Chronology of the Downfall or "Sinking Ship" of the Neo SSPX
Loose translation
TOWARDS the "full reconciliation" between the SSPX and the Conciliar Church
Non Possumus blog thanks the blog administrator Syllabus for producing most of this chronology.
30/06/1988 EPISCOPAL CONSECRATION . Msgr. Lefebvre, assisted by Mgr. De Castro Mayer, enshrined in Ecône to the 4 bishops of the SSPX. "This event today is the operation" survival ". And if I had done that another operation with Rome following the agreements we had signed and then implementing these agreements, the operation would be "suicide." (Complete sermon here )
01/07/1988 decree of excommunication against Mons. Lefebvre, Mgr. de Castro Mayer and the four consecrated bishops.
02/07/1988 Motu Proprio "Ecclesia Dei" , J ohn Paul II, by which condemns the episcopal consecrations of the SSPX and authorizes the diocesan bishops to allow turn to the faithful who request the celebration of the Latin Mass, giving a "pardon" for this purpose.
18/07/1988 FORMATION "Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter" A group of 14 French, German and Austrian priests of the SSPX, led by Swiss Fr Bisig (former rector of the German seminar), and about 20 seminarians.; out of the fraternity, and with the benefit of Ecclesia Dei, they form the FSSP.
25/07/1988 DEFECCCIÓN of Le Barroux . Cardinal Ratzinger, in his reply to Dom Gerard, agrees canonical status to the Monastery Santa Magdalena de Barroux. The Monastery of the Holy Cross (Brazil) is separated from the mother house and remains faithful to Archbishop Lefebvre.
20-21 / 05/1989 GRAVE CRISIS IN BUENOS AIRES SEMINAR SSPX. Led by P. Morello, a massive outflow of seminarians from the Seminary of La Reja in Argentina occurs. Msgr. Lefebvre maintains its strength not only against the Romans modernists, but also against the onslaught of the sedevacantists and extremists who tried to destroy his work.
1990 "Every priest who wants to remain Catholic has the strict duty to separate from the church to reconcile." (Msgr. Lefebvre, " Spiritual Journey following St. Thomas Aquinas in his Summa Theologica ").
25/03/1991 DEATH OF MONS. LEFEBVRE in Martigny, Switzerland.
02/04/1991 FUNERAL OF BISHOP. Lefebvre. In his sermon , Father Schmidberger, Superior General, said: While the spirit of destruction blow in the bishoprics and Roman dicasteries, there will be no harmonization or possible agreement. We want to work in the construction of the Church and not its demolition.
25/04/1991 DEATH OF MONS. DE CASTRO MAYER. Father Licinio Rangel happens in front of the Union St. John Vianney.
11/07/1994 Fellay ELECTED SUPERIOR GENERAL OF THE SSPX, replacing P. Franz Schmidberger.
1998 ESTABLISHING THE GREC (Group of Reflection among Catholics). That year a first working group is established. Then conferences-debates on the points currently organized in the Church. Participants: besides Mrs. Perol, Father de la Brosse OP, Fr. Lorans (SSPX) and P. Lelong, the principal animators of GREC were, from the early years of its existence: P. Barthe, Father Vincent Ribeton, superior of the District of France of the Fraternity of St. Peter, P. Herve Hygonnet (FSSP), lay and Paul Airiau, Jacques-Régis du Cray, Luc Perrin, Philippe Pichot-Bravard, Jean Maurice Verdier and Marie- Alix Doutrebente. The existence of GREC it is kept secret until the crisis of 2012.
8-10 / 08/2000 PILGRIMAGE TO ROME AND RESUMPTION Contacts between the SSPX and the Vatican. 6,000 SSPX pilgrims going to Rome on the occasion of the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000. On that occasion, Card. Castrillón has a first contact with the SSPX.
11/2000 THE CARD. HOLES CASTRILLÓN INVITE A MONS. FELLAY TO GO TO ROME to prepare a visit to the Pope.
