to flee.” He said that refugees “are people like everyone else, but from whom war has taken their house, work, relatives and friends.” Francis added “Because of this we wish to be with them: to meet them, to welcome them, to listen to them, to become with them artisans of peace according to the will of God.” (Source: CNA/EWTN News;
Speaking on the occasion of the World Day Against Child Labour, 12 June 2016, Pope Francis made a strong appeal to the world for an end to child slavery. At a special Jubilee Mass at the Vatican, the Pontiff called on the world to ban the scourge of child labour. “Today is the World Day Against Child Labour. Let us unite and renew our efforts to remove the causes of this modern slavery, that deprives millions of children of certain fundamental rights and exposes them to serious dangers. Today there are many child slaves in the world,” he said in a speech.
Earlier in the week Pope Francis warned against an excessive rigidity in matters of belief, dogma and practice. Dogmatic rigidity, he said, prevents people from reaching reconciliation with each other. Taking his cue from Jesus’ warning to his disciples, the Pope said that Jesus asks us to go beyond the laws and love God and neighbour, stressing that whoever is angry with their brother will be liable to judgement. The Pontiff said we have “a very creative vocabulary for insulting others” but stressed that such insults are a sin and an assault on our brother’s soul and his dignity.
Speaking to the World Communion of Reformed Churches, Vatican City, 10 June 2016, Pope Francis spoke of the problems of faith in the modern world.
“….In effect, today we often experience ‘a spiritual desertification’. Especially in places where people live as if God did not exist, our Christian communities are meant to be sources of living water quenching thirst with hope, a presence capable of inspiring encounter, solidarity and love. They are called to receive and rekindle God’s grace, to overcome self-centredness and to be open to mission. Faith cannot be shared if it is practised apart from life, in unreal isolation and in self-referential communities resistant to change. Thus it would be impossible to respond to the insistent thirst for God that nowadays finds expression also in various new forms of religiosity. These at times risk encouraging concern for oneself and one’s needs alone, and promoting a kind of ‘spiritual consumerism’. Unless people today ‘find in the Church a spirituality which can offer healing and liberation, and fill them with life and peace, while at the same time summoning them to fraternal communion and missionary fruitfulness, they will end up by being taken in by solutions which neither make life truly human nor give glory to God’….” (Source:;;
From our own correspondents
Speaking out about the extraterrestrial presence on Earth
Compiled by Gerard Aartsen
Despite the decades-long official cover-up of the extraterrestrial presence on Earth, a growing number of officials and dignitaries have spoken out about the reality of the visitors from space. Share International co-worker and author Gerard Aartsen brought these statements together in his books Here to Help: UFOs and the Space Brothers (2011) and Priorities for a Planet in Transition – The Space Brothers’ Case for Justice and Freedom (2015).
Roscoe H. HillenkoetterCombined, these testimonies provide a powerful and unmistakeable statement of disclosure from people who were or are active in the very realms of authority that are responsible for hiding the fact of the extraterrestrial presence from the public – government, science, and the military.
“It is time for the truth to be brought out in open Congressional hearings… Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about the UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense…”
– Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, US Navy, Vice Admiral; CIA director, 1947-1950; Member of National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena, 1957-1962.(Source: New York Times, 28 February 1960)
“The sons of God are everywhere. Sometimes we have difficulties in recognizing our own brothers.”
– Pope John XXXIII (the “Good” Pope) – Pontiff, Roman Catholic Church, 1958-1963. Comment made after an encounter with a being from a flying saucer that had landed in the garden of Castel Gandolfo in July 1961. (Source: The Pope’s personal assistant and eye witness to the event Loris Capovilla, and Bishop Higinio Alas Gómez.)
“The space people foresee a future of great prosperity for planet Earth, if our leaders will avoid a new conflict, and confirm that they are among us, to help us. We must not forget that we owe it to them that thus far no nuclear war has broken out.”
– Alberto Perego (1903-1981), Consul, Italy. (From: L’aviazione di altri pianeti opera tra noi: rapporto agli italiani: 1943-1963)
“I believe that these extra-terrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from other planets, which obviously are a little more technically advanced than we are here on earth.”
– Gordon Cooper, D.Sc., US Air Force Colonel; Gemini 5, Mercury 9 astronaut, USA.(From:Letter to the UN encouraging the establishment of a committee to look into the UFO phenomenon, 9 November 1978.)
“The phenomenon of UFOs does exist, and it must be treated seriously.”
Mikhail Gorbachev, President, USSR, 1985-1991. (Source: Interview with Soviet Youth, 4 May 1990)
“They are people like us. They have the same mind, the same vision. I talked with them. I understand that we are not alone in this whole world. We are not unique.”
– Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, President Kalmykia, Russian Federation, 1993-2010; President World Chess Federation FIDE, 1995-Present. (Source: Interview for British TV, 2007)
Professor Ervin László“There are reports of extraterrestrials having contact here. They are kept very secret but I have some access to some people and some information that are meant to be kept very confidential... Some of the things I know I’m not supposed to say because they will never tell me anything anymore. But I am certain that contact has been made.”
