Jalandhar girl Jaspreet Kaur has won the prestigious Dr APJ Abdul Kalam IGNITE award for her idea on “Colour Coded Thermometer.”
She was among 31 students who bagged the award out of the 28,000 entries received by National Innovation of India (NIF). It was given to her by President Pranab Mukherjee.
Dr APJ Abdul Kalam IGNITE Award is a national competition of original technological ideas and innovations by children up to class 12 or those out of school up to the age of 17 years.
President Pranab Mukherjee interacts with student at the award ceremony
Jaspreet, a class 10 student of Police DAV Public School, got the idea when she tried to measure the temperature of her father but couldn’t determine the exact temperature using the conventional thermometer.
Her father was suffering from typhoid and used to get fever frequently.
The thermometer proposed by her has three lights: red for high temperature, blue for low temperature and green for normal temperature.
“This makes the task of reading temperatures easy for those who are not educated,” said Jaspreet.
Jaspreet, who hails from Jalandhar, added:
“I want the thermometer to reach as many people as possible. My classmates are so supportive that they told me that once the thermometer is manufactured, they will buy it in bulk and distribute it.”
NIF organises this competition every year in association with Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Honey Bee Network and other state educational boards and other partners and also helps to adopt scientific and rational approach towards life and adopt science in routine lives.