
Aeration Equipment

Process aerator/mixer

The surface-mounted Aire-O2 Triton process aerator/mixer from Aeration Industries International adapts to municipal and industrial treatment facilities. Its strong horizontal mixing and circulation capabilities are well suited for oxidation ovals. The mixer and blower operate independently, allowing airflow to be controlled, meeting process requirements without impact on mixing performance. It can send fine 2.2 mm bubbles to depths of 33 feet. 952/448-6789; www.aireo2.com.

Coarse bubble aeration system

The AerGrid layout from Aeration Technologies provides flexibility to put aeration where needed. The system can be installed dry from a liquid surface in wet conditions and by divers, if necessary. In full-floor or tapered coverage, its efficiency improves as airflow increases. Basic elements include diffuser laterals attached to the bottom of the tank or basin by a patented yoke assembly fixed to the floor or maintained in position by ballast blocks. The system is durable, operates without maintenance and is nonclogging and self-draining. 978/475-6385; www.aertec.com.

Efficient aerator

The Turbo X-Treme high-efficiency, floating/surface aerator from Airmaster Aerator is powered by an energy-saving 25 hp motor. It incorporates a turbo blower to achieve high-capacity water movement with aeration and mixing incorporated in a discharge manifold. It raises the dissolved oxygen level in the water while providing high-capacity water movement. 888/813-3680; www.airmasteraerator.com.

Aeration air/gas flowmeter

The ST100 flowmeter from FCI – Fluid Components International offers a wide choice of communication options. It is suited for wastewater treatment service including aeration systems and digester gas. It is designed with a plug-in card replacement that can be changed out by technicians in the field to adapt to a plant’s network communication needs. It has a graphical, multivariable, backlit LCD display, with a sophisticated readout that continuously displays all process measurements and alarm status. 800/854-1993; www.fluidcomponents.com.

Self-aspirating aerator

FUCHS self-aspirating aerators from Kusters Water, a division of Kusters Zima Corp., are used in applications including lagoons, aeration basins, oxidation ditches and retrofits. A high-precision shaft design uses extremely tight tolerances and eliminates a lower guide or bearing. It is a lubrication-free, low-maintenance system. Each aerator can be installed on steel walkways, concrete walls or lagoon shores or provided with pontoons. The mounting design allows for easy retrieval for maintenance and inspection. 800/264-7005; www.kusterswater.com.

Aspirating jet aeration system

The AirJet aerator from Landia is suited for aerating oxidation ditches and lagoons. It maintains aeration efficiency, as clogging is eliminated with a heavy-duty chopper pump. This enhances durability and reduces maintenance. It does not require the tank to be drained. 919/466-0603; www.landiainc.com.

Water-moving aerator

The Lagoon Master water-moving aerator from Reliant Water Technologies fluidizes sludge in a lagoon with a constantly moving current. This activates the indigenous bacteria, allowing them to digest all organic matter. The constant flow of water at the sludge level continuously mixes the entire water column, allowing nitrogen and ammonia gases to oxidize into the atmosphere. About 15 pounds of DO per hour is continuously injected into the water and sludge; there is no seasonal turnover. All is accomplished with a 4 hp drive. 504/400-1239; www.reliantwater.us.com.

High-speed turbocompressor

The HST 20 turbocompressor from Sulzer Pumps/ABS USA is a direct-drive, high-speed turbocompressor with built-in inlet and outlet air silencers (less than 70 dBA). It has high wire-to-air efficiency with advanced permanent magnet motors and digitally controlled magnetic bearings, an intuitive human-machine interface, advanced magnetic bearings and bearing control coupled with a self diagnostic control system. 800/525-7790; www.sulzer.com.


Tri-lobed aeration blower

Tri-lobed ZG Series aeration blowers from Eurus Blower provide for pressures up to 15 psi and flows to 3,750 cfm. They have integral-shaft ductile iron impellers, dual splash lubrication, precision ground helical timing gears, keyless gear locking assemblies, oversized roller bearings, piston ring air seals, Viton lip seals, heavy-duty cast-iron housings to provide low vibration, and noise-reducing pulse control channel features. Packages include a high-efficiency integrated intake filter/silencer with washable polyurethane filter media, combination base and heavy-duty discharge silencer. 630/221-8282; www.eurusblower.com.