29/12/2000 MONS. FELLAY IS WITH CARD. CASTRILLÓN, who offers the superior of the SSPX various elements that could be used for a possible agreement between Rome and the Society.
30/12/2000 BRIEF ENCOUNTER BETWEEN THE POPE AND MONS. FELLAY in the private chapel of Pope John Paul II. "No words of importance has been exchanged , " says the SSPX.
16/01/2001 NEW MEETING BETWEEN THE HOLES AND MONS Cardinal Castrillon. FELLAY. This exposes two prerequisites of the SSPX: release of the Mass of St. Pius V and lifting of the "excommunications" 1988.
22/01/2001 STATEMENT OF MONS. DISCUSSIONS ON FELLAY between Rome and the SSPX.
11/05/2001 "ADHERE TO 95% OF VATICAN II" The newspaper La Liberté published. An interview Bishop Fellay, where it says: " It seems we throw away all the Vatican. However we adhere to 95%. "
05/2001 Letter to Friends and Benefactors No. 60 of Bishop Fellay. "When we say challenge the Council, we do not understand why totally reject the letter of all the conciliar documents, which mostly contain simple repetition of what has already been said in the past: we fight a new language, introduced on behalf of the Council pastorality ".
18/01/2002 CAMPOS defection . The Congregation for Bishops erected the Apostolic Administration of St. John Vianney in Campos to house the priests of the Union of St. John Vianney. The same day, in Campos, Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos heads the erection of it, being designated Mons. Rangel as Bishop and Superior of the congregation. Rome reports that the agreement was due to the Priestly Union recognized the legitimacy of Vatican II and soon held the Novus Ordo Missae Far from condemning this fact, says the SSPX in a statement: "For the first time, is granted to Tradition diocesan structure type. A traditional bishop is now recognized as such, as fully Catholic (...) We must also consider that has not been made any substantial concession to doctrinal level (...) What will from now on its relations with Rome and with us? This time will tell. The new situation will serve as a test for the future. "
04/05/2002 LETTER OF CARD. CASTRILLÓN A MONS. FELLAY. Cardinal says.. "On December 29 ... I had a meeting with interlocutory nature Bishop Bernard Fellay .... The meeting was characterized by warm cordiality and spirit of faith ... 1. Position of His Excellency Bishop Fellay (...) 1.3 He accepts the Second Vatican Council while recalling the difficulties on some points. ... After these events, highlighting their goodwill and based on the fact that the Brotherhood does not broadcast any heretical doctrine, and does not maintain attitudes schismatic, I dared to propose, without consulting anyone, establishing a possible date for reintegration. I presented as a possible date the Solemnity of Easter 2001, and His Excellency, though surprised, did not exclude this possibility, stating that probably within the SSPX arise some problems. "
06/06/2004 LETTER OF MONS. FELLAY TO CARD. . CASTRILLÓN says Bishop Fellay.: "We do not see how we could arrive at a recognition without passing through a number of stages ... Among the steps, the first seems to be the withdrawal of the decree of excommunication ... Such a measure would be recognized as a real opening by Rome and create a new climate, necessary to go further ... we did not ask or want the special status in the sense that it would be the mark of a particularism, but we want a "normal" place in the Church ... it is in this perspective that we claim a right I never have been lost: the Mass for everyone .... We need a protector and defender of our interests in the Curia. "
18/06/2004 REQUEST FOR WITHDRAWAL OF excommunications . Msgr. Fellay announced that Rome had asked officially the withdrawal of the Decree of Declaration of the excommunications.
17/10/2004 MONS. WILLIAMSON ALERT , before anybody else, about the possible fall of the SSPX (Homily at Saint Nicholas de Chardonnet): "Then do not say" the Fraternity is infallible, the Brotherhood is strong, the Brotherhood is a normal ship of the Church ". This is not like this. It is a lifeboat. And then we have this confidence also that if the dear Fraternity also came to sink-which is not impossible, since we are all human beings poor if she were to sink, do not be afraid ... And if dear Fraternity, for their miseries human were to capsize as the conciliar Church, God at least save the little flock not want to abandon God ".
