
For Akhen it had been a very strange day up to press, but that was beginning to become the norm since being in this place. Iktus had said his farewell and had left leaving the boy prince alone to his own devices the evening before, without any of the other priests knowing what had occurred. Akhen had had lots of fun with Tiy, who he now considered his favourite and had no time for the other servant girls, even though many of them were adjourned with similar beauty. He liked Tiy as she was not only beautiful, but she was fun to be with and liked to explore humour, kindness and the sweeter side of life. Although she still maintained her respect for who Akhen was, this didn’t stop her from pushing the boundaries with the boy prince to his delight.

  As Akhen and Tiy lay relaxing on his bed side by side, two priests marched into the room unannounced and immediately walked straight up to them. Without even introducing themselves one of the priests approaching from Akhen’ right marched up to Tiy and gripped her arm saying whilst pulling her off the bed.

  “Enough, be gone with you girl.”

  Akhen didn’t react well to this and was a little bemused at first, but then found his voice.

  “What do you think you are doing?” He inquired of the priest with Tiy in his grip. “Release her this instant!” He almost growled as his voice raised a tone and he perched himself up on the bed.

  “Forgive me my prince.” Uttered the priest releasing his grip upon Tiy and bowing slightly as he did. “I thought her behaviour was unbecoming for a servant and dis-respectful. I meant no harm by my actions.” He exclaimed.

  Akhen ignored the priest and turned to Tiy inquiring of her.

  “Are you ok?”

  “Yes my prince I am fine, with your permission I will leave you to your business with the priests.” And with this Tiy bowed her head.

  “Of course, but as long as you are ok?”

  Tiy said nothing and bowed a little lower and then turned and exited the room towards the servant quarters.

  Akhen had now got up from his bed and was standing in front of both priests and he was not amused at all, in fact he was quite the opposite. He went on to say.

  “Your rudeness never ceases to amaze me and surely as priests you are supposed to conduct yourselves completely differently to this, or is this a sign of your true intent hidden behind a façade of pretense?”

  Neither of the two priests knew what to say in reply to the boy prince, as no member of the ruling family had ever said such a thing to any of them, well, as far as they were aware. To be honest the boy’s demeanor said it all as he stood before them hands on hips almost scowling at them. It was obvious that he had soon become acquainted with the ways of the families and in his eyes they had over stepped the mark.

  The priest to Akhen’ left now spoke.

  “My prince we have come here with something pressing we have to ask you.” He said with head bowed low.

  “And what do you need to ask me of?” Akhen replied knowing full well what questions were to be asked, well the subject matter of them if not the actual questions.

  “We need to ask you about the priest Iktus my prince?”

  “What would you like to know about him?”

  “He has not been seen since yesterday afternoon and nor did he report in as he normally would have last evening. The higher members are a little concerned about this to say the least. When did you last see him?”

  “Last evening when he said goodbye.”

  “He said goodbye?” Exclaimed the priest a little puzzled by this answer.“ But surely each night when leaving you after the days events he says goodbye?”

  “This time it was for good, as he has gone.”

  “Gone, what do you mean my prince, gone?”

  “He has gone.”

  “Gone where?”

  “He has gone for good. Said his goodbyes and left. He is in search of what he feels he needs and of those he feels can fulfill those needs.”

  “Are you positive of this my prince?”

  Akhen stood looking at the bemused priests for a while before answering. He was studying their faces regarding what he had been saying, before the questions with his comment and now whilst he was answering their further questions. This was something that had started with Iktus, as Akhen had found Iktus both interesting and puzzling at times. It did seem all the priests he had ever met did carry themselves with an enhanced level of self-importance, as Iktus had done until they had witnessed what they did. This was a trait, it seemed, they were all inflicted with, but relished in the fact they were. Maybe this is what his father was insinuating when he spoke of this?

  Some years since Akhen remembered over hearing his father talking to his mother regarding the priests. He mentioned them when he was, from what Akhen could hear, cursing the priest class for getting above their station in his view. Akhen remembered his father saying ‘it must be the indoctrination they go through that creates this concept of lifted status within them. It is though they see them selves on our level. How vile is that?’ he commented to Akhen’ mother, who said nothing in return. Well at the least he never heard her reply.

  Akhen answered the awaiting and becoming very inpatient priests.

  “Yes I am absolutely positive. Iktus has gone for good and has gone to seek out the ‘order’.”

  The second priest, the one who originally upset Akhen, now spoke.

  “The order my prince?

  “Come now priest do not play innocent with me and certainly do not play the fool!” Akhen said quite insistently. “It does not suit you. You know exactly what I speak of. Now I have told you what you need to hear, so I trust there will be no further questions? I wish to bathe, so would you kindly leave me in peace and go about your business – I am sure you have plenty too do?” Akhen said with a sly smile and then turned his back on the priests and headed towards the bathing area.

  “Shall I call your servants my prince?” Said the priest, after upsetting the prince; he was trying hard to get back in his favour.

  “No, I shall do it, you can leave now.”

  “As you wish my prince.” And the pair bowed low and then left.

  Akhen didn’t call the servants straight a way as he needed time to reflect on what had just happened. Instead of making his way to the bathing area he stopped and turned to see one of the priests back as they were leaving. Akhen then strolled over to the bed and sat down. He sat for a while, before pouring himself some water and then took a sip.