High-temperature regenerative blower

H Series regenerative blowers from All-Star Products include high-temperature components to combat premature blower failures, adding a temperature safety margin to ensure continued operation despite momentary high amperage or load conditions. Features include bearing lubricant rated 385 degrees F, Class H motor insulation rated 355 degrees F and Viton seals rated 500 degrees F. 800/431-8258; www.all-star-usa.com.

High-efficiency regenerative blower

High-efficiency K Series regenerative blowers from FPZ are suited for applications that require low power consumption. The high-efficiency impeller maximizes blower airflow output at pressure, especially at pressures greater than 4.5 psig. Multiple horsepower options are available. Standard motors are suitable for use with variable-frequency drives so that blowers can operate at lower speeds to minimize power consumption. Compact design and low noise allow them to be installed without large acoustical enclosures. 262/268-0180; www.fpz.com.

Multistage centrifugal blower

Multistage Centrifugal Blowers from Hoffman & Lamson, Gardner Denver Products, are designed for water and wastewater treatment applications requiring continuous low-noise operation with minimal maintenance. Primarily used for aeration and aerobic digestion, they can be throttled via an inlet butterfly valve for controlling dissolved oxygen concentrations in wastewater. Exhausters can also be used in sludge digestion to exhaust the digester gases, for channel aeration and in filter backwash applications. 866/238-6393; www.hoffmanandlamson.com.

Multi-stage centrifugal blower system

Multi-stage centrifugal blower systems from Universal Blower Pac are optimized for energy efficiency, and use DC motors with variable-speed controllers and Hibon-Ingersoll Rand Performer/High Performance series multi-stage centrifugal blowers. They include total process control and acoustical enclosures. The optimized systems can be combined with EE-PAC high-efficiency screw blower systems for widely fluctuating process demands. Models are capable of airflow to 34,000 cfm and a pressure rise of 16 psig. 317/773-7256; www.universalblowerpac.com.


Cast-iron slide gate

Cast-iron slide gates from Hydro Gate control the flow of fluid through openings under a face or seating head or under a back or unseating head. With a full-width dovetail seating surface, the intersection of faces at the four corners is metal-to-metal and does not require fasteners or brazing. This ensures a positive, accurate attachment of seating faces, eliminating leakage. Offered in square, rectangular or round flanges, gates use vertical and horizontal ribs to provide strength to meet the required design heads. 800/678-8228; www.hydrogate.com.

Waste Elimination

Organic material eliminating compound

PX-109 from Byo-Gon is a nontoxic, noncorrosive, and 100 percent organic and biodegradable material for eliminating grease, odor and hydrogen sulfide from lagoons and sewage systems. As a stimulant to enzymatic activity at the cellular level, it promotes rapid cell growth and consumption of organic material. ATP measurement technology proves increased microbial performance in all applications. 800/580-5509; www.byogon.com.

Lagoons/Lagoon Components

Lagoon utility barge

The Utility Service Barge from American Pleasure Products provides a safe work environment when working on the water. The 8- by 12-foot platform has high stability and flotation using two 12-foot by 23-inch-diameter pontoons. This barge is suited for servicing wastewater treatment ponds and lagoons and includes aluminum frame construction with stainless steel hardware. The deck is covered with a nonslip nickel-plate vinyl for stability and easy cleaning. A heavy-duty protective handrail is included. A heavy-duty outboard motor mount for small gasoline or electric motors is provided for maneuverability. Options include a 1,000-pound lifting crane. 989/685-2697; www.aquacycleusa.com.

Portable sludge blanket level detector

The Sludge Gun handheld sludge blanket level detector from Markland Specialty Engineering measures sludge interface levels in clarifiers, tanks and lagoons and helps to provide sludge level profiles. It allows users to eliminate unnecessary pumping or dredging and maintain preferred sludge bed depth. It uses high-intensity infrared light to detect concentrations from light flocs to thick blankets. As the sensor is lowered, it emits an audible tone that varies in volume and pitch depending on the density of solids. Sludge blanket and the overlying cloudy layer are located by observing depth markers on the cable. It is compact, weatherproof and convenient for boats or catwalks. 855/873-7791; www.sludgecontrols.com.


