
From Sean Quail

Are you fed up with all the hype about how some people are making a fortune with Internet Marketing? And you are not.

Are you fed up with all the emails you get on a daily basis that seem to offer you the solution to all your problems and never deliver.

After a while and a thousand emails later. Twenty or more products that you have wasted money on, and saved on some obscure file on your computer. You end up giving up and not bothering anymore. You just feel angry and annoyed that people have not been totally honest with you about the amount of work required to make their product work..

If that sounds like you then you have come to the right place. I am going to offer to share with you 40 page e-book that will give something back, for the price of a bottle of beer. Something that could be life changing if you are willing to put the work in, get it started and maintain it.

As you can already see I am not promising the earth and I am not promising a get rich quick scheme (as you well know by now. Is a load of old tosh and a load of baloney)

No! what I am promising is that if you are willing to read through this e-book and implement the things I have written , then I can promise you that you will have half a chance of becoming a successful list builder leading eventually to success with your business online.

Here is what I am offering to share with you today

How to go about building your email list

Detailed information on untargeted lists

Autoreponders and how to get the best out of them when using for your list

Pitfalls with certain autorespnders

How to set up your squeeze page

How to build your own squeeze page

Split testing and the benefits

How to keep you list interested once you have them signed up

And much much more!

As you can see this 40 page e-book has packed in a lot of information between its covers and all of the information relates to one of the most prosperous methods of making money online. Email marketing is Dollar for Dollar more lucrative than social and search put together.

I am going to take you through step by step on how you can start to build a targeted buyers list straight away. Sharing with you the methods that I actually use.

I am fed up just as you are with all the hype that goes around the internet today. Just to get you to put your hands in your pockets and pay for those so called magic bullets products that never seem to deliver.

Yes I know sometimes due to the busy lifestyles we lead these days it becomes hard to find an extra hour or two to dedicate to working on building a business online. But believe me that is what it takes. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. It takes a lot of effort but from that effort comes your rewards.

This e-book looks at building your list so that you can either sell your own products to or become an affiliate, and sell other peoples products for them, or both.

In most cases nowadays as an affiliate selling marketing information products you usually receive 100% commission.

Whatever method you use be it vendor or affiliate ,you will eventually need people to sell to and that is the purpose of this e-book, it guides you on how to do just that .Getting people to sell to and how often you should be selling to them.

This is not one of those shiny objects that everyone harps on about no! This is a hard and fast no nonsense e-book that will help you to become a better email marketer in every-way. And will help you construct and build a qualified targeted buyers list that can make you a lot of money if utilized properly.

These so called shiny object that promise to make you a millionaire at the push of a silicon smooth button. Offers the earth but delivers very little, and yet we seem to be taken in by them time and again. We keep right on buying and never use them again. Saving it some obscure never-to-be-opened file on our computer.

My only comment on that is: “Put the effort in and receive your just rewards.”

If you are searching for those so called magic-bullets then I can assure you…. you will not find it in here as I am offering an honest tried and tested method of building a realistically successful email business online. No more. No less.

I have created a down to earth honest no nonsense 40 page e-book, showing you the many different methods you can use to build a buyers list online. Sharing with you detailed instructions as you go along.

I have looked at the price I should be selling this for, and it far exceeds the price I am offering it today.

I had some other marketers look at this and they agree it is one of the best value products that you are going to get your hands on for that price range.

Here are some comments people have made about my last offers.

I’ve been searching for material to provide me with information to assist me with online marketing. I was so pleased when I came across this e manual by ‘Sean Quail’ it’s a steal at this price. It has given me all the info that will enable me to set up my own online business without having to research too much. This is a really clever book, giving all the necessary information, to get you up and running, also providing you with all the details to improve your service while maintaining custom. ‘ a must have for Newbies!

Veronica Egan

Newbie to Marketing

Hello Sean.

I am glad to see that someone out there has put some effort into making it more affordable to get hold of material online. I would like to say you are offering real value for money . Keep it up.

Rena Maragh

Hi Sean,*

Its good to know you have an e-book that will help newbies understand their best chance of survival in the Internet market. There is often high expectations when it comes to newbies delving into the Online market but a guide like your ebook can help them for quick success story online. Thanks for sharing this piece and its cool the price of the ebook is affordable!

I left this comment in kingged.com as well

Hi Sean,

Enjoyed your work giving newbies advice regarding marketing on the internet.

Finally I have found an operator that does not give his readers a load of bullshit!

Put me down on your list.

Many thanks.

These are the actual comments that a wide range of marketers have left on my thread or have sent to me personally. There are many more but I do not have the room to display them here. I would say however that this gives more gravitas to what it is I’m saying about my products. That they are great value for money e-books that give you all the information you need to get started and build on when starting out on the internet.

In here is some invaluable information on building a buyers list. All tried and tested. It shows you the pitfalls you face and gives you sound advice on how to overcome them.

This e-book is a must if you are thinking of starting to build your own buyers list. It arms you with a strong foundation that is needed to build a qualified targeted list of buyers. And harder still it shoes you how to keep them signed up and willing to buy even more from you with future promotions.

I know for a fact that if I had this resource at my finger tips when I started out it would have made life a whole lot easier.

That is what I am offering you hear today is a chance to buy into an invaluable source of information on building a successful email buyers list. The price of this offer in now way reflects the amount of professional material you will receive.

I am offering this product for a stupid price today, starting at a $1.10 with a 10 cents increment every sale. So my advice is to get in straight away as the price will soon rise.

Yes I am offering a 40 page e-book for a $1.10 to start with and as anyone knows who has bought my last products. This information is worth a whole lot more than the price I am selling it for.

As I have said in the past the reason it is at such a low price is to give people who are strapped for cash, an affordable option that will at least give them a chance to get into this business.

Here is a recap of what I am offering

I am giving you the opportunity to grab a bargain at $1.10

I am giving you insight as to what it takes and how to maintain a successful buyers list

I am showing you the pitfalls and what to avoid if you want to become successful at email marketing.

I am showing you how to keep you list interested in buying further products form you once they have subscribed.

I am showing you all of that above and a lot more for the ridiculously low starting price of $1.10 cents. So if you want to get it at that price or close to it. You need to act straight away and press the buy now button below.

Once again I showed this to a high ranking affiliate marketer and he cannot believe the value for money that I am offering. He put a much higher price tag on this product and I totally agree with him. It is worth a lot more money. But then there are people who might miss out and not be able to purchase it, and that is not what I am about.

So press the button below now and get your copy before it rises in price.

I am that sure you will agree that the value you get from this product far outstrips the $1.10 price tag you pay for it and because I stand by my product I will offer a full 30 day money back guarantee if for any reason you are not satisfied with it. I will refund your money. without hesitation.

Ok I have said enough about this e-book and I stand by this product as with all my products. It is quality content at a great affordable price. “I will let you be the judge.”

Once again thank you for looking and have a great day.

Thank you

Sean Quail

Click Here To Download Building a Profitable e-mail List Fast

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