
This thread is still under construction, if you have any questions you would like to ask feel free to post them and I will respond asap and may even add it the FAQ. Answers are based on my experience/opinions, if you disagree I will have a constructive discussion with you about it.

Here is the guide by Ralfhero, it is the most up to date guide available for Mono Dark teams.

Q: What are the components of a Mono Dark team?

A: A typical team has a leader/ally with desirable leader skills and 4 members. Active skills are categorized as converters, damage boosters, direct damage, and utility. Converters convert runes from one type to another, usually to hearts or dark runes. Damage boosters will boost the ATK of the whole team, resulting in higher damage. Direct damage cards have an active that immediately results in damage to the enemy, using it does not change the CD of the enemy or your cards. Utility cards are usually defensive in some way, this includes: crowd control, healing, damage mitigating, and special actives that prevent poison/skill lock etc...

Of the 6 cards on a team, you will ideally have at least 2 converters and 1 damage booster. Direct Damage and Utility cards are largely chosen based on the needs of each battle and what you expect to encounter.

Q: What are the recommended leaders for mono dark?

A: Loki, Daji, Artemis, and Osiris are the stand out leaders for dark mono. Endor, Baphomet, and Mi-Go are good alternatives due to the "Rage of Dark" leader skill that give Dark Attack x200%.

Q: Really, that's all?

A: There are other options but they are more special play style than mono dark. I can include a brief rundown later if demand is high.

Q: What types of teams can I make?

A: Greek, Egyptian, Norse, and Daji decks are the primary decks available to dark users. Greek require Artemis as leader/ally and rely on a high combo count for massive damage. Egyptian teams use Dual Osiris, have a high damage multiplier, and are effective in battles that consist only of light enemies. Norse decks have Loki as leader/ally and typically have at least 1 Odin in the team, these teams have a damage multiplier of x6.25 and have an increase in dark rune drops. A common variation is Loki/Daji, this is the most common dark deck. The set damage multiplier is on x2.5, but with Daji the damage from high combo count can be higher than dual Loki. Math shows that dual Loki does more damage if you make under 5 combos, they are even at 5, and over 5 Loki/Daji wins. Daji decks are a variation to Loki/Daji. You can use any card with "Rage of Dark" and pair it will Daji for a similar effect.

Q: With amelioration, is Loki/Daji still better than dual Loki?

A: Amelioration is still pretty new, as soon as I see the new math I will up date this. I assume if you meet the requirements for the bonus damage, the out put will be even with a higher combo count for Daji. Instead of damage being even at 5, maybe it will be 6 or 7, but this is just speculation.

Q: Is Odin mandatory in a Loki team?

A: No, but he is certainly useful. You can use him as a converter with Loki or as a damage booster that can give up to x2.5 ATK depending on how low your health is. If used correctly there is no better booster available. As a bonus his stats are amazing. That being said, and while many may consider him a must with Loki, it is a game and you have control over what you put in your deck. If you don't like him, can't get him, or just don't have the TC, don't fret. There are other options.

Q: What are the recommended converters?

A: The top 3 are Gemini, Alma, and SGB. The most popular combinations are Gemini/Alma and Gemini/SGB. Gemini/Alma is more versatile due to the ability to have hearts when needed or go for a full burst, but Alma has a cd of 6. Gemini/SGB gives a lot of enchanted runes and has the same minimum cd of 5.

Grumpy Puppy can be used in place of Alma (or with) but has different stat distribution, and is considered less useful.

GSoD and Baphomet. The traditional converters for dark, very easy to max skill level and they do not require a lot of experience to get to max level.

Gargoyle and Dark PalaDuck. Not traditional, not commonly used, but not bad. If you don't have any of the above, they can certainly be used. Skill level will be an issue here.

Lunar Sirius. He has a really high TC, min CD of 10, and it's hard to max the SLV. IMO, short CD converters are much more useful.

Slime and Gnome are mostly used as skill level feeders, but can be used early game if you REALLY want to start a mono team.

Q: What converters SHOULD I use?

