

I guess I really should’ve known better than to try and post an opinion on tumblr.com.

I’m not upset by any hate I’ve received. Mostly, I’m just sad that people still view privilege as something static and unchanging, something that can never be gained or lost, something simple.

Privilege is so complex. There are so many variables involved in privilege and determining who is privileged. We could fight amongst ourselves for a hundred years trying to decide who has more privilege. We could sit here and swap disadvantages like boyscout badges until we grow old and grey and the world progresses without us.

Or we could stop obsessing over which faction of an oppressed minority is more or less privileged, recognize that neither of them is more or less privileged, because privilege isn’t as simple as tumblr makes it out to be, and move forward with our goal: gaining equal rights under the law.

Everyone on tumblr is so fucking busy squabbling over petty bullshit that they’ve lost sight of the big picture. You’re wasting your time shitting on other trans folk for no reason. You’re wasting so much of your goddamn time that could be going towards protesting, petitioning, volunteering.

But, hey, this is why my other trans friends cringe when they so much as hear the word “tumblr” uttered. It’s a black hole that sucks in all productivity and compassion and turns people into bitter goblins who care more about earning sympathy than earning their rights.

We are all fighting for the same thing. We are all fighting to be recognized as legitimate, to not be fetishized, to not be abused, to not be pushed down and silenced.

This is serious, but tumblr treats it like a fucking game. People are dying. People are being denied housing and jobs. People are losing their families. People are suffering.

But it’s all just one—big—game, isn’t it?

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