29/08/2005 BENEDICT XVI RECEIVES MONS. FELLAY at Castelgandolfo. The statement of the SSPX after the meeting stated that "We have reached a consensus on the fact proceed in stages in solving problems." The Vatican press agency says: "The interview took place in a climate of love for the Church and the desire to reach full communion. Well aware of the difficulties, they have expressed the desire to proceed in stages and within a reasonable time ".
13/02/2006 BENEDICT XVI MEETS THE HEADS OF DICASTERY to discuss the issue Lefebvre.
23/03/2006 BENEDICT XVI MEETS IN ROME WITH THE CARDINALS IN CONSISTORY to study the question raised "by Archbishop Lefebvre and the liturgical reform desired by the Second Vatican Council".
25/03/2006 INTERVIEW TO MONS. FELLAY (in DICI), which states: There is talk of apostolic administration, personal prelature, ordinariate ... of this seems premature. Want a canonical agreement immediately and at any price, we might very likely to resurface immediately see all the doctrinal problems that oppose us to Rome, and this agreement would be obsolete immediately. This regularization of our canonical status must come last, as if to seal an agreement already made at least essentially at the level of principles, thanks to the facts observed by Rome.
07/2006 GENERAL CHAPTER OF THE SSPX, which states: "the contacts that keeps the Fraternity sporadically with the Roman authorities have sole purpose of helping to make again his Tradition, which the Church can not renounce without losing their identity and not to gain an advantage for himself or to reach a purely practical impossible "agreement". The day the Tradition recover all their rights , "the problem of reconciliation would no longer have reason to exist and a new youth flourish in the Church". Re - elected to Msgr. Fellay as Superior General.
09/08/2006 the Ecclesia Dei Commission ERIGE THE "INSTITUTE OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD" directed by Father Philippe Laguérie, a former member of the SSPX.
07/07/2007 Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum . Benedict XVI releases the Mass of St. Pius V (which however becomes "extraordinary form of the Roman rite", leaving the Novus Ordo as "ordinary form"). Benedict XVI accompanies the motu proprio with a letter to bishops .
04/2008 Letter to Friends and Benefactors No. 72 : "No despair, without impatience, we find that the time has not reached an agreement. This does not prevent us continue waiting, continue the path set since 2000. We ask the Holy Father the annulment of the decree of excommunication of 1988, convinced as we are that will do a great good for the Church; We encourage them to pray to occur. However, it would be very imprudent and hasty embark headlong into the realization of a practical agreement that is not founded on the fundamental principles of the Church, especially on faith. "
4/06/2008 At the request of Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos, MONS. FELLAY GOES TO ROME. Cardinal gave him a memorandum in the form of an ultimatum , demanding an answer by the end of June.
09/07/2008 GREC MEMBERS, INCLUDING THE P. lorans SSPX, ASK THE LIFTING OF excommunications. The letter recalls the "necessary reconciliation", ie, a practical agreement without doctrinal agreement.
1/11/2008 SSPX starts a 'ROSARY CRUSADE "to" obtain the deletion of the Decree of Excommunication "this crusade will last from 1 November until Christmas.
21/01/2009 lifting of the excommunications. The Cardinal Re signed the decree lifting the excommunications (not "retreat" or "cancellation" of the decree) to be published on 24. That night, the Swedish broadcaster SVT publishes a interview Msgr. Williamson made two months ago, where the bishop questioned the official version of the "Holocaust". Further states the decree: "Wishing that this step be followed without delay of full communion with the Church of the entire Fraternity of Saint Pius X, in testimony of a true fidelity and true recognition of the Magisterium and the authority of the Pope through proof of visible unity. "
24/01/2009 PRESS Menzingen : "In this new environment, we firmly hope to arrive soon to a recognition of the rights of Catholic Tradition".
27/01/2009 Fellay CONDEMNS A MONS. WILLIAMSON for their statements that angered the Synagogue and the Vatican hierarchy.