
Skateboarding in nothing but socks and pole dancing down the Eiffel Tower in speedos and top hats… you better give this A-Z from Speaking In Shadows a read!


Album – What was the first ever album you bought?

I can’t really speak on behalf of the whole band, but for me personally (Grant), the first album I ever bought was ‘Permission to Land’ by The Darkness. Many hours were spent listening to this album whilst playing on GTA Vice City.

Boredom – What do you do to cure boredom on long drives between shows on tour?

Our boredom is normally cured in one of two ways during the long drives on tour, and depends on how energetic we’re feeling. With a lack of energy, boredom is cured through random quizzes or long games of Cards Against Humanity. On the other end of the energy spectrum, we turn the music up, dance around like uncoordinated humans, and sing at the top of our voices.

Cover Songs – If could only cover songs from one band for the rest of your musical career, whose songs would you pick?

If we could only cover songs from one band for the rest of our musical career, we would pick Between the Buried and Me. With such intricately written songs which delve into a whole array of genres/musical styles, their songs would always be a great challenge and very enjoyable to play.

Describe – How would you describe your sound in just 3 words?

Our sound in 3 words: Eargasmic Alternative Rock

Essential Items – What essential possession could you not live without?

An essential item we could not live without, in this day and age, would have to be our phones. They allow us to interact with everyone, provide entertainment whilst Lewis rambles on and on with one of his endless stories, and allow us to capture the drunken states we get in so we can have a great laugh at it for years to come!

Festivals – What is your top tip for festivals?

Top tip for festivals: Baby wipes, baby wipes, and lots more baby wipes!!

Gigs – Best/Worst gig you’ve ever played?

The best gig we’ve ever played would probably have to be when we played at the O2 Academy 2 in Birmingham to a sold out crowd of 600 people. This is still the largest crowd we have had at a gig and was a crazy, amazing, adrenaline-filled night. The worst gig we ever played also took place in Birmingham. We arrived at the gig to be told that 2 of the other 3 bands had dropped out, and the promoter hadn’t even turned up! This resulted in us and the other remaining band having to organise the night. So, we made the best of a bad situation, upped both bands set times to 50 minutes each, and performed in front of an audience consisting of only the other band. Win.

Highlights – What has been the biggest highlight for the band so far?

The biggest highlight of the band so far, for me, would probably be getting to play 3 dates in mainland Europe. These dates consisted of playing in Berlin, Hamburg, and Amsterdam. Considering we’d never played any of these places before, each night had a large, responsive crowd. Needless to say, we are definitely going to be heading back over there as soon as we can.

Instrument – If you pick up and learn to play any instrument, what would it be?

I’d have to say, if I could learn to play any instrument, it would be the piano. I’ve always had the idea that playing the piano would be very soothing and calming.

Joke – Tell us your best joke!

I’ve started teaching my son and his friends Karate. I’m not qualified; I just really enjoy kicking children.

Knowledge – Who is the best at totally useless knowledge and weird facts?

Ali has definitely got to be the best at useless knowledge and weird facts. This keeps us all entertained and allows him to win most of the quizzes we play on the drives.

Line-up – If you could put together your ideal tour line-up, and you could pick two bands to play alongside you, who would you pick and why?

With Linkin Park being an inspiration for each band member, especially in our teenage years, it would be great to perform alongside them and witness first hand their passion and drive for music. The second band we would pick would be the Foo Fighters. With their amazing live shows, phenomenal music, and appreciation of the art, it would be silly not to choose them.

Music – Whose music are you listening to a lot at the moment?

At the moment, I’m listening to Don Broco quite a lot. With their funky bass lines and catchy music, it’s hard not to enjoy this band whatever mood you’re in.

Nude – Who in the band is most likely end up with drunken half nude images of themselves on the internet?

With Ali being the only one who can’t drive, he is the one who, no matter where we are, always gets drunk and takes pleasure in doing so! Therefore, Ali would be the one who would most likely end up with drunken half nude pictures on the internet.

Opportunity – If you were given the opportunity to headline any festival in the world, which would you pick?

If we were given the opportunity to headline any festival, it would have to be Download. With it being the biggest, most prestigious rock festival in the world, it would be amazing to just be on the line up.

Prodigy – If you could have been a child prodigy, what would you have been skilled at?

If I could have been a child prodigy, I would have been skilled at tattooing. I love everything about tattoos apart from the price, so if I was a tattoo artist, it would be much cheaper!

Questions – What is the worst question you’ve ever been asked in an interview? (is it this one?)

The worst question we have ever been asked in an interview wasn’t a bad question… just very wrongly timed. We were asked if we were looking forward to releasing our EP ‘The Lies We Lead’, which we had released over 6 months earlier. This left a bit of an embarrassing and awkward atmosphere afterwards.

Rituals – Do you have any pre-show rituals?

Pre-show rituals normally consist of press-ups, stupid noises, and ensuring our bladders are empty – nothing worse than needing the toilet when performing.

Stage – Have you ever had anything embarrassing happen to you whilst on stage?

The most embarrassing moment for me was at a show in Nottingham. We opened the set with a drum and bass solo leading in to one of our songs. However, throughout the short duration of the drum solo, I managed to drop 3 sticks, giving probably the worst sounding introduction of all time…not good.

Tips – What tips or advice would you give to anyone starting up a band?

It’s not easy to maintain being in a band. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication, and a lot of money. My best tip or piece of advice is NEVER lose sight of the main reason you’re in one – to thoroughly enjoy each and every moment spent as a band. We have faced many hard moments that could have easily torn us apart, but at the heart of it all, we retain a strong and meaningful friendship that solidifies the band and keeps us pushing to achieve our dreams.

Unknown – Tell us an unknown fact about the band!

The band started as a barbershop quintet. After discovering only Adam could sing well, the other members had to settle on different instruments that they drew out of a hat.

Viral – If you could do or say something that would go viral, what would you want it to be?

Pole dance down the Eiffel Tower in speedos and top hats.

Writing – What influences you when it comes to writing new songs?

We each have different influences when it comes to writing new songs. We try to draw from each other’s influences within the song that we’re writing and combine them to produce a unique sound that anchors them all together, creating something we are all pleased with.

X-rated – Do you have any bizarre x-rated tour stories?

After playing a gig in Hertfordshire and consuming unspeakable amounts of alcohol, we retreated back to Ali’s room at the University halls. This then lead on to us running and skateboarding around the halls in nothing but socks!

Year – What can we expect to see from the band for the remainder of this year?

As we are releasing our brand new EP on October 19th 2015, the remainder of the year will go to touring with this EP in order for people to listen to a product we are all extremely pleased with. We are also hoping to produce and release another video for a second single from the new EP ‘The Anchor’ before the end of the year.

Zombie – If the entire band were involved in a zombie apocalypse, who would be eaten first and who would survive?

Lewis would be eaten first. While everyone else could remain hidden, Lewis’ paleness would shine through anything clear as day and give away his position. Sam would survive the longest – after spending many months beefing up in the gym, zombies would only be wise to run (well awkwardly leg-drag-walk) away from Sam, or feel the wrath of his bulging biceps.

The post FEATURE – A-Z with Speaking In Shadows appeared first on TOXIC Online.

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