Noblesville Schools, in collaboration with the Noblesville Education Foundation, named Bethany Robinson their Teacher of the Year for 2015. Earlier this year, the Indianapolis Jazz Foundation named Robinson Jazz Educator of the Year for the state of Indiana. Robinson, who has taught at Noblesville since 2005, is the Jazz Director and Assistant Band Director at Noblesville High School. For the first time in approximately 30 years, Noblesville decided to revive the tradition of naming a Teacher of the Year. Robinson was chosen from approximately 650 teachers across the district.“Bethany leads by example and her dedication to the teaching profession is well known in the high school,” said Jeff Bryant, principal of Noblesville High School. “She is a hardworking, dedicated, passionate, engaged educator with high expectations for her students and herself. Bethany models the energy and commitment it takes to improve at her craft, and in turn, students show the same kind of commitment and desire to perform at a high level.”
Robinson’s accomplishments include exhibiting a passion for building and maintaining relationships with students and the community as well as creating once-in-a-lifetime opportunities for her students. Robinson established a jazz combo group and organized contests and community events. She engaged and inspired students of all ability levels, furthering her insight into current jazz music, culture, literature, education and trends through professional development and personal collaborations
Teachers were nominated for the award by their principals and a district review committee ultimately selected Robinson. The announcement of the award was a surprise to Robinson, and was made in front of her peers as part of a high school faculty meeting. As part of the honor, she will be given a trophy, have her name engraved on a plaque at the district Educational Services Center and is being gifted the use of a new Corvette for the weekend, courtesy of Hare Chevrolet. She will also be a special guest at the Noblesville Education Foundation’s first annual Miller Gold Awards teacher recognition ceremony. Robinson will be submitted by the district for consideration in the state level Teacher of the Year competition.
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