We're a few of the thousands of Mozilla contributors (Mozillians) working together to better the Web. Here's a few things about us:
We’re a pack of independently spirited, fiercely unconventional people who do things a little differently.
You probably know us as the community behind Firefox - we're also working on several other products and services too.
Some of us have been involved with the Mozilla project for over a decade and others just started recently. Anyone can get involved. Even you.
We're a global group of people, and we work globally too. While some of us work at Mozilla Spaces, many of us work remotely from our homes. We rely heavily on newsgroups, Bugzilla, IRC and video conferences to work together.
We're big fans of reddit, and we've done several IAmAs before, including one just last Sunday. This IAmA is for all Mozilla contributors, paid staff and volunteers, not just one team.
We're all unique contributors contributing in unique ways, as seen below. Ask us anything!
English not your first language? We have at least one contributor speaking each of the following languages.
Albanian, Bangla, Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, English, French, German, Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Latin, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Tamil, Telugu.
In case you're not familiar, here's some lingo we use:
l10n: Localization
MDN: Mozilla Developer Network
QA: Quality Assurance
SuMo: support.mozilla.org (We're a fan of xMO abbreviations)
ReMo: Represent Mozilla (or reps.mozilla.org)
amire80: rep, rep mentor, localizer, blogger, advocate, bug reporter
AprilMorone: Answer questions for others about browsers and about Mozilla.
bkerensa: Early Feedback Community Release Manager for Firefox, ReMo, WebFWD, Evangelism.
bogomilshopov: Localization, Firefox OS engagement
bwinton: Design Engineer on the Firefox UX team, lead for Thunderbird as a volunteer.
dailycavalier: I am a product manager for community tools
dblohm7: Platform Engineer on the Desktop Performance Team
elioqoshi: One of 2 Reps in Albania, Firefox Student Ambassador ( University of Arts), Summit 2013 Brussels participant, Localizer (Albanian), event coordinator in Albania for Mozilla related events
FredericB: Mozilla Rep, regular MDN contributor, Keon phone owner, and (official) subtitle-crafter for MozFr/Mozilla
gaby2300: Mozilla-Hispano QA Manager, Mozilla-Hispano localizer
hardfire: Mozilla Rep, with contributions to webdev and some bugs squashed for devtools and Firefox in general
holywen: L10n owner for zh-CN language since 2002, Mozilla Rep since June 2013
iamjayakumars: SUMO, QA, WebMaker. and sometimes with Bugs
ImYoric: Performance team, mentoring newbies, working with universities
ioana_cis: Mozilla Rep Council, Firefox for Android QA, Webmaker, SUMO, Themes, Mozilla Romania, PR and Events organizers
joshmatthews: Volunteer/paid Firefox developer and engineering community builder.
lasr21: Mexican Rep and Mentor, part of the Firefox OS Launch team in Mexico.
LeoMcA: Mozilla Rep, UK Community
mozjan: About:Mozilla newsletter, Mozilla UK Community
mozsjmur: Mozilla Rep and the community manager for Mozilla Ireland, involved for the past two years and we are making good progress in Ireland.
shafiulazam: Organize and participate in Mozilla contributor engagement and Fx OS apps development events in my country. Now I'm up to MDN localization boost up in our community.
sharno: Mozilla Rep, l10n, Army of Awesome on Twitter
TannerMoz: Mozilla Rep, lately been doing stuff with Community I.T., a bit of SuMo here and there.
yalam96: Email coder, Support buddy program lead. Self-proclaimed "sticker king"
yashness: Automation tools, contributed to Mozillians.org website.
We'll try to be here for at least 24 hours, but there's a good chance some people will hang around after tomorrow.
Edit - 9:40 PM Central: A lot of us seem to be heading to bed, so it might take your questions a bit longer to get answered, but we'll try to answer all of them before too long.