  Seriously, he thought to himself, can we really assert so much control over other human beings? But I am just a boy and look at the power I can wield. This is what Iktus was trying to explain to me all along, but the last thing he said to me, before all the upset that is, was to wield that power with the correct intent. It was the upset that had allowed him to forget. It had distracted him, he thought to himself and within that distraction he had found something else, something new and fascinating.

  Then he wondered where all these thoughts were coming from. I am only thirteen, I should not be concerned with such matters and nor should I even be contemplating such issues.

  Then Akhen started to laugh and rose from the bed and looked round the room completely, still laughing as he did. This is madness he said to himself, utter madness, but I am starting to understand now.

  Akhen now realised there was a difference. The difference between power used rightly and wrongly and how infectious using it wrongly was. In effect Iktus had succeeded on many levels and it was now for Akhenaten to either use this power – and the power he was to gain – wrongly or rightly, as Iktus had explained he would gain it.

  In Akhen at this time, the thought of such was so exiting it vanquished the memories of what he had witnessed that had affected the priest Iktus to such an extent; he would turn his back on everything and leave. Two elements played out simultaneously with one having the over riding factor that expelled the other from his thoughts, buried under delusions of grandeur – delusions that were not going to release their grip for a very long time.

  The infection had taken hold completely and even though in reality the boy, of not so many years, realised the difference, he was to turn to the one which held the most attraction, because of what his mind said was to be gained from doing this.

  At that moment in time a tyrant had been born and a blood thirsty one at that. One with the ability to over-ride his own conscious, in pursuit of all, his mind would desire, visiting destruction on all and anything that got in his way. Controlled like a puppet on a string, a puppet that did not realise the strings facilitated every move he made, whether directly or indirectly.  

  Egypt was to reel from the worst tyrant it had ever known, subjected to the whims of this monster for just over three decades. Before, at last, the difference would present itself again and the king would realise, once more, there was one.

  Akhen had been bathed, dressed and was enjoying food many hours later, when he received his next visit from the priests who did not turn up alone this time. As he sat eating at a table and enjoying fine wine and fresh fruit, the two priests entered with two masters they were accompanying.

  Akhen saw them come in, but did not respond in any way and carried on enjoying his meal, seemingly oblivious to their arrival. Since earlier and all that had occurred, his whole demeanor had changed, even down to his facial expression that had took on one of a monster lurking in the body of a child. And as he was to speak the voice that would be heard was of that monster as the true Akhenaten was buried, way out of sight and certainly out of mind, as the sickness that was status had taken hold of him. The priest Iktus’ words were fast coming true, what had he un-leashed upon Egypt? As those now present in the room were about to find out.

  “My prince.” Came a voice that Akhen did not recognise, as the four priests walked up to the table he was eating at.

  Still Akhen paid no attention to them not even lifting his head to see who was stood there before him.

  Again the voice spoke.

  “My prince, my name is Master Utane and I wish to ask you some questions if I may?”

  Still Akhen did not acknowledge them, but looked up slightly and then went back to looking at the table before him continuing to eat.

  Then he spoke, without looking up.

  “So what would you like to ask of me priest and surely when you address me your head should be lowered should it not?” Akhen’ tone was not one that was going to please the master stood before him, in any way whatsoever and nor would what he suggested – even though protocol dictated as such, even when talking to a royal prince.

  Although Utane was already seething inside regarding what the boy prince had said to him, he was determined to keep his anger at bay – well at least until he was out the boys earshot.

  “I do apologise my prince, please forgive me for my tardiness and lack of respect towards you. I forgot myself as I am in somewhat of a quandary and although I offer this as no excuse for my behaviour, please see it as a reason for my lack of protocol.”

  Even though Akhen was not looking at the Master, still concentrating on his meal, he could sense in his tone how dis-pleased he was. Although he demonstrated, by the words he used, his apology for what he had done, or more to the point what he hadn’t, Akhen could hear this was not meant and was only being said to pacify him. This only fueled Akhen knowing his attitude towards them – because of his age – would rile them, but would be something they would have to keep in check.

  Iktus, in the beginning, had played a similar game and had lost by all accounts. Even though Akhenaten’ memory regarding certain events that had happened were, to say the least, a little hazy. He did remember the in-balance of protocols though and how that had reversed completely and his was not to allow any priest, Master or not, to create that in-balance again. He was Akhenaten prince of all Egypt and they would bow to his status.

  Wiping his mouth with a serviette as he finished his meal and taking a sip of wine from the beautifully made wine glass he was drinking from, it felt to the priests in the room with the boy prince that they were in the presence of his father.

  All of them had looked at each other as the boy had spoke and before Utane had answered.

  Akhen looked up and directly at Utane stood before him.

  “Your questions, priest? Said the boy, almost looking down his nose at the priest stood before him. “You may ask me now.”

  Utane almost could not contain his contempt for this rude, obnoxious boy sat before him and what was more he knew the boy knew exactly what he was doing.

  Then horror filled his very essence and this showed in his face. He had suddenly realised that they were not dealing with just any thirteen year old boy, they were dealing with a boy who had the mindset of an ancient and that ancient was Set.