High-strength MBBR system

PuraMax from Anua can pretreat a variety of waste streams. It is a moving bed biological reactor (MBBR) suitable for high-strength waste pretreatment. After a primary tank, biological treatment is achieved through an attached growth process. Recycled plastic biocarriers suspended in the tank, provide a large surface area for bacteria to attach and grow. An aeration grid supplies oxygen to the biofilm, along with the mixing energy required to keep the biocarriers suspended throughout the tank. Biosolids are naturally sloughed off the biocarriers and flow by gravity to a clarifier. 336/547-9338; www.anua-us.com.

High-density bacteria MBBR process

The ActiveCell MBBR process from Headworks International uses thousands of polyethylene biofilm carriers operating in mixed motion within an aerated wastewater treatment basin. Each piece of media increases productivity by providing protected surface area to support the growth of heterotrophic and autotrophic bacteria within its cells. 877/647-6667; www.headworksintl.com.

High-ammonia MBBR system

ANITA Mox from Kruger USA is a MBBR solution for treating wastewater streams with high ammonia concentrations (500-1,000 mg/L). Treatment plant sidestreams from dewatering of anaerobically digested sludge are a prime application. The process can remove nitrogen from these streams with only 40 percent of the aeration demand of conventional nitrification and without supplemental carbon addition. Continuous aeration control creates conditions for ammonia oxidizing and anammox bacteria to operate simultaneously in the biofilm of a single-stage reactor. 919/677-8310; www.krugerusa.com.

Biomass carrier MBBR system

BioSphere moving bed biological systems from Siemens Water Technologies incorporate a biomass carrier to provide a protected, high-surface-area environment for biofilm growth. The result is a system capacity increase of 200 percent or more while ensuring compliance with permit limits, within the existing plant footprint. It is suited for plant upgrades, retrofits or expansions of municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants. It can achieve BOD5 to less than 5.0 mg/L and enhanced nutrient removal of total nitrogen to less than 3.0 mg/L. 866/926-8420; www.water.siemens.com.


MBR screen

The Rotamat RPPS STAR center-feed drum screen from Huber Technology uses a 1 mm or 2 mm pleated perforated plate geometry that enables the screen to increase throughput by 25 percent, allowing for a smaller footprint. The folded screen provides additional stiffness, critical to larger drum designs. 704/990-2055; www.huberforum.net.

Membrane bioreactor system

The TITAN MBR membrane bioreactor from Smith & Loveless is for industrial, municipal and onsite applications. Designed with a small footprint, its flow capacities range from 5,000 gpd to 3 mgd. The system uses submerged S&L Flat-Plate membrane technology, which results in high-quality treatment, a long-lasting design and minimal operational requirements. Membranes are cleaned in place, requiring less chemicals, equipment and operator time. 800/898-9122; www.smithandloveless.com.

Membrane/Media Filters

Dual-treatment system

The Aqua BioMax dual-treatment system from Aqua-Aerobic Systems combines rotating biological contactor technology and cloth media filtration. It uses vertically mounted, closely spaced RBC disks, providing a large surface area for biofilm growth. The disks are 40 percent submerged and rotate out of the wastewater to provide aeration for efficient BOD removal and nitrification. A cloth media drum filter follows the RBC to collect and remove biological solids before effluent discharge. Features include low energy consumption, reduced maintenance and operator attention, a small footprint, low installation costs and a preassembled plant with integrated control panel. It is designed for low flow applications (up to 100,000 gpd). 800/940-5008; www.aqua-aerobic.com.

Water treatment plant

The Trident HS package water treatment plant from WesTech Engineering provides multi-barrier protection for difficult-to-treat waters. It consists of packaged high-rate settling, adsorption clarification, mixed media filtration and optional UV disinfection. This allows it to handle very high turbidity and solids loading and achieve TOC reductions of up to 70 percent or more, all with a nearly 50 percent reduction in waste production. 801/265-1000; www.westech-inc.com.


