
Imminent ISIS Attacks On Multiple America Targets...

This blog coves the latest news as it relates to  false flag propaganda

In December 8, 2015, in the second hour of the broadcast, Doug and Joe interviewed Dave Hodges regarding intelligence which is strongly suggestive of an impending and major ISIS attack upon Americans who live and work in gun free zones (ie soft kill zones).
Doug Hagmann has exactly the same intel as Dave Hodges. This is a fascinating interview, which also evaluated the legitimacy of the Trump candidacy as well as why many believe that Hillary will be the President that will ultimately usher in martial law and FEMA camps.

San Bernardino False Flag: City On Lock Down, Martial Law Next?

This is how they work their propaganda, scaring the people into submission.

Obama Wastes No Time Sensationalizing San Bernardino Shooting [Video]
San Bernardino Shooting Happened During SWAT Drill, Masonic Symbol On Hat
The San Bernardino PD’s SWAT team was training nearby when the call came in of multiple shots fired just before 11 a.m. local time, Lieutenant Richard Lawhead told KTLA. They were already suited up and “ready to roll,” which is why they were able to respond so quickly.
Also take notice of the Masonic hat worn by the father of someone allegedly in the building. Others even stated that they thought it was a drill. This is more proof of a Drill Gone Live!

San Bernardino victims daughter exposes her mother to be a fake and shooters’ family attorney speaks out

First of all two clips which really should be enough to convince people something doesn’t sit right with this ‘incident’ in San Bernardino, California. The third ‘false flag’ video shows how the Paris attack had government operatives throwing fire-crackers in cafes, terrifying unsuspecting customers. It’s so blatant it’s almost laughable.

Frankly, quite why I even have to say this for me is the crux of the problem. Most of us by now should at least be suspicious as to why the authorities, with all the extra surveillance & spying, are unable to avert these so-called attacks. Yet the terrorists are as dumb as can be! Islamic passports are always left at the scene. Oh but no one is ever captured & no one is ever sacked for incompetence. Since when could would-be terrorists acquire automatic weapons at will? The media never ask questions yet they attach blame at light speed! Are you kidding me?

Almost everybody should know we’re being set up. For quite some time I’ve been saying they’re going to stage fake events with increasing regularity because they have to manufacture an excuse to take away our basic rights. The evidence is so overwhelming quite how anyone can be daft enough to believe the media is beyond me. I keep saying – can’t you see how they’re inciting Islamophobia by blaming everything on Islamic extremists? Since the only terrorists that really do exist are ones the West has created, every last one of these incidents – the Boston bombing, Sandy Hook, Charlie Hebdo, the Paris attack & now this alleged shooting in San Bernardino, had to be engineered. This whole war on terror is a total myth.

MUST SEE "FIRECRACKER" TOSS by Gov't Operative During Paris Attack @ Cafe Nostra! BUSTED!

Yet as much as one explains how the Zionist controlled media is literally doing all it can to get us to argue among ourselves, my protestations often fall on deaf ears. We should be joining forces against what is a terrible, common evil that’s out to enslave us. As much as I tell people their goal is to divide & conquer; as much as I provide all the evidence that conclusively shows how the US, UK, France etc are not fighting ISIS BUT FUNDING IT, for many, the penny simply will not drop. Whether cognitive dissonance is rearing it’s ugly head I’m not sure, yet even those who are aware politicians & media are lying, nevertheless struggle to make sense of it all. The key to unlocking all the conundrums is to ask – WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS & WHO ARE THEY DOING THIS FOR?

As I just explained, only by creating an imaginary foe can the elite usher in laws which effectively will strip us of our fundamental rights. This will lead to the elimination of dissent, forced vaccinations, micro-chipping, a police state, mass incarceration & mass execution. For the blithering idiots who accused people like me of being conspiracy theorists & anti-Semitic, they’ll have to experience the dawning realisation that largely thanks to their stupidity slavery will have returned with a vengeance.

Of course many of the chief power-brokers are Zionists – the daddy of them all being the Rothschild banking dynasty. In conjunction with the above, in order for the Rothschild’s to create a New World Order & so become despotic lords of the planet, their fiefdom Israel has to expand dramatically & in doing so, crush all their opponents. Time & again I’ve talked of Oded Yinon’s plan to create Greater Israel. It all ties in with 9/11, the catalyst for the war on terror & why ISIS is in fact an Israeli run terrorist organisation that is currently destroying all their enemies, paving the way for the creation of Greater Israel.