  Utane was dumbstruck and his nerves could be seen quite clearly as he began to shake and this was being noticed by the other three priests with him and also, the boy prince. Utane had to get a way from the boy. He needed to talk to the second house of the temple. It was obvious now, they had no knowledge of what they were about to un-leash. Utane was as ofay with all that was happening regarding the boy as Iktus was, as he was to take command of the situation, if it was deemed Iktus was failing. Iktus had no knowledge of this and nor did Utane know there was someone to take his place, in case the same happened.

  Unbeknown to all in the room Lord Balbus was in earshot and was listening to everything being said and had actually moved forward slightly and could see the now shaking Utane.

  When Iktus did not report in the night before, Balbus was informed almost immediately. The second house, well certain members of it, fully appreciated what they were dealing with and what they were to un-leash. But they were in the knowledge of knowing how to control this most powerful mind and how to keep it, under control. They knew its weakness. They knew what it desired more than anything.

  When Iktus failed in his duty Balbus knew that the boy could have got to him and most probably had – this was something that had been anticipated. Instantly Utane was called upon to take his place, but only after being briefed on the situation and only he. Even the two priests and other master with him, knew nothing of the reason why the boy was there. They were told a complete fabrication regarding an education issue being fulfilled on behalf of the King who ordered such.

  An expert, regarding the understanding of the prophecy, had informed Lord Balbus and other secret members of the second house what they needed to know from it, which told how it would be possible to control the man called Sion. But before the expert could warn them of the heart-based issue, he was taken away and murdered. What happens in the house, stays in the house – they are the rules.

  What was gleaned and told of by the expert was this.

   ‘He, who is known as the Sion, the preternatural one, is the worst of the worst, but also, the best of the best. He commands both in equal strength and ability, but he cannot be commanded; only distracted. He has but one real weakness that being his human antithesis, this being his only distraction. He carries all the love that has ever existed, but also, he carries all the hate. Take care in what you awaken!

  Lord Balbus and the other house members were complacent and arrogant enough not to heed this warning. They didn’t hold to any of this, as they deemed it, religious mumbo jumbo, or myth. They did however hold to the fact that elevation through status and position created the exact morally void individuals; they needed to maintain the political regime, as it was – to create a subservient king through political legal castration that they had no knowledge of. And the understanding of the weakness they carried allowed control to be ascertained and maintained – and that is what they had employed on the boy with much success already.  

  Balbus knew the base secrets of the web that was used to snare those of beliefs. He knew, as a select few did, that nearly all looked to Temu and the other god’ for comfort. He knew how they adhered to all the houses of the temple would bring into law daily, because they said it was the gods will and they were doing the gods work. They, the deceived that is, believed this, also because at one time the king himself had proclaimed as such and also commented to say that his position also, was given to him by the god’. That he himself had been made a god. To go against the will of the king or the priest class, was as though they were going against the will of the god’ themselves. The fear this generated in the believer was extraordinary and had become a very useful tool for the political regime to use. Their power over everyone only existed because of this simple fact, and nothing more, as in truth, nothing more was needed accept this simple illusion, coupled with the mental disease called belief.

  Balbus knew how powerful the illusion was, not just powerful, but the most powerful aspect ever known to mankind. Again delivered by the prophecy, deciphered by an expert, who was always killed afterwards, but they had many of them. A whole sect of priests dedicated their lives to this book. They lived it and breathed it and were kept in complete segregation. To leave was death and death was the only way to leave this particular sect. After, hearing and seeing, what Balbus did, he came to one very simple conclusion regarding Utane. The priest was a believer. As in many of the indoctrinated, some feared Set, whilst others worshipped him as they did Horus and many other gods. It was obvious that Utane feared Set and that was the alarm Balbus and the others were seeing portrayed in his actions. That Utane thought that the boy prince was the incarnate of Set, a prophecy in it’s own right spoke of this, or so it was thought. Only tales had ever been told of this prophecy and no one, as far as Balbus was aware, had ever produced evidence it existed, but, as it was known, stories are very powerful, very powerful indeed… 

  Many divisions had separately been released from the original story, or prophecy as many called it, depending on how you viewed it. Each one portrayed different elements that in reality, when combined, would make up one side of the original prophecy, but, only one side. In fact the story had been split twenty five times and as many gods had been created by this to suit each separate part. The combination of all these stories was headed up by the most popular and well regarded, which was the story of Horus and Set. This story alone created the duality between good and evil and formed the basis of the separation between the two that was needed by the controllers. It was revered as the most significant triumph of the ruling elite for it allowed them to blame something external for all the wrong they were actually doing. Whenever things went wrong, or they were accused of doing something heinous and corrupt, they could blame it on someone saying they worshipped Set – and in extreme circumstances they would just blame Set for apparent bad happenings, if no apparent fall guy could be found in relation to the circumstance that had occurred. In time, the story became so powerful that Set was being blamed for crop failures, the weather and even human possession. All this added to the weight of the deception at work by the ruling elites through the priest class and the existence of the temple. With this great success, they decided to create a book with teachings that would help indoctrinate, forth coming generations from an earlier age. But, as them, the way they wrote the book, it contained no duality on show and the book was very literal as they were, and doomed to fail if this aspect was not addressed. They were trying to write the book as though it was a literal law book full of cautions and precautionary principles to counter them, instead of using the power of stories that could gain consensus and eventually become un-questionable fact. But still within the words could be the law they so desired to install in those to be indoctrinated by this book and the most important element needed, the fact they have a series of masters at every level of existence. A hierarchy of control that never allowed for equality to exist in a status driven religious/political regime that was the world they had created through this deception that all lived in and were affected by, in at least one way or another.

