

What are companies looking for right now?

PERFECT candidates, that’s what!

Of course, we all know that these candidates don’t really exist.  They’re a myth, a fable, a fairy tale . . . like unicorns, a balanced federal budget, and a really good Tom Cruise movie.

Or are they? (We’re talking about perfect candidates, not really good Tom Cruise movies, in case you were wondering.)

In this installment of "'Comments' and Compliments," you’ll meet recruiters who praise their Trading Partners for finding the perfect candidate.  Wait a second.  Let me re-phrase that: the PERFECT candidate!

You’ll also meet a recruiter who calls their Trading Partner a “RockStar.”  Why?  Because she IS one, that’s why!

If you’re looking for PERFECT candidates and “RockStar” Trading Partners, then Top Echelon Network is the place for you.

Congratulations to everybody who made split placements this week!

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"Don found the perfect candidate in Korea.  He certainly understands the needs of my clients, and we were able to pull this complex placement together very quickly."

Submitted by Robert Wilson of R.L. Wilson & Associates regarding his Network split placement with Don Pergal of Pergal and Company, LLC


Fee Percentage—20%

(Editor's note: This is the first Network split placement that Wilson and Pergal have made together in Top Echelon.)

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"Ann, you sent me the perfect candidate in July of 2013.  Thank you!  What an adventure this placement has been!"

Submitted by Pat McCombs, CPC of KB Search Team, LLC regarding her Network split placement with Ann Boland of The Boland Group


Fee Percentage—Flat

(Editor's note: This is the second Network split placement that McCombs and Boland have made together in Top Echelon.)

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"Chelsea is a RockStar recruiting partner!"

Submitted by Twanda DeBorde of CMD and Associates Executive Search regarding her Network split placement with Chelsea Knutsen of Dayspring & Associates

Position Title—TOOL & DIE MAKER

Fee Percentage—Flat Fee

(Editor's note: This is the second Network split placement that DeBorde and Knutsen have made together in Top Echelon.)

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