A: Just because you have SGB doesn't mean you should throw him in your deck just yet. The most important thing a converter does is convert...often. A max skill level Baphomet is much better than SGB at SLV 10. (SGB is only an example, I use him because it takes a long time to farm his SLV up for the average person)

Q: Felix VS Mi-Go?

A: A much debated topic, IMO if you have Endor or Daji go with Felix, anything else go with Mi-Go.

Felix; max SLV 12, min CD 10. Dissolving Water, Fire, Earth, and Light runes will give 50% dark ATK for one turn. Great when combined with Daji or Endor. Does not play well with Artemis.

Mi-Go; max SLV 15, min CD 9, higher stats than Felix. For 2 rounds, dark ATK is boosted by 50%, carries over between stages. I really can't think of a situation a mono dark team will not benefit from this, as long as you have dark runes you have great damage.

Q: Felix and Mi-Go?

A: This can be a very powerful combination. Any damage boost leader + conveter + converter + Mi-Go + Felix + Daji. You can use the converters for one round of Mi-Go's active and Felix + Daji for the other. Both are farmable so you don't need to count on diamond draws.

Q: Are there any other booster cards for dark mono?

A: Endor is next in line for boosters. When used with Daji as leader or ally, you can rack up the damage by doing as a many combo's as possible. In an Artemis deck she can be a double edged sword. You can do more damage with the extra runes, but you will lose any extra dark runes that dropped from Artemis in the top 3 rows when they disappear. Overall, she has gotten even better with amelioration.

Artemis is outclassed by the above 3 boosters. While she can give you a very large bonus to ATK, up to x220%, it takes time to build and you need to constantly dissolve dark runes. This is most viable for Greek decks and you already have 2, so.....not much more to discuss.

Todd....such a disappointment, especially when the rest of the series was game changing to each respective mono. You should never use Todd. Yea, I said never. His ATK stat is massive but his active is a major fail. I have kept him in my collection to make myself sad every time I see him with the hope they will one day give him something even slightly useful. At least Jackie got an awesome leader skill, his is for fiends not dark.

Q: When should I use Direct Damage cards?

A: Cards like Osiris, Lu-Bu, Cancer, PKoD, and Faugn are extremely useful. They are situational though. Unless the battle has a special tactic, like camouflage shield, you are usually better off with a booster than a direct damage card.

Osiris and Cancer are useful if you don't have any special shields/mechanisms. They can also destroy targets with higher defense. Osiris has the added benefit of clearing the board of non dark runes making him a pseudo converter. Cancer takes half of your current HP and the damage he does is not elemental so leader skills will not boost his ATK.

Lu-Bu has very high ATK but very low HP. For the cost of half of your current HP he will take 30% of the enemies CURRENT HP. If the enemy is already at 50% HP, you will only take 15% of the total enemy HP. I hope that makes sense.

PKoD will immediately finish off the last 20% of an enemy. It may be a glitch but when used on a double HP bar boss during the first bar, it will finish off the second bar as well.

Faugn is the only direct damage ignore defense card we have. Very useful due to how common super high defense enemies are.

Q: Is Isabell a good choice as a member?

A: Yes and no. She is the only crowd control card available to dark at this time. Unfortunately she has really bad stats and a really long CD. You should definitely keep her on standby ready to go, but not the best choice for a constant member of the team.

Q: Is Xi a good choice as a member?

A: For Artemis teams, yes. Her active can increase the chance of dark runes from 16.7% to 33.3% for 3 turns. That's about 1/3 of the runes dropping will be dark. IMO, she is the single best card to boost Artemis, but she is very difficult to get.

Q: Where does Malphas/Yzma and Astaroth/Evil Queen fit in to Mono dark?

A: IMO, they don't. While the leader skills are impressive; Malphas/Yzma flat out state that you must have a fire and earth card present, meaning they are not meant for mono teams. Astaroth/Evil Queen can be used as a mono dark, but I feel like that is limiting the potential. As far as actives go, there are better options available to choose from.

Because of a recent discussion, I decided to just sit down and start writing this, thinking of every question I have helped people with about Mono Dark teams. I still need to clean it up and add pictures.

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