  It was then that it was suggested by a priest, a scholar in fact, that the story was not complete, because of the moral aspect in the prophecy that had not been portrayed through duality. Even though Horus was seen as the good guy for defeating Set, no moral aspect of him was displayed regarding Temu and the worship of him. With no worship of Temu, there would be no worship or regard of the priest class, as the two come hand in hand – which to the priest was as obvious as the sun being hot and pure stupidity not to realise such.

  At first this suggestion was met with outrage and the scholar priests life was threatened for suggesting such, as it made those who deemed themselves intelligent, look very stupid – and it was above the priests station in life to suggest, albeit not literally, but certainly in allegory, that this was the case.

  Those who suffered the mental disease known as status did not take kindly to being made to look stupid, or even the suggestion they were, even though it is harsh to say, in many cases this was very true. Especially when dealing with those who had bought their positions and not earned them coming up though the ranks, they now tried to control situations they had absolutely no understanding of. But, in reality the priest himself was only suggesting what he was for his own self-gain and no other reason, which soon became very apparent. Outraging the high minister would certainly not achieve this self gain he sought, but sometimes it was needed for them to take notice, as they saw nothing beneath them, as was the infliction status infected their minds with.

  As he cowered from an impending blow from a Templar who had been ordered to kill him by a high minister, he cried out shouting “If you do not add what I suggest in time the system will fail because of lack of moral obligation!” The attack upon him was ordered to cease and the priest was given a chance to explain what he meant.  

  A very shaken man started to explain, but was mumbling through fear as he cowered on his knees upon the stone floor in front of his captures. Who in turn were displeased and inpatient and a guard was ordered to persuade the priest to speak louder and more clearly. The guard took his sword and hit the priest across the back with the broad side shouting ‘speak up priest’! The priest winced in pain and hunched over only to be dragged up right, by the guard by his hood that also gagged him. Choking and still in pain from the blow the priest again, started to explain through bated breath.

  “Ultimately, if you do not apply a moral aspect the system will fail as servitude is being displayed just under order to do so and not through moral obligation.” The priest managed to say still wincing slightly as he tried to change position to ease the pain from his knees and his back he was suffering from.

  The high minister then spoke saying,

  “Go on priest explain exactly what you mean.”

  Moving slightly again, the priest started to explain what he was insinuating,

  “All you write within the book is the need to obey a master, but you do not show the hero doing so, this will be questioned. If you add saying’s by him that are moral, you can then use this to identify that Horus has a master called Temu, by suggesting that is where these moral aspects come from. This will be accepted as good and will also provide evidence that to receive these moral aspects you most also accept Temu – the one true god – as being your master as Horus does. So in the end no matter how they read the book, ultimately they will accept they have a master and that master has servants that must be obeyed at all times as they are doing god’s work. But also, words can be written in such a way that to many they mean one thing, but to others, of knowing, they mean something completely different. ”

  Silence remained until the high minister spoke.

  “And who would write such words for us?” The high minister said.

  “I would write such words high minister for the right prize.” Said the priest bowing as he did.

  The high minister knew that the priest was clever, as he was no fool himself, evidenced by his position of status he occupied, he thought to himself, even though he didn’t quite understand exactly what the priest was talking about – but he would never admit as such to anyone. Now it had been explained to him, he could see the benefits this would have – maybe not all of them, but some – and why the priest before him on his knees, suggested, that without this aspect the system would fail. The combination of duality on show would help to enforce the ‘god syndrome’ creating the mental disease called belief, the whole idea of the book in the first place. To enslave and capture the reader in a belief that ultimately only has one conclusion ‘you have a master you must Fear, Obey and love – as you will his servants’. But to write such would need a wordsmith of the most exquisite talent to be able to pen such stories of binding attractive moral properties, suggested an aid the high minister was conferring with.

  The priest himself had taken a massive gamble that could end, but only two ways. In the first instance he would be flogged and put to death and probably most un-pleasantly. But on the second, it could be said that he would be offered the position he sought and so gain the prize he desired for doing so.

  The situation could still go both ways as the high minister now silently contemplated what the priest had said, what his aid had said and what possibly would the priest require in return.

  He spoke.

  “So if I do allow you to pen such stories of what you call moral obligation…”

The priest looked up as he realised, by the use of one word that the high minister was a man in a paid for position who knew nothing of the allegory he spoke of. He was a man who was obviously not well versed in the craft of wordsmithery that solely used this method of communication. Moreover he was a man trying to portray to those in the room that he truly understood all that had been said and the priest bowed his head and smiled as he did, as he realised this was the case. He now knew that his task would be even easier and the prize he sought would be for the taking, as the priest knew he was now dealing with a highly paid imbecile and not a man of the craft.