There exists mountains of evidence to verify what I just said –

1) First & foremost, so far ISIS has slaughtered hoards of Arab & Muslims along with some Christians. They’ve also only attacked Muslim countries. I ask you – what kind of Islamic terrorist organisation never attacks Israel & only attacks their own?

2) Cast your mind back to when Joe Biden let it slip that the Turks were helping ISIS. Angry denials were met with stony silence. Biden hasn’t opened his mouth since.

3) When the West was claiming it was attacking ISIS in Syria & Iraq, lo & behold,  like magic, ISIS went from strength to strength.

4) With no option left, Assad asked Russia for their help. Within two weeks ISIS was being routed.

5) Instead of the West thanking Russia for accomplishing what they seemingly were incapable of doing, Russia was roundly criticised for attacking non-existent moderate rebels. Only the brain dead & comatosed didn’t realise this was a bare-faced lie.

6) Almost on cue Israeli retribution in the form of a bomb on a Russian passenger plane. Immediately the media blamed ISIS when there is no way cut-throat mercenaries can overnight become saboteurs able to evade airport security in a foreign country. This is the domain of Mossad. As I said, only when you accept ISIS is our creation for the benefit of Israel, does everything fall neatly into place.

7) True to form, when Russia presents damning evidence Turkey is buying ISIS oil, instead of the media eagerly pursuing these incredible allegations, virtually a blanket boycott is imposed on this news. The US state department declares Russia’s claims are without substance. In the meantime it’s almost common knowledge Erdogan’s family is making millions from these ISIS oil trades.

8) Of course RT relentlessly pound the Turkish connection but never do they or anyone else ever mention that Israel too is feeding ISIS by buying oil from them.

Multiple reports claim that Israel is the top purchaser of smuggled ISIS oil –


9) Not only that, there have been several articles on the Internet that clearly show both Israel & Turkey are treating ISIS wounded in their hospitals. One such report showed none other than Netanyahu visiting wounded ISIS terrorists.

10) And finally, the one question that is always avoided like the plague – HOW IN THE BLAZES IS ISIS MAINTAINING IT’S SUPPLY LINES?

Here’s more damning evidence that Israel is secretly helping ISIS. What right do they have even entering Syrian air-space, let alone to illegally bomb a sovereign nation? This is a blatant act of war! Can you imagine the outcry if it was the other way round – Syrian jets bombing Tel Aviv?

Israel’s covert involvement in Syria conflict to escalate –


Israeli Airstrikes Over Damascus Confirmed –



By Lestado Codicus

The Police Screwed Up Big Time on Their False Flag Shooting in California. Videos at bottom of article prove the media are liars.

These videos prove without a doubt that the Media’s story doesn’t add up.
On December 2, America experienced its 63rd “Mass Shooting” THIS YEAR. Just over a month ago I wrote an article about Obama and his false flags.  Using a Stanford Study to show that the average amount of mass shootings prior to Obama’s election was 2.5 per year I proved that the numbers don’t add up. This year the total is 14.4 TIMES HIGHER than the average prior to 2008. Either everyone is losing their minds this year or many of these events are what I like to call: a false flag.

A video recorded by Dorothy Vong (a nurse where the shooting occurred) PROVES that this last shooting in California was a complete hoax. In this video you can clearly hear (and read the subtitles if you can’t) that the nurses inside the building had no idea why Police were storming the facility heavily armed. They thought it was an “active shooter drill” because they clearly hadn’t heard any gunfire or had any alarms triggered.

False Flag
How can an entire group of nurses present at the scene not hear any gunfire while over 20 people were supposedly gunned down?
The average response time that it takes San Bernadino police to arrive at a crime scene is 17.06 minutes. However, all evidence points to the Police arriving just as the shooting began? Think about that.
In another video you can hear shooting as soon as the Police arrive on the scene. Apparently the suspects had a shootout with the Police and then managed to get away to their house even though the Police had surrounded the building? This timeline doesn’t make sense to a logical person. Even if it did, that is not the story being put out by the MSM.
Evidence actually points to the fact that there WAS NO SHOOTING before the Police arrived.
After the shooting began Dorothy Vong sent a text to her husband saying that it wasn’t a drill and she heard shooting. Then Vong and her co-workers locked themselves in an office and made it out ok.

