
Hothead's Kill Shot Bravo [Free], originally set to release on November 19th, has gotten a surprise worldwide release today. Hothead's sniper game is a follow-up to perhaps the most successful sniper game so far on mobile, and the sequel promises some cool new features, including live sniping competitions with other players. The game was in soft launch, but now everyone worldwide can check the game out a couple days early. Huzzah!

Now, some of you might be thinking, "Hey, wasn't Gameloft set to release Sniper Fury this week?" They were! But news came across the wire today that the game has been delayed to December 3rd. Gameloft says that "we are adding one final touch of polish to the game to ensure you will take that perfect shot in the best conditions imaginable." Which, hey, that's fair, you only get one global launch and you gotta make sure it goes well. But hey, even if no one would probably admit this is the case, it's just smart business to get out of the way of the new Kill Shot game, no?

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