  Interesting enough to be said, many could speak this ancient language and quite successfully, but not many at all could write it down and it was that fact the priest was relying on.

  “… What would be your prize?

  The priest looked up and straight into the eye’s of the high minister and said quite surely.

  “To be a master high minister sir.”

   Without another word the high minister ordered everyone, including the guards, out of the room and waited until they had left and the doors shut firmly in their frame before he spoke.

  “Please priest get up from your knees and join me, we have much to discuss.”

  The priest struggling at first, but in the end managing to stand up, made his way over to the table and chairs where the high minister was sitting comfortably. As the priest struggled in pain, never did it cross the high ministers mind to help the priest he had ordered injured. Such was the freedom from that sort of burden did his position of status bring, for that was the life he enjoyed as the heartless corporate monster he had paid so handsomely to become.

  Finally the priest joined the high minister and he beckoned the priest to sit with him at the table, then he spoke.

  “You ask a lot in return for something that would seem a simple task for you and what you ask for, is not that simple to arrange and would require many palms to be crossed with gold.”

  Looking up from the table where the priest had been looking whilst he listened, he then spoke.

  “May I, with your permission that is sir, speak candidly, as what I need to explain can be done far more simply that way – and please do not take any offence by what I am about to say and in the preamble, as nothing is inferred or implied in any way.”

  The priest knew he would have to keep this simple for if he did not, the true message he required the high minster to grasp, would not be. Speaking candidly, this could be achieved and also it would be far easier to convince the minister that a raise in his status to master was the least he could do for what the priest had to offer.

  “Yes you may and nothing will be seen as being inferred or implied.” The high minister said bemused, as he wasn’t quite sure what the priest meant and was getting inpatient now, as he wanted to sort this out and get to one of his many mistresses. He thought to himself as he did, ‘it would have been far less trouble just to have killed this damn priest.’

  “Thank you high minister.”

  “So what is your name priest?”

  “Elohssa sir.”

  “Do go on now.” The high minister said his patience was wearing very thin now, which showed as he tapped his foot repeatedly. “Please explain why I should give you such a prize for something that for you is so easy?”

  “Sir, what you presume to be easy for me to do, is. And yes to write such stories that will grip the attention of the reader is easy to do, but to indoctrinate them at the same time isn’t. The words to be used must be selected very carefully and precisely using the art of wordsmithery and that sir will take time and skill. Time to encompass all that needs to be said to perform the indoctrination by stealth and in a manner that forced acceptance adds the attribute of fear to keep them believing. And it is that skill I offer you in return for what I ask for and desire and as you know desire is a very powerful motivator.

  One mans desire’s can be another man’s worst nightmares I am sure you will agree sir, but this is not the case here is it sir and what I ask for is far less that what I could have asked for? What I am willing to work for is far less that what you paid for sir, do you not agree?”

  The high ministers eyebrows rose as Elohssa said his piece and he was shocked by what the priest said, but also, intrigued by his boldness and astuteness. I suppose, he thought to himself, he could know through being told that I had in fact paid for my position, but this wasn’t common knowledge. And nor was the fact that there were actually two distinctly different tiers to the second house of the temple; those of hereditary position and those of popular position – in other words paid for positions.

  One tier was on view, whereas the second was very much kept in the shadows, well, for now – until such time the heredity’s could be got rid of because of their archaic humanitarian view points, which was imminent.

  Yes they believed they were better and of a distinctly better class, but they also felt the people would accept this far easier and with less hindrance and work far harder, if they were treated better. The new popular blood did not share this viewpoint that was dismissed as being too sentimental a notion for true rule (control) to be applied. The position of high minister was a leg up the ladder to becoming a fully-fledged lord in the social eye when the hereditary lords met their end – something that would not previously have been possible, until the second tier was created off the whims of the money masters, but as they say ‘money talks’.

  Interesting enough it had been assumed by those not in the know that the second house of the temple was created to be a check and balance to ensure ‘the law’ was not wielded inappropriately, but the truth that was hidden was the fact that this was a house of ‘share-holders’ that maintained that the ‘wealth’ was distributed in the correct and acceptable manner and in essence was nothing about the correct administration of law, as it wasn’t in practice.

  Although the second tier of the house had no leverage regarding the administration upon the first tier, the money they brought to the table certainly swayed decisions that were being made. The committee’s of selection in the first house of the temple were bought, and sometimes for a very high price, to ensure the one house majority always had the final say as the crafted dictatorship in power over the second house of lore.  And ‘the law’ became about what it was an anagram of and that was ‘wealth’ and all motions past revolved around equity on the pretense it was being done to create a situation, where all were equal before the law, which, to be absolutely honest was as far from the truth as anyone could get. And to silence that truth, or at least the realisation of it, the second tier was created for those who actually saw through the obtuseness of the written law that the society (socially dominant) consented to and lived under. But in essence, it could be said that the plan to destroy the hereditary piers was always the game play and the excuse used in silencing that truth, was just to gain a position from which the sham words could be deployed by the wardens, or money masters as they were known, who secretly controlled the houses of the temple to make sure ‘the society’ would only live under and consent to law that was deemed appropriate by them to live under – and in essence one very important reason why the pharaoh had to be legally castrated regarding the issue of assent to law being instigated as a legislative process within, not just one, but two liber’s.