Timing is everything
Stats don’t lie and stats say that the high number of mass shootings are extremely out of place. It’s also odd that Obama is pushing so hard for gun control. Every time he fails to push his anti-defense agenda, another shooting happens immediately. He has even gone so far as to threaten mass gun confiscation across the nation.
The extreme gun control laws in California obviously didn’t help… So why would you push for more gun control? Brazil banned guns and their murder rate increased. Now the Brazilian Government has enough sense to remove the gun ban in an attempt to lower the murder rate. It’s basic common sense.
I’m not saying that these terrorists weren’t real. What I’m saying is that the intelligence agencies manufactured an event to scare the public.
Is 2015 the year of MK-Ultra? Is the Mainstream Media just lying to everyone to push the Government’s agenda, yet again? Or are these extremists just being enabled by the Intelligence agencies? They think you are stupid enough to believe these poorly engineered false flag events. Are you?
I hope not.
Always remember who is behind it all.


Video of Police Storming the Building

Another False Flag Shooting Proves Obama Is Implementing His 17th and Final Element of Martial Law

Martial law will happen just prior to the commencement of World War III. A series of false flag events will occur prior to the implementation of martial law. America is on a collision course with destiny!
For the past three years, I have been very clear in that I stated that we were plunging into an economic collapse and this collapse would happen prior to the implementation of martial. Martial law must be implemented before World War III in order to wipe out all domestic resistance to the war effort.
With another false flag shooting, we don’t have to wait any longer, America is rapidly approach its final moment of its demise.

The Economy Is In Free Fall

The next false flag event will likely collapse this fragile economy. When it does, food will not be shipped to your neighborhood grocery store. The American economy will come to a complete standstill. Economic collapse is imminent.
Michael Snyder just wrote an excellent analysis related to the true state of the economy. He was quite clear and convincing in his presentation that America is already in free-fall. Every economic indicator says the economy is collapsing like a house of cards except for the Stock Market. When the Stock Market crashes, the end is here. Oil has crashed as it is now selling for less than $40 a barrel.
This is a huge chest pain before the heart attack. Because this fact, couple with the fact that Baltic Dry Index has reached an all-time low speaks to the fact that very soon, there will not be the necessary cash to finance the shipment of food to market. When this magic moment occurs, the United States will cease in its present form. It will be a case of every man for themselves. The chain of events will be underway that will result in planetary madeness resulting from World War III.

Another False Flag Event
Michael Adams is reporting that yesterday’s mass murder has all the elements of a false flag event ad I wholeheartedly agree with im. Coupled with the Oregon shootings earlier this fall and with all of this most recent rash of contrived shootings, speaks to Obama’s intent to seize American guns by one means or another. I do not think Obama is foolish enough to perpetrate a Lexington and Concord event. He will simply declare guns to be illegal and go after high profile dissidents through organizations such as Jade Helm 16 which has emerged to replace Jade Helm 15. He will also move to make ammunition nearly unobtainable through taxation.
My research has revealed that there are 17 elements of Obama’s martial law plan. Sixteen items on this list have been fulfilled. Until Obama has all but erased private gun ownership, martial law and World III will have to wait. With anymore false flag shootings, private gun ownership will be in jeopardy. And the 17th element of Obama’s martial law prerequisites will be fulfilled and then all hell will break loose across this country.

The 17 Elements of Obama’s Martial Law Plan
Most experts who have studied Obama’s Executive Orders agree that his hard core martial law contains the following 17  essential elements:

1-Mass roundup and/or execution of political dissidents  (NDAA)
2-Dusk to dawn curfews  (EO 13603)
3-Rationing of essential resources   (EO 13603)
4-The seizing of personal assets such as food and water  (EO 13603)
5-Control over all food and water  (EO 13603)
6-Total suspension of the Constitution   (NDAA-FM 3-39.4)
7-The confiscation of property, homes and businesses  (EO 13603)
8-Arrests without due process   (NDAA)
9-Massive “papers please” checkpoints with intrusive searches  (NDAA, Standard DHS operational guidelines)
10-Forced relocation   (PDD 51, REX 84, EO 13603)
11-Forced conscription into various labor camps and even into the military  (EO 13603)
12-Outlawing of free speech (Accomplished by the seizure of media (EO 13603)
13-The installation of massive surveillance programs and the establishment of snitch programs   (A plethora of NSA spy bills)
14-The total control or elimination of religion   (Clergy response team)
15-Control of the media    (Already accomplished)
16-Executions without due process of law  (NDAA)
17-The prohibition of weapons of any kind including guns, knives or chemicals which can be turned into explosives    (Obama’s intended gun “reform resulting from flase flag events such as the recent San Bernardino shooting, the Oregon shooting and of course Sandy Hook)