– Professor Ervin László, science philosopher, integral theorist, systems theorist, Hungary; Founder, Club of Budapest. (Source: Interview with Tessa Koop, Spring 2008)
Edgar Mitchell, D.Sc.“I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomenon is real, although it’s been covered up by governments for quite a long time.”
– Edgar Mitchell, D.Sc., US Navy Captain, Ret.; Apollo 14 astronaut; 6th man on the Moon. (Source: Interview with Nick Margerisson for The Night Before on Kerrang! Radio, UK, 23 July 2008)
“Aliens are currently all around us, and are watching us all the time. They are not hostile towards us, rather, they want to help us but we have not grown enough in order to establish direct contact with them.”
– Professor Lachezar Filipov,Deputy Director, Space Research Institute, Bulgaria; Member of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF). (Source: The Telegraph, 26 November 2009)
“The document I saw was an official brief to President Eisenhower. To the best of my memory, this brief was pervaded with a sense of hope and it informed President Eisenhower of the continued presence of extra-terrestrial beings here in the United States of America.”
– The Honorable Henry McElroy Jr., Former state legislator, New Hampshire, USA. (Source: Public statement on YouTube, 8 May 2010)
Paul Hellyer“Decades ago, visitors from other planets warned us about where we were headed and offered to help. But instead we, or at least some of us, interpreted their visits as a threat, and decided to shoot first and ask questions after… The veil of secrecy must be lifted and it has to be lifted now, before it is too late.”
– The Right Honorable Paul Hellyer, Minister of Defence, Canada, 1963-1968; Vice Prime Minister, Canada, 1967-1969. (From: Speech at the National Press Club, Washington DC, April 2008)
Robert Salas“Unknown aerial objects have in fact been observed over many of our nuclear weapons bases and other nuclear facilities, and in some cases the appearance of these objects coincided with compromising the operational readiness of our nuclear weapons… If they wanted to destroy them, with all the powers they seem to have, they could have done that job. So I personally don’t think that it was a hostile intent.”
– Robert Salas, US Air Force Captain (Ret.); Former nuclear missile launch officer. (Source: Statements at a press conference, National Press Club, Washington DC, 27 September 2010.)
“Along with the briefcase with the nuclear codes, the President of the country is given a special ‘top secret’ folder which is entirely devoted to the extra-terrestrials who visited our planet. The report is provided by the special secret service which deals with the extra-terrestrials in our country.”
– Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, President, Russian Federation (2008-2012); Prime Minister, Russian Federation (2012-present). (Source: Off-air comments after an interview on Russian TV, 7 December 2012)
(For more information: A video compilation of these statements is available on YouTube and Vimeo, titled End the UFO/ET Disclosure nonsense!)
Environmentalism is apart of the New Religion coming through the Vatican II sect...
S.O.P. – Save Our Planet
In the words of a Master of Wisdom: “Apart from war, nothing so profoundly affects the future of all men as much as pollution. Some countries have recognised this fact and have taken some steps to limit pollution and global warming. Others, sometimes the chief polluters, deny the reality of global warming despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Daily, now, the climatic changes prove beyond doubt that the planet is sick and needs immediate and skilful care to re-establish equilibrium. Time is running out for men to halt the transformation which is being daily wrought on planet Earth. Every man, woman and child must play their part in the task. Time is, verily, running out. S.O.P. Save Our Planet!” (Source: ‘S.O.P. — Save Our Planet!’ by the Master —, through Benjamin Creme, 8 September 2012)
Leave fossil fuels in the ground
A new study, ‘The climate response to 5 trillion tonnes of carbon’ by a Canadian research team led by Katarzyna Tokarska from the University of Victoria, was published on 23 May 2016 in Nature Climate Change journal. The climate change agreement in December 2015 was supported by over 180 countries, who resolved to limit emissions to a trillion tonnes of carbon, keeping the global temperature rise to under 2oC. However, by looking at long-term computer model simulations to see what would happen if all the remaining untapped fossil fuels were burned, the team found that atmospheric warming from CO2 accumulation from both global conventional, fossil fuels and natural fires would emit 5 trillion tonnes of carbon if an accelerated transition to renewable energy did not take place. The impact from unconventional fossil fuels (from fracked shale deposits tar sands oil) had not been included and this too would have an increased carbon footprint.
The results show that the unregulated use of fossil fuel resources could lead to even higher regional differences in effects from climate change than previously experienced, with a rise in global temperatures by 10 degrees Celsius by 2200. Tokarska said: “Such climate changes, if realized, would have extremely profound impacts on ecosystems, human health, agriculture, economies and other sectors.” The study shows that rainfall could decrease by two thirds over parts of central America and north Africa and by half over parts of Australia, the Mediterranean, southern Africa and the Amazon. “What we are doing is showing what will happen if we do nothing to implement the Paris agreement to mitigate climate change,” Tokarska said. (Source:;;
Portugal runs on renewable energy for four days running
Portugal reached a clean energy milestone when the whole country ran for 107 hours straight on energy from solar, wind and hydro power alone, from 6.45am on Saturday 7 May 2016 until 5.45pm on Wednesday 11 May. Portugal has previously relied heavily upon energy from coal and gas, and was considered one of Europe’s biggest producers of CO2 emissions. The country has made huge moves towards clean energy, spurred by the EU’s renewable targets for 2020.
