

on YouTube Are Doing to RANK


TubeCatalyst Reveals CRITICAL Data That Google Hides!

Enabling You to STEAL the #1 SPOT and Leave

Your Competitors for DEAD

Dear Fellow Video Marketer,

You’re here because of one reason, just like me you spend hours crafting high quality & engaging videos that you think you’ve optimised..

…but your competitors effortlessly rank higher than you with their shoddy videos and make more money than you.

If people only knew what you go through each time you make a new video! From hours of keyword research, recording then re-recording that video – over and over again!…

…Then painfully trying to come up with highly SEO optimized title, tags and description.

…And what’s your reward at the end of it all?

-12 views in a day, and 5 of those are your family.

You and me both know that this SUCKS!…

…because your videos are so much better than your competitors, everyone can see it. Yet their videos rank a lot higher than yours and they make more money than you!

I know exactly how you feel, because I’ve been in the exact same situation …time after time.

But I know how hard it is…

There’s not enough hours in the day to keep up with your competitors who are releasing 1-3 new videos every day!

You don’t have the complex editing skills required to produce stunning videos.

You don’t understand the intricate SEO rules, techniques and nuances needed to properly optimize your video’s title, tags and description for maximum ranking potential and front page exposure.

You’re sick of YouTube taking down your videos for copyright infringement but you simply can’t find high quality royalty free music to use on your videos without paying a hefty price tag.

I know your pain, I’ve been there.

…and just like you I was stuck in the same trap for years, not earning enough to even feed myself.

Here’s the good news: TODAY All of This Can Change!!

With TubeCatalyst you can, and will;

- Instantly eliminate all your frustrations -

And Effortlessly Produce Professional Videos With Backing Music That *Should* Cost $1,000’s – IN JUST MINUTES…

…Videos That Are Optimized To Their Absolute FULL Potential And Will Rank on the First Page of YouTube AND Google in Days… If Not Hours!!

TubeCatalyst hands you an easy to follow, step-by-step formula to optimizing your video’s title, tags and description like never before.

Let’s STOP the STRUGGLE And ENDLESS Frustration Right Now!

Just Imagine This For a Moment…

- Now making videos is easy.

- You have unlimited access to a huge library of professional music.

- You can write and optimize your video’s title, description and tags in under a minute.

- You have a step-by-step guide to conquering YouTube and Google’s search results.

- The path is finally clear, and reaching your destination is now guaranteed!

This is what you’ve been waiting so long for…

And you feel amazing!!

You are finally in control of your YouTube destiny and can become financially free, forever.

TubeCatalyst will make this your reality.

So, what exactly does TubeCatalyst do?…

TubeCatalyst literally grabs your video from YouTube’s crowded abyss and slams it onto the first page of search results on BOTH YouTube & Google.

TubeCatalyst reveals critical information – information that Google HIDES to prevent people abusing it, to EFFORTLESSLY outrank their competitors in DAYS… sometimes HOURS.

TubeCatalyst takes ALL the guess work out of Video SEO and Meta Tag Optimization.

By combining years of experience and sophisticated algorithms, TubeCatalyst knows exactly WHAT YOU NEED TO DO to rank your videos on the first page. TubeCatalyst literally hands you a step-by-step guide to ranking your videos, meticulously personalized to your videos and niche.

Woah, so TubeCatalyst will find me the perfect niche, reveal exactly where my competitors are getting their traffic from, and optimize my video’s to squeeze the absolute maximum possible SEO potential out of them and skyrocket them to the first page…

…SURELY that’s all it can do!?

…not quite, on top of all that TubeCatalyst also has a comprehensive, fully featured, yet incredibly user-friendly video creator, enabling you to create stunning videos at the drop of a hat then upload them straight to your YouTube channel with a single click.

Oh, and if all that’s STILL not enough, TubeCatalyst comes equipped with a MASSIVE Royalty Free audio library, built right into the video creator! Find the perfect background music and sound effects then add them to your video with a single click.

NO other software can do half of what TubeCatalyst does…

You’re about to get the most powerful, groundbreaking YouTube Research, Optimization & Video Creation software available!

Introducing TubeCatalyst – YouTube

Order Now And Get This

Incredible Bonus FREE!

Get TubeCatalyst right NOW and you’ll get full access to my comprehensive 63-page YouTube Masterclass “Video Mastery Codex”, worth $47!

But HURRY, This Incredible Free Bonus is Only Avaliable For a VERY LIMITED TIME!!

Let’s Add Up Everything You’re About

to Get Your Hands On…

- Unbelievably Powerful Keyword Research Tool $97 Per Month Value

- Real Behind-The-Scenes Video Traffic Source Tool $147 Per Month Value

- Super Simple Contact & Networking Tool $57 Per Month Value

- Advanced Channel Research Tool $97 Per Month Value

- “Meta Builder” Automatic Title, Description & Tags Optimizer $197 Per Month Value

- Powerful Video Creator With One-Click Uploading $197 Per Month Value

- MASSIVE Royalty Free Music & Sound Effect Library to Use in Your Videos $167 Per Month Value

- BONUS “Video Mastery Codex” E-Book $47 Value

TOTAL VALUE: $1,006 Per Month!

But don’t worry, you won’t have to spend anything near $1,006 Per Month.

