
Here's some very exciting and welcome news. The folks over at Jedi News, a site covering all things Star Wars, has stumbled across a brochure that was handed out at the Brand Licensing Europe 2013 expo this week that offers up some hints at new Star Wars releases in the pipeline.

The brochure covers things like a digital Star Wars library being released next year, the new movie's release in 2015, and news of some sort of Darth Vader themed TV show. All very cool things, but the relevant bit to our audience here at TouchArcade is the apparent confirmation that more of the classic LEGO games will be coming to mobile.

The LEGO Batman and LEGO Harry Potter series have done well on mobile, and it makes perfect sense that the awesome LEGO Star Wars games would do well on the iOS platform too. Of course, nothing is officially confirmed that any LEGO Star Wars games will be coming to iOS, but it looks extremely likely from where I'm standing. Take a closer look at the brochure for yourself if you're interested.

There's already some buzz in our forums over the news, and should Disney officially confirm plans to bring LEGO Star Wars to iOS in the future we'll be sure to let you know.

[Jedi News]

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