Francisco Ferreira, president of Portuguese Sustainability NGO Zero, has said: “Portugal has been investing considerably in renewables, particularly in electricity, since this will be the main final energy within the next decades with the transition from fossil fuels in road transportation to electric vehicles”.
Germany has also announced that on Sunday 15 May it generated almost all its electricity from clean energy and the UK also had its first-ever week of coal-free electricity generation for almost one-third of the time between 9-15 May. (Source:;;
World Ocean Day
On 8 June 2016 UNESCO, the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, celebrates the wealth in our oceans around the world. Sea water makes up about 70 per cent of our planet’s surface and is responsible for regulating the climate, feeding millions of people, providing healthy ecosystems for myriads of marine species, providing half the earth’s oxygen and medicines from marine resources. This year’s theme is ‘Healthy Ocean, Healthy Planet’.
We have misused this incredible resource so that fish stocks have been critically over-fished, but recently, the Fisheries and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) ‘State of Marine Resources’ shows that larger stocks of some fish species are recovering faster than smaller stocks of other species which are harvested faster than they can reproduce. The problem of ‘bycatch’– the unintentional catching of many fish other than that of the target species – and the creation of hundreds of Marine Reserves are also beginning to be addressed after campaigning by global communities.
In the UK, efforts are being taken to protect coastal communities. On the North Yorkshire coast at Flamborough Head, a ‘No Take Zone’ (NTZ) has been established, where the removal of fish, shellfish or any marine plant by any method is strictly prohibited, meaning that people can explore rock pools and the beach, but cannot take anything out of the area. It is regularly scrutinized and protected by the North Eastern Inshore Fisheries (NEIFCA) patrols so that no fishing, collection or any extractive activities are undertaken.
Our waters are choking on plastics ranging from metres of greenhouse polythene to tiny microparticles of fossil fuel plastics which are ingested by a range of animals from whales to zooplankton. Captain Charles Moore discovered the first plastic debris gyre in the North Pacific in 1997 and set up the Algalita Foundation. In the latter part of 2016, a 15-year retrospective study will be published, which used the foundation’s research vessel Alguita to evaluate the long-term trend and changes observed in the plastic debris gyres around the world. Moore believes that all the oceanic plastic pollution can be stopped through research publication, education and action; otherwise by 2050 the amount of plastic in our oceans will outweigh the amount of fish in the sea. In the US, the Plastic Ocean Pollution Solutions (POPS) is celebrating its fourth International Youth Summit this year. America is moving towards banning plastic microbeads in cosmetics and personal care, and the UK and EU are planning to follow suit. The Zoological Society of London (ZSL) is working towards elimination of single-use plastic bottles in their ‘One Less’ campaign. (Source:;;
China: “ecological civilization blueprint”
China is taking climate change seriously. It has committed to bold new plans to reduce its carbon footprint, developing a five-year plan to renewing the environment to a substantial level. An example of the Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection’s plans is that by 2020 an estimated 23 per cent of total land mass in China will be covered by forests.
China has just published an ambitious “ecological civilization blueprint”, says a United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) report. Entitled Green is gold: The strategy and actions of China’s ecological civilization, the report was launched on the sidelines of the ongoing second edition of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA2) in Nairobi. The UNEP report analyzes the environmental dimension of China’s 13th five-year plan and concluded Beijing was on course to attain ecological renewal.
Chinese Minister of Environmental Protection Chen Jining and UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner attended the launch of the report. It indicated that besides expanding forest cover, China is committed to reducing water and carbon footprints, thanks to adoption of cleaner technologies in various sectors of the economy. According to the report, China has pledged to reduce water and energy consumption by 23 and 15 per cent respectively in a bid to cut down on carbon emissions.
“If China succeeds in implementing targets outlined in its ecological civilization blueprint, then it will have taken a major step towards shifting to a greener economy,” Steiner remarked.
China, in its bold step to build eco-civilization, aims to limit consumption of fossil fuels in key sectors like transport and manufacturing. The UNEP report noted that by 2014, China had built 10.5 billion square metres of energy saving buildings in urban areas. It disclosed that China’s production of energy efficient vehicles increased 45-fold from 2011 to 2015.
According to the UNEP report, China has also built the largest air-quality monitoring network in the developing world.
Steiner noted that China has set ambitious green goals that should be replicated in other parts of the world. “There has been unprecedented progress in policy reforms that have accelerated green transformation in China,” said the UNEP chief. (Source: UNEP)