  It was obvious to the high minister that the priest Elohssa was a man in the know and knew by being appointed a master he would then step from one law to another, even though he would only receive the very base level privileges offered by the protection of this liber. Obviously the priest knew as the high minister did that there were in fact two books of the law (liber’s) and not just one. That were, distinctly different from each other one for ‘the society’ and one for the unwanted necessity. One was a book of rules and loopholes and to whom they applied to, described as particular persons and the other was a book of oppressive laws designed to keep slaves, simply slaves.

  The first was the common book of law, called this as it was only common to those who were of particular personality describing what privileges were allotted to the status the personality held, in other words simple legal entitlement. The second, was the book of statutes, which was book of oppressive laws that basically applied to everyone else who held no entitlement and were consider as being non human as though they were in fact statues. These were known by a series of different names one being the life less as it was deemed they had no life as they were without proper housing, sanitary provisions, proper food or clothing. They were completely uneducated and could only perform the most menial of tasks including building, servitude to the higher classes and any other duty deemed as a lower opinionated, but necessary.

  The process of non-education and servitude allowed for all this to exist without the hindrance and complication of any one realising the real truth regarding the world they tried so hard to survive in. And obviously, this coupled with the fear ‘the law’ applied and the simple removal and termination of anyone who did put two and two together and actually got four. Also the use of the label ‘conspiracy’ worked very well indeed, a simple way of turning anyone who did realise the truth into being seen as a lunatic over night. Basically they were protected from every possible angle through duplicity and this allowed them to sleep easy at night in their beds protected by a private political army (police) created through the same processes.

  Looking up at Elohssa the high minister spoke.

  “Yes I do agree, but I am intrigued to know how you know so much about me?”

  Smiling back Elohssa said.

  “Sir, something’s are so obvious through the ability of being able to understand the true meaning of the ‘power of words’ and how words are used. My skill revolves around the use of words and once learned it can never be switched off and nothing and I mean nothing without any form of exception can be hidden from those who have this very simple craft, which is also a curse. All I ask of you is this high minister. As I know what my fate will be at the end of this task I ask of you to allow me those privileges I ask for now. As I know, as you know I will meet my end when I have completed what I suggest to you needs to be done, so I will allot a time period of the next nine full moons and you will have completion and I can then meet my fate satisfied.”

  The high minister sat quiet for a minute contemplating what Elohssa had said and was, to be quite honest, a little taken back by his revelations.

  He then spoke…

  “To be honest there is no point in me even trying to deny what you have just said is there?”

  “No, high minister there is not.

  “You are a very astute man Elohssa, so prey tell why are you willing to do this even though you know that your prize for doing so will be very short lived, very short lived indeed and you are fully aware of the final outcome?

  “What would you prefer high minister; nine full moons of happiness or a life time of misery?

  Again the high minister was a little shocked by this question and taken a back. In all his life he had never met someone like the priest sat before him. And even though he didn’t fully understand what the priest meant by his answer, or what could possibly bring him to say such a thing, he saw in the priest an honesty that said he would uphold his side of the bargain if in fact he upheld his. This was to say the least a very strange situation to be in and one he had never encountered before.

  The high minister spoke leaning forward towards the priest as he did…

  “So, lets say I agree to the terms presented what else would you require from me?

  Without any form of hesitation Elohssa spoke his terms.

  “I simple require quarters that are peaceful, far away from the madding crowds and the noise of the priests dorms. Fully equipped with items I require to do my task, which I will give you a list of high minister and instant membership to the club at master’s level.”

  “What I do not understand is why you did not go for higher membership instead of just master level?

  “Sir, that will suffice for the needs I have, I am not a greedy man…” Elohssa said with a slight grin.

  “Ok.” Said the high minister. “I will set about making the arrangements, but please know this will take sometime to organise.”

  Looking directly at the high minister Elohssa said.

  “I will await for you to contact me with details sir, but as you and I both know, a man of your position in life can arrange such a simple request in a matter of minutes, not hours or day’s?”

  The High minister thought to himself, ‘he certainly is no fool’ and then spoke.

  “Go back to your dorm priest and I will make the necessary arrangements and someone will come for you this evening.

  “Thank you sir.”

  “But know, I will require you to produce significant proof in no less than one full moon for the deal to continue, as this will have to be presented to…”

  Before the high minister could finish Elohssa spoke.

  “Yes I am aware you need to present the proof to the second house high minister and the proof you shall have.”

  The high minister was a little perturbed by the fact he had been so rudely interrupted by a mere priest and in a lesser circumstance the priest would have been severely punished for this insubordinate out burst. But the high minister had realised very quickly that this priest sat before him would produce a chance for him to rise up the next rung of the ladder, so for now he would tolerate him and his vile ways. But only, until he delivered exactly what was needed by the second house of the temple to complete its political slavery over the people of Egypt.

  Lord Balbus, still pursing in the shadows of his hiding place, had come to a decision and needed to act on it quickly. He needed to leave his place of concealment and relieve the masters and the priests now present with the boy prince, something that had to be done as a matter of great urgency before Utane could put his preverbal foot in it and leave a situation that would require skillful recovery from.

