
Is meant for newbies, it is still under serious construction and will be changed a lot in the process, starting to put it out here because I am seriously starting to lose the overview in all those textdocuments... if you have some suggestion for improvements or wishes please write me a PM instead of spamming and trolling in the comments, thank you!

1. Basics

1.1 Stamina

1.2 Diamonds

1.3 Coins

1.3 World

1.5 Evolution

1.6 Resetting

1.x Additional general information

1.x Guides

2. Dynamic aspects

2.1 Battles

2.2 Events

2.3 Evolution Materials

2.4 Rewards

2.5 Friend Points/Seals

2.6 Seal Draws

3. Tactical aspects

3.1 Farming

3.2 Races

3.3 Team building

3.4 Leveling

3.5 Active Skils

3.6 Bosses / Special Bosses

3.7 Unclear Actives/Passives

4. Random Stuff

4.1 Recording App

4.x FAQ

4.x Buying diamonds


1. Basics

1.1 Stamina

Stamina is basically energy that you can use in order to go to battles and events. One point of stamina needs 10 minutes to regenerate, unless you level up your account-level or use a diamond in order to restore that stamina immediately.

Level up your account-level in order to receive either +1 stamina or +1 team cost, those are rotating.

1.2 Diamonds

Diamonds can be used in many ways :

- You can draw a Seal Card for five diamonds.

- Refill your whole stamina, for one diamond.

- Expand inventory, five slots for diamond.

- Expand Friend List, five slots for diamond.

- Revive in battle, for one diamond.

If you choose to revive yourself during a battle, the boss hp will stay in the same state they were when you died. You will get full hp.

Note :

- I suggest doing so only at very important/rare battles, for example if you took ages to get there, or if the battle includes a very rare boss card, since one diamond can get you full stamina instead.

- Beginners should save as much of their diamonds up as possible, it is not recommended to not waste them on continuing battles or stamina revival – at least not until the lategame.

You can get diamonds in the game if you :

1) Complete an island for the first time, on each difficulty.

2) Unleashed a seal in the tower, for the first time.

3) Clear events/special events all the way up to Master and clearing SoulMaster stages, for the first time.

4) Sometimes Madhead rewards players for special ocassions/celebrations or holidays.

5) When you log in consecutively for "x" amount of days, for example five diamonds for fifty, ten for hundred days ~ leveling your account gives sometimes diamonds too.

5) Are "lucky" enough that the TOS-community encounter rather serious bugs and server failures, aka compensation.

In the past it was possible to get diamonds if a player was creating a promo video, I doubt that this is still working though.

1.3 Coins

You get coins when you clear a floor, sell monsters or get it as a random login bonus reward form Madhead.

Coins are used for leveling up and evolving monsters.

1.4 World

1.4 Events

I will be referring to the weekday-battles as "Bonus battles":

Bonus battles provide players with three possible bonuses :

- Gain 200% Exp

- Chance of Seal Card drop +100%

- Stamina used -50%

Another important detail would be that each stage of the island gets each bonus randomly, it changes every week.

Additonally to those bonus battles, players are provided each day with "Daily battles" in the "Lost Relic" area :

Monday : Collection of Elements

Tueday : Sword's Descent Day

Wednesday : The Hunting Day

Thursay : Gem Searching Day

Friday : Day of Elements

Saturday : The Greedy Day

Sunday : The Chaotic Day

Instant battles follow the same path :

Meaning that Instant battles have the same attribute/colour as the specific island with the bonus battles.

However those events have a complete different meaning, the player is hunting "Soulstones" there.

The whole purpose of those Soulstones is to be sacrificed to monsters of your choice, leveling them up ~ making them stronger/ready for evolution.

They just appear twice each day, for an hour.

Their appearance is random for every player.

Those two battles are always six hours apart, the earliest time is 10 AM and the latest is 9 PM.

Resulting in something like :

10AM + 4PM

11AM + 5PM

12PM + 6PM


3PM + 9PM.

If you want to know when your instant battles, at your specific zone/handy are coming up just read the announcement in the game.

Announcement? Yes, every day after theoretical midnight they will update the timing and write it down in those annoying boxes.

More about that shenanigans can be read further down, at "3.4 Leveling".

... for the sake of completeness I will add all special events here too, note that those are meant for the mid-lategame.


Hall of Wizardry

The Dragon's Nest






Soulmaster stages, aka "special events" are (mostly) important and rare events, lasting just one day and are hard as hell itself.

On the bright side each one of those is announced by Madhead, those stages are coming back after going through some kind of rotation, therefore you might wait a few weeks/months before you can have another try on special boss X.

