
Born in Naples, pizza has become very popular all over the world due to its availability, home delivery and also its amazing taste. At a glance Pizza appears to be a healthy food which has all dietary requirement like dairy product, vegetables, meat and bread, moreover it is baked and not fried. Looking at pizza and savoring its amazing taste you may wonder why anyone would say you should stop eating pizza. John Schnatter of Papa John announced on BBC that it was unhealthy to consume too much of pizza. In his words, “You can’t eat five or six slices but if you eat one or two slices it’s very nutritious.” If you are ordering pizzas too often, then I give you 6 reasons to stop eating pizza from today, sparing those special occasions when you can indulge in anything you like.

6. Bad for acidity:

The contents of pizza like the cheese, sauce and also the crust does not go down well with your stomach, especially if you suffer from acidity. Most of the pizzas contain tomato sauce which is considered not safe for people who suffer from acid reflux due to its high acidic content. The major cause of acidity due to pizza is that people tend to eat it more, replacing either lunch or dinner with it. If you have 1-2 pizza slices with regular food, the ill effects will be reduced to a great extent.

5. High Glycemic Index:

The base of pizza is made of white flour which has a high glycemic index, meaning there will be quick rise in blood sugar levels following its consumption. Follow it with coke which you often do for complete destruction of your health. White flour is low in nutrient content unlike the whole grains flour. The effects of white flour consumption is similar to that of sugar, which contribute to weight gain, high blood sugar levels and low nutrition; in addition, white flour is full of gluten.

4. Incompatible combination of foods:

Trying to make pizza attractive, innovative and creative has led to the incompatible combinations of food going into it, which can play havoc on your digestive tract. The combination of meat, cheese and white flour itself requires three types of different digestive juices and the mixture does not has a healthy outcome. To have a competitive edge over their counterparts, pizzerias are adding more bizarre and crazy combinations of ingredients to pizza, ignoring the ill effects it will have on your health.

3. High in fat, salt and calories:

While trying to make their pizzas tasty, the mass producers of pizzas have ignored the nutritional balance of this much desired food. Today, most of the pizzas you eat are high in salt, fat and calories, much more than what you should intake. In fact, research conducted on some brand names of pizzas have shown that they contain nearly twice the amount of salt than that recommended for an adult.  Two slices of pizzas typically contains 600 calories besides the high fat content.

2. Made up of unhealthy processed food:

The flour, cheese, meat, mushrooms and many other ingredients that go into the making of pizza are processed and unhealthy. The tomato sauce is made of up lot many ingredients and may never have seen real fresh tomato at all. Preservatives are another harmful ingredient found in pizzas which can have quite some adverse effects on your health. The very popular pepperoni toppings have nitrate and other harmful fillers.

1. Makes you miss healthy meal:

Think what would you eat if you had not ordered pizza? May be you would be eating some fresh vegetables, fruits, sea-food or some other dish which may give you less fat and calorie while providing all essential nutrients to your body. If you would spend time and cook a healthy pizza out of whole grain flour, vegetable topping, fresh cheese and olive oil, it would be one healthy meal for you. It is what goes into the pizza and how much of pizza goes into you that makes it harmful for your health.

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