  Balbus now realised that the boy prince was fully switched on and in being so, could command much more than the priest, or even masters, could deliver. Although this had been anticipated, it was thought by the many of Balbus’ equals that such an occurrence could never happen simply because of the boy’s age. But as everything, things were subject to change unexpectedly and this certainly was a change that was an immediate problem, but also provided a resolution that would not involve now the grandeur of an occasion that had first been predicted. This was very pleasing to Balbus.

  Although the hoax that the boy was needed for was more to convince the priest class of a supernatural power the boy possessed, the convincing would now be solely done by Utane – considering all he already knew about the boy – if he was allowed enough rope to hang himself with, which he would be allowed to have.

  Under direction to enforce the belief he now held about the boy, the rest of the priest class could be convinced without an expensive elaborate hoax performed in the pyramid at Saqqara. Especially when certain lies were told as truths about the priest Iktus, which Balbus and his comrades were about to release as Chinese whispers around the priest class. In Balbus’ version of events, the conversation he held with the priest Iktus would result in a very different outcome and aptly give a vital reason why Iktus had suddenly disappeared.

  The fear that could be invoked by this, suggesting that any one coming into direct contact with the boy prince would suffer the same fate, would simply be all that would be needed combined with Utane’ beliefs.

  To say the least Balbus had a very broad smile upon his face as he made his way from the shadows of concealment, to be able to enter the room the normal way and take charge of the situation at hand.

  Moments later he entered the room without announcement, which was highly unusual for a Lord to do, but because of the situation he knew any recognition of this fact would soon be swept away with what he had planned for Utane. The only other thing he would need would be the chair with the stone below it to complete the hoax that would create the tyrant that not only the people feared, but the entire priest class, except the very highest level.

  The stone would be seen by all as being the source of the boys power and more importantly by Akhenaten himself, which in future reference would make him believe he could never undo what he has done if the ‘order’ finally did get to him and tell him the truth of all that had occurred. Although this was deemed as being very unlikely, all occurrences must be allowed for in something that was so simple in application, but was also so simple to undo if even one aspect was realised as being nothing more than an elaborate hoax.

  Balbus walked into the room unescorted and as he did, he cleared his throat with a slight, but deliberate cough, to allude to his arrival to all present in the room.

  As he entered one of the servant girls entered from the far side with a platter of more food and wine and was promptly told to depart quickly, by the flail of a hand. She quickly turned on her heals head bowed as she did and without uttering a word disappeared through the door way she had entered by.

  Akhen, after hearing the cough from behind him and then suddenly seeing the servant girl turn tail and remove herself from the room, turned to see who was entering. The priests present and one master did the same, whereas Utane just stood trembling and open-mouthed staring at the boy prince, which no one had noticed including Akhen, but it certainly was exactly what Balbus was going to play on.

  Before Akhen could utter a word in disapproval of the food and wine being sent away and by whom, Balbus placed himself before the priests and the masters at the foot of the table Akhen was sat at and spoke.

  “My prince my name is Lord Balbus and I am a dear friend of your father.” A fabricated lie by Balbus, but one he knew would be forgotten in the midst of that was about to happen.

  He continued.

  “Please forgive me for this intrusion my prince, but I am here on a pressing matter as I feel the master behind me is here to do you harm. Please allow me to call for the guards stationed outside?”

  And without another warning and looks of total bemusement from all but Utane and Balbus present in the room, he did as he said he would do and summoned the guard.

  “GUARDS…” Balbus shouted at the top of his voice, which were stationed just within earshot that responded instantly and came running into the room lances at the ready.

  The four guards surrounded Akhen as the shocked priests and master stood back in fear, as Balbus did, except for the still petrified Utane.

  Balbus turned quickly and pointed at Utane saying as he did.

  “Guards arrest this priest as he has threatened the life of the boy prince.”

  The two priests and master looked puzzled by this as no such occurrence had happened, but they knew better than to question a Lord, even if he was blatantly lying – such was the beauty of the system they had created and lived under where particular persons and their actions where un-questionable and un-touchable.

 Utane now had four extremely sharp lances controlled by four extremely well trained guards pointing directly at him.

  In the confusion that ensued the guards shouted out in unison at Utane to remove himself from the boy prince and to stand back from the table. The even more confused Utane was still oblivious to the fact that he was in very immediate danger by staying in the position he was in, but could do no other, as he was almost rooted to the spot with fear.

  Utane spoke with a trembling voice etched with the fear he was suffering.

  “Do you realise whom you are protecting.” He protested to the guard. “That is Set, the boy prince is the incarnate of Set, he has to be destroyed.”

  And with this Utane moved forward towards the end of the table.

  The guards screamed at him to hold still and thrust their lances forward to gesture to the on coming master what they would do if he did not stop approaching.

  Utane started to shout as the fear he was suffering completely took over him.

  “That is set, the ancient one he must be destroyed!” And with this he stopped moving forward and started to retreat to find something to attack the boy with.

  In that instance the two priests behind him grabbed hold of him and with the masters help wrestled him to the floor. All this happened just before the guards were going to run him through for not obeying their orders and backing away from Akhenaten.

  Struggling on the floor Utane started to scream out like a man possessed.

