
Water softening is by far the best way to make drinking water safe and less damaging to your appliances. It serves as one of the most ideal ways to completely get rid of any harmful minerals such as Calcium & Magnesium and chemicals such as Chlorine from the water in turn of making it fresh and much safe for use around the house. This is clearly evident from the fact that best water softener system enhances taste of the water plus they help rule out possibility of any form of scaling when using the water together with any household appliance.

Taking into consideration how harmful water which has not been subjected to a water softening system can be coupled with the fact that the best water softeners are slightly costly, it is wise to install a quality softening system and be safe rather than failing to do so and suffer a series of health complications. The best water softening systems are characteristic of fairly simple designs and are usually very easy to install. They are equally quick to switch off automatically and are even designed to alert users when important maintenance checks are due.

Below is an overview of the best water softener products aimed at helping you to find the right water softening system that is most efficient for use based on their design, performance, quality and most importantly water softening ratings. They include:

10. Nuvo H2O DPHB Domestic Water Softening System

It is designed to comfortably handle a flow rate of up to 15 gallons per minute. This has in turn made it a perfect choice for use in any home where water flows on a regular basis. Although its installation and use might require you to constantly change the H2O’s cartridge in order to maintain its efficiency, you will truly come to appreciate these efforts after you get used to the clean, great tasting and most importantly healthy water which will be coming from the system.

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9. OTG4-STDSoft-Portable Water Softener

Its characteristic compact and reliable design makes it a perfect choice for the recreational vehicle. In case you are not aware, RV parks are notorious for having hard water which besides staining plates also usually posses serious damage to plumbing systems. The best thing about this system is the fact that it is moderately priced plus it is compatible with most hoses as well as park faucets hence serves as a guarantee for fresh and clean water.

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8. Fleck 5600SXT Water Softener

It is characteristic of a digital control system which serves to raise an alert when the time for maintenance reaches. It is also a 12 gallon per minute water softening system hence an equally perfect choice to tackle the effects of hard water around the house.

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7. RV Pro-1000 Grain Portable Water Softener

Even though It is specifically designed for recreational vehicles, it is still able to work anywhere should need arise. Although it is one of the lowest priced, it is still able to do an equally good job and is usually recharged using table salt.

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6. Best Water Softener from Aquasana – Rhino EQ-1000

It is different from other common softeners in the sense that it does not require any form of electrical connection yet still it is able to get id of up to 98% of the minerals and chemicals commonly present in hard water. What’s more it is very affordable as it retails for less than $1000 in most retail outlets both online and offline.

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5. WaterBoss 22,000 Grain City Water Softener

Characteristic of a compact design, it is able to effectively soften large amounts of water In the process getting rid of any chemicals, minerals or debris which may be present in the water in your home. It is most ideal for installation and use in condominiums, townhouses etc.

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4. Scalewatcher Nano Electronic Descaler

It depends on electric current to crystallize mineral ions which usually have a tendency of attaching themselves to wall of water pipes. This particular system has proven to serve as a perfect alternative to traditional softeners since it crystallizes ions which later on get broken down and washed away consequently making the water softer.

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3. Fleck’s Iron Pro 2 Water Softener

Doubling up as a filter, it is characteristic of 64,000 grain capacity which in turn makes it a perfect choice especially if you live in a large home. It is designed to remove chlorine, iron as well as dirt particles from the water hence it serves as a guarantee for value of money considering it is also fairly priced.

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2. OTG4 Double Standard Softener

Considered as one of the most effective water softeners that is portable, this particular system also doubles up as a water conditioner. It serves as a wonderful choice for boating enthusiasts as well as RVs. It is designed to comfortably handle up to 40% more volume than any other portable common water softener.

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1. Aquios AQFS220c – The Best Water Softener

It is one of the best water softener systems owing to the fact that it is fairly priced and is designed to handle up to 12 gallons of water per minute (which by the way is more than enough for most standard households). It is also characteristic of a carbon filtration system rated as 5 microns capable of removing flavors while at the same time ruling out the possibility of any scale build up. Even though the entire systems appears rather basic, it is extremely reliable.

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