KTLA reports—here’s a key quote:

“The call first came in at 10:59 a.m. of multiple shots fired from the area of 1365 S. Waterman Ave., San Bernardino Police Department Lt. Richard Lawhead said. The department’s SWAT team was training nearby and was suited, ‘ready to roll’ and responded rapidly…”
This is another case of a live training drill taking place which is related to the actual event. We saw this in 911, the 7/7 London bombings and a whole host of other false flag events (Natural News).

Yesterday’s mass shooting is one of the final pieces in the puzzlewhich will culminate in gun confiscation, martial law followed by World War III. I have been warning readers to get prepared. Time is almost up! Finalize your preparations. Do what you can before we reach the inevitable conclusion.

This Is Bizarre! Illuminati Cards Predict Paris Massacre? All-Seeing Eye On Eiffel Tower 1 Hour After Sacrifice?

WTH, it looks like someone left their calling card on the Eiffel Tower, one hour after the Paris Massacre. The lights were out on the tower for mourning. Then, all the sudden at exactly 12:14 the illuminati all seeing eye appeared, up towards the top and in the center. An admittance of the guilty party?!!
1) A movie was being promoted called “Made in France” depicting home-grown terrorism at the exact time of the massacre.
2) A security meeting between CIA Director John Brennan, the UK, France, and Israel, happened just prior to the terrorist massacre in Paris.
3) The Illuminati cards appear to depict the Eiffel Tower on fire and Friday the 13th.
4) ISIS tweeted several images showing the Eiffel on fire although the Eiffel had nothing to do with the actual terrorist attack.
5) A strange, oval light resembling a giant eye appears on the Eiffel 1 hour after the massacre. This happened even though the lamestream media told us the Eiffel had gone completely dark to mourn the dead.
Something is fishy…
Youtube commenter named Karolyn Roell brought up an interesting point below. This bizarre incident happened at 12:14. Is this yet another clue for the next coming attack?! Eyes open for December 14th.

That’s really got me thinking: the light went on at Exactly 12:14. Is that referring to December 14th, the eighth day of Hanukkah? December 14th is an illuminati date of sacrifice-remember Sandy Hook? Enterthe5t4rz on You Tube has proven December 14th is one of their dates of mass sacrifice.

Terror Plot Uncovered Overseas Names Chicago As Potential Target
(CBS) — Chicago may be an ISIS target, media reports out of Switzerland say.
Geneva is already stepping up security outside the United Nations. Besides Chicago, also mentioned as a possible North American target is Toronto, Canada.
CBS 2 Chief Correspondent Jay Levine reports Chicago has long been a target of terrorists since President Obama was first elected — first by Al Qaeda, and now ISIS.
Authorities say the threat in Switzerland is specific, but it’s less so for Chicago and Toronto.
While Swiss authorities are on alert, they are not cancelling activities like Geneva’s popular costume parade scheduled for this weekend.
Still, the intelligence generated by U.S. assets overseas and shared with the Swiss indicated “extremists also discussed the idea of launching attacks in Chicago and Toronto.”
A spokesman for the FBI in Chicago said the agency is aware of the information.
“While we are aware of no specific or credible threat to Chicago at this time, the FBI remains vigilant,” a spokesperson said.
Chicago police are taking no extreme measures yet.
“We are in contact with our federal law enforcement partners, as we always are, and we are not aware of any credible or specific threats to Chicago. Residents should always remain vigilant, and you see something, say something,” Adam Collins, a spokesman for Mayor Emanuel, said Friday.
Past plots involving Chicago include the aborted attack on the Willis Tower; the explosive copier cartridges destined for Chicago but intercepted in Yemen; and the underwear bomber who flew to Detroit because airfares to Chicago were too high.
In each of those cases there were more specifics than authorities had Friday.

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