  “He must be destroyed you have no idea who you are protecting he will destroy us all. Guards kill the boy, do it now do it nowww!”

  All of a sudden Balbus came from nowhere with a heavy glass decanter he had picked up from a nearby table. He bent down and struck Utane across the forehead rendering him unconscious and the priests and master relaxed, but the guards stood absolutely firm still surrounding Akhenaten.

  Balbus stood up and placed the decanter on the table before him and then told the guards to stand down, who did instantly after realising who he was and the fact he had the situation under control. He then ordered the guards to pick Utane up and take him to the cellblocks and to place him under Templar guard, who they would inform on the way by saying that Lord Balbus demands their services. 

  The four guards did as they were ordered to do after leaving a very bemused Akhenaten’ side, who amazingly was showing no concern at all about anything that had gone on. In fact Balbus could see that the boy prince seemed rather intrigued by all that had happened and found this all fascinating.

  As for the two priests and the master, well, things were a little different for them, as they to, were now looking at Akhenaten quite strangely and Balbus realised the Chinese whispers were already starting to work, as it was obvious by their expressions they were very unsure now about the boy prince. This was reinforced when Akhenaten caught one of the priests staring at him and demanded.

  “Priest, bow your head and do not cast your eyes upon my royal person!”

  All three of them instantly did as they were commanded including Balbus, which was noticed by one of the priests as Balbus made sure of this, as he said under his breathe.

  “What ever you command my Lord Set.”

  Akhenaten did not hear this quip, but the priest nearest to Balbus heard exactly what he said, as in truth it was only for his ears.

  As Balbus bowed low, he smiled to himself, as it couldn’t have gone better if he had planned it this way.

  Then without warning he became up standing and dismissed the priests and the master making sure he smiled a little smile at the priest that had over heard him.

  The priest did not smile back but looked into Balbus’ eye’s with hatred and Balbus knew at that moment the stage was set and the actors would all take their places to act out their roles perfectly and that included the boy prince, who had excepted the royal persona. Balbus knew this because of the words Akhenaten had used namely; royal person as the boy that was, had disappeared under the weight of the mask he had just accepted, not to be seen again for a very long time.

  Balbus stood waiting for the priests and the master to leave the room and as they left he had a moment to contemplate all that had just been achieved so simply, before having to massage the ego of the boy prince.

  He now realised that they (the shareholders), for the first time ever would have complete control over a pharaoh without him even knowing it, as soon as Akhenaten took the throne of Egypt after, they had removed his brother from the line of succession.

  The families would award him well for pulling off this ingenious plan and for doing it before schedule and more cost effectively than was first thought.

  To arrange such an elaborate hoax meant many palms were to be crossed with gold and many actors would rise in status and join the ranks of the clubs. But today had provided such a turn around that all that was needed now was that stone and that chair it sat under. And to convince the boy the stone had power and not only power, but it was the source of his power, his destiny and would manifest the intentions he held. Intentions that would allow him all the riches that life could deliver and could only be delivered by maintaining this intent as the Pharaoh of all Egypt, something he was destined to become.

  Balbus was now alone with a very amused boy prince, who didn’t seem to be fazed by anything that had occurred.

  Balbus found this most pleasing as he realised the boy knew he was practically invincible with the guard to protect him and could do as he wished and no one could stop him. But Balbus had to complete the task and in doing so, had to convince the boy that he could not demonstrate this power fully, until such time he was officially on the throne in his own rite for the obvious reason i.e. his father.

  Balbus knew the boy was far from stupid and realised with just the right application, he could have the boy meteorically eating out of his hand. So with no time to waste he turned his attentions directly to the boy prince.

  “My prince.” Balbus said bowing as he did. “I am so sorry that all that has just happened occurred and is there anything I can get for you, as your wish is my command.”

  Akhen, still grinning, looked directly at the bowing Lord and said.

  “Balbus you say your name is and a Lord at that well an explanation would be nice to why all that just happened?”

  “I shall explain my prince all in good time, but for now I need to go an organise the questioning of master Utane, amongst other things needing to be done, so would it suffice with you if I leave you in the capable hands of your servant girls until a little later?”

  Akhen would never turn away a chance of time with Tiy and the other girls, so he agreed.

  Balbus bid Akhen goodbye and called the servant girls before he left.

  Akhen smiled as they entered the room and made his way over to his bed without even acknowledging Balbus as he left the room.

  This didn’t go un-noticed by Lord Balbus, as he smiled and thought ‘all I have to do is organise the chair to be brought to the boy and then apply the final act’ and it was just like a play where he was controlling the actors, the script and the plot.

  All this was to be much later in the day, so for now he could go and report his deeds to the second house of the temple and the members of the families and then ask for what he sort as his prize. And only one thing would suffice for this deed and that would be to be made speaker of the house, where his word and decisions would be final and could not be questioned by any court in the land, or by anyone accept the ruling elite of the families. Who would, as long as their wishes were being met, allow him to bring into law anything he deemed appropriate against the slaves (working class) no matter how sick and depraved it was.

  And he was a patient man who knew he had to wait, for he knew this would not happen until the boy prince became the next Pharaoh of the country (slave corporation) known as Egypt, which, if he had his way, would happen imminently.   

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