Hybrid mixer

The Amaprop 1000 hybrid mixer from KSB is engineered for biogas production, combining an agitator with the turbulence generation of a traditional mixer. It is optimized for each mixing task to ensure a specific flow volume. Use of multiple, properly positioned mixing units, each of which processes the reduced, diluted material created by other units, can help to prevent short circuiting flow paths. 804/222-1818; www.ksbusa.com.

Electric mixer

The GridBee GF Series electric mixer from Medora Corporation can displace 30 to 50 hp of surface aerator mixing. It allows the aeration system to be dialed back to provide only the needed DO. At electric rates 10 cents per kWh, savings per mixer are about $750,000 over 25 years. 866/437-8076; http://wastewater.medoraco.com.

Impeller-shaft assembly

The Lightnin Clean Edge impeller-shaft assembly from SPX Flow Technology is for use where a non-ragging mixer impeller is indicated or needed. It sheds all fibrous debris while delivering high hydrofoil impeller performance. It includes a shaft guard design that eliminates buildup. No part of the wetted parts is a rag-collector. 800/252-5200; www.spxft.com.

Vertical propeller mixer

The Turbo Mixer propeller mixer from Vaughan Company is mounted vertically inside an 18-inch elbow. It can mix a pit with only one foot of liquid above the floor and incorporates an upper cutter above the propeller to stop wrapping and fibrous material binding and to protect the mechanical seal. It can be belt- or gearbox driven and can be used in anoxic zones, oxidation ditches and mixed liquor applications. 360/249-4042; www.chopperpumps.com.

Nutrient Removal

Cleaning system

The Weir-Wolf automated cleaning system from the Ford Hall Company is a stainless steel spring-loaded brush system for use on primary clarifiers, secondary clarifiers and thickeners, whether domed, covered or open to the elements. The system increases clarifier/thickener efficiency and improves performance of UV disinfection, screens and other downstream systems. It uses the existing skimmer with negligible increase in energy usage, amp or draw, and is a shovel-ready retrofit to existing clarifiers. 859/624-1077; www.weir-wolf.com.

Phosphorus control module

The RTC101-P real-time control module for phosphorus from Hach Company continually monitors phosphorus levels and adjusts chemical dosing. The system responds automatically to load changes. The operator sets the desired effluent phosphorus value. 800/227-4224; www.hach.com.

Ammonia reduction solution

Ammonia Guarde from Martech Research is a natural, biodegradable, microbial product designed to reduce ammonia. The blend helps to reduce phosphorus, nitrate/nitrites and COD. A feed pump can be used to introduce the product. 803/428-2000; www.martechresearch.com.

Gas booster skid package

Custom-designed skid packages for digester gas boosting from Spencer Turbine Company include a multistage centrifugal, stainless steel blower with anodized aluminum impellers. The explosion-proof motor is inside the blower casing, where it is cooled by the digester gas flow. The hermetic design has zero leakage for clean, odor-free delivery. Packages are delivered as turnkey modules. All components are interconnected and mounted on one skid. Each package has a control panel, isolation valves and other customized components such as intercoolers, aftercoolers, filters and separators. They handle pressures to 5.5 psig, volumes to 7,000 icfm and power to 150 hp. 800/232-4321; www.spencerturbine.com.


One-tank SBR system

The Sequence Batch Reactor (SBR) system from Nijhuis Water Technology completes all operations in one tank. Technicians can discharge batch volume in two to three hours per day. The system is suited for nitrification, denitrification and phosphorus removal, is easy to operate, and can handle flow and strength variations. The mainly soluble matter is removed by biological treatment. The system typically consists of a selector and an SBR tank with aeration, denitrification (if applicable), settling and discharge. The aerobic biological treatment process requires air, typically via fine-bubble bottom or surface aeration. The aeration is controlled by an oxygen measurement in the SBR tank. 312/300-4101; www.nijhuis-water.com.

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