Let’s Make This a Complete

No Brainer…

You’re Not Going to Pay $1,006 Per Month

Not Even a Very Fair $571 Per Month

Not Even… $297 Per Month

And Unbelievably, NOT EVEN $97 Per Month

Since this is the first time a tool of this caliber has EVER hit the market, I’m going to reduce the price to a CRIMINAL $19 for a Whole Year’s Access to EVERYTHING!

Take Action NOW… Choose Your Plan…

Remember the Free BONUS: "Video Mastery Codex" won’t be available for much longer.

I can’t guarantee the bonus will still be available next time you load this page, so Order Now to avoid disappointment.

Okay, Let Me Remove

ALL The Risk…

With My 100% Honest, 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee.

Look, you don’t even have to say “yes” today. All you have to say is “maybe.”

Because I’m so confident you’ll be blown away by TubeCatalyst, when you order now, I’ll personally extend you to my 30-day iron-clad, absolutely no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee.

If TubeCatalyst doesn’t completely meet your expectations, or if you’re unsatisfied for ANY reason, simply shoot me an email within 30 days and I’ll refund every penny.

Now all the risk is on me…

Does that sound like a fair deal?

Now, with ALL the risk removed, there’s just one thing left for you to do…

Take Advantage of This Unbelievable, No-Risk Deal And Order Now.

This special introductory price and incredible free bonus won’t be available for much longer. So choose your plan then click the order button below to start conquering YouTube instantly…

Look What Other Warriors Are Saying About TubeCatalyst


Originally Posted by TSantos

i received a review copy!

hi guys, well what can i say about this SUPER AMAZING Software…!?!

When Arran, sent me my login details by email, i dived straight into it and tested the whole thing out, to my surprise this great little software helps you get everything in order from A to Z.

It even helps you get all the right tags when you insert your keyword, and it also tell you if you are missing a tag in description, or if you have inserted too many!
That’s right guys, it "talks" to you!! haha

Now i havent done that much video marketing, as i was doing it all wrong…!
I can now see what i was doing wrong!

After having the software for about a day or so, Arron emailed me to see how it was going and if i found any faults, or if i had any ideas in how to improve this online software.

I then emailed him, to suggest…."it would be great if you could also create videos, so that you can have everything all in one place!

Guess what???

After a few days Arron emailed me again to say that he had created a video maker!!!!

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was blowen away!!!

This is insane guys, i have been ill these past few days so havent had the chance to do a video review, but i will come back with one!

This is a NO Brainer!!! PLUS the price is insane! Well worth the investment!

Great for Newbies also! Easy to follow!

Thanks Again Arron!


Originally Posted by workoutstuff1

I was able to get a review copy account for “TubeCatalyst” and I have to say that this product is AMAZING!

The website focuses primarily on Youtube video research and allows you to be able to check out which websites are driving traffic to your videos (or those of your competitors) on Youtube. You can also use this website to find out what tags you need to put on your videos in order to better rank for a particular keyword – great for SEO! Plus you can do research on a particular video, or do research on an entire video channel.

Overall, the website is very easy to navigate, and the menu headings at the top of the screen allow you to choose what type of research you wish to do for a video or video channel to improve its keyword rankings.

The bonus PDF “Video Mastery Codex” is 63 pages full of useful information on how to properly set up your videos on Youtube – a great read.

Only drawback: whatever password you choose for the website, be sure to WRITE IT DOWN. At the present time there isn’t a password recovery feature for the site except for sending a support ticket to get your password reset (however, I have spoken with the product creator and they will get that updated as soon as they can).

Have to admit, this is a really great product!


Originally Posted by ChrisWrok

Hey Warriors…I received a review/beta copy of TubeCatalyst and gave it a quick drive.

I tried it during it’s later development and it worked quite well.

The software allows you to quickly identify the best ranking "niche" Youtube pages, by keyword(s),

and then easily emulate their tags and/or add your own.

It allows the user to see their competitions descriptions, titles and tags,

give you a way to copy them, and basically dominate the rankings like the big guys

who are already on the first page of Youtube.

While working, it gives you a score out of 100

so you know where you rank against the highest ranking Youtube pages in your niche, and why!.

You can add and subtract tags, which are defined for you by the software into three different categories,

and the software tells you details such as

whether or not you need a little more of one tag or another other,

and whether you need a larger or shorter description…

very cool, fun, interesting and informative…

Yes it really is Incredibly easy to use! I love the drag and drop user interface,

which makes it even more simple to take advantage of

another one of TubeCatalyst’s functions…

making extremely quick video’s to post on your Youtube page, without a camera!

To be really honest, I like it because it seems to work really well so far. I can see the potential from all kinds of different angles.

-Ranking your review videos for your affiliate offers, cpa offers or your own offers…

I made a quick video, using the drag and drop user interface. I synced my slides with my audio and saved it to my computer. I could have asked TubeCatalyst to upload it to Youtube for me if I had chosen to do so.

Ya, I was impressed. It works pretty well…fast, easy, accurate, sharp looking too.

Nice Job!


Take Action NOW… Choose Your Plan…

Remember the Free BONUS: "Video Mastery Codex" won’t be available for much longer.

I can’t guarantee the bonus will still be available next time you load this page, so Order Now to avoid disappointment.

Act Now and Snap up the Most Popular Package!
…At this price, it’s an absolute STEAL!!…

Only $19 For a WHOLE YEAR! Normally $47.88! (Save 60%)

Click Here To Download TubeCatalyst

The post [GET] Meet The “DANGEROUSLY” Powerful YouTube Niche Research, Video Creation & Optimization Tool appeared first on Top WSO Downloads.

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