Note :

That doesn't mean that you should jump blindly into a Soulmaster, hoping for a miracle or some divine justice from above... seriously, just don't.


+ one time only events???????????????????


Well, since we already touched the Lost Relic we might as well talk about the strange flying dinosaur on the right.

In the picture it is called "12 Zodiacs" in the game "The Traveler's Memories".

12 Zodiacs :

Don't be bothered if you can't see it, it is not a bug or your screen.

It appears just to the chosen ones, or to those who successfully beat the third seal.

Additional information incoming :

There is a lot to tell about Zodiacs.

First of all, the very special aspect of this area is that you are getting so called "astro pieces", after being lucky enough to a) drop those from mobs while beathing your way through waves and b) actually beating the boss.

Each boss has his/her own astro pieces, because of that you can't use them anywhere else - even if other stages have the same attribute.

After you collected ten astropieces at one stage, and after clearing the master level difficulty, you gain access to the Extra Stage.

The awesome part of that extra stage, or Zodiac in general, is that you aren't waisting any stamina, because you are paying ten astro pieces for each battle instead.

For completing these extra stage you get rewards, for example five diamonds, level up cards and so on.

More about that area in matters of leveling can be found in the proper place, "3.4 Leveling".

1.5 Evolution

Evolution is a key part of this game, it makes your monsters stronger and enables them to get more HP(hit points/health points) and make more DMG(damage) do the enemie/s.

There are 4 criterion for monsters to evolve :

The monster isn't already fully evolved and has an additional phase.

The monster has reached its max. level at its current phase.

The player has enough coins in order to evolve the card.

The player has the specific needed evolution-materials.

Those materials can be farmed from events and regular battles.

I would suggest to save each evolution-ingredient two or three times, in the inventar.

You might not need it at that moment, however it is likely that those will be necessary in the future. If you sell everything it can become very expensive and exhausting to get one or more of those cards again, therefore spending some diamonds for the purpose of expanding the inventory is not a waste in my opinion.

1.6 Resetting

I am not really a fan of it, therefore I will keep it short.

Players can keep on resetting the game until they get a starting card they like.

In order to reset you will have to delete the game and reinstall, or just simply throw the save file out of your mobile phone.

You can play either over IOS or Android, IOS has the option of cutting the save file out of the phone, with the help of a PC and the software "iFunbox". That basically makes deleting and reinstalling unnecessary.

Android users can delete their game if they go into their system option to the applications and clear/delete the cache - I believe, not sure if there is a shortcut with Android devices in general.

If you have an account which you want to keep, bind it with facebook or twitter, even if you delete the game now you will able to recover it at the login, with your account details.

Should be pretty much it.

1.x Additional general information

- English TOS Wiki : http://towerofsaviors.wikia.com/wiki/%28...viors_Wiki

- Chinese TOS Wiki : http://zh.tos.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page

- Signatures : http://www.appruby.com/?language=en or http://tos.hehagame.com/simulator.php

- TOS Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/TowerOfSaviorsEnglish

- FAQ for Beginners : http://www.towerofsaviorsforum.com/Threa...-Beginners

- Gallery : http://towerofsaviors.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Gallery

1.x Guides

- The Return Of Evil Lord : http://www.gamespot.com/tower-of-saviors...h-29372469

- Diablo The Lord of Terror  : http://www.towerofsaviorsforum.com/Threa...-of-Terror

- Useful guide : http://www.towerofsaviorsforum.com/Thread-Useful-Guide

- Dragon Grand Master Guide : http://www.towerofsaviorsforum.com/Threa...ster-Guide

- Ancient Dragon- Dark Grandmaster walkthrough : http://www.towerofsaviorsforum.com/Threa...walkthough

- Guide for all newbies : http://www.towerofsaviorsforum.com/Threa...ll-newbies

- Guide to skill leveling :http://www.towerofsaviorsforum.com/Threa...l-leveling

- Guide to full gallery : http://www.towerofsaviorsforum.com/Threa...ll-gallery

- Guide For Light Mono Decks : http://www.towerofsaviorsforum.com/Threa...Mono-Decks

- Guide For Dark Mono Decks : http://www.towerofsaviorsforum.com/Threa...Mono-Decks

- All Possible Pure Dragon Deck Combinations & Strategy Guide : http://www.towerofsaviorsforum.com/Threa...tegy-Guide

- Guide for The Buffoon Master Stage : http://www.towerofsaviorsforum.com/Threa...ster-Stage

- Guide to max skill Gemini, CD5 Defense, Offense Mode and non-farmable cards : http://www.towerofsaviorsforum.com/Threa...5#pid20055

- Calcuation of damages : http://www.towerofsaviorsforum.com/Threa...of-damages

to be continued/improved


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