Tell me, does this describe you? You know people who are your age or close to it, and some of them are looking much older because the wrinkles have set in. And you will do whatever it takes, not to look like them. Well, you have come to the right place because today you will find out what’s the best way to prevent wrinkles before you turn 40 so you can maintain that youthful appearance. Skin care is an important part of looking and feeling good. It is also one of our main weapons against aging. Wrinkles are defined as the condition where the skin loosens up. Along with age, the skin loses its moisture and elasticity. As an outcome, wrinkles develop all over the face. All your anti-aging efforts will come to nothing if you don’t concentrate on proper skin care. Proper skin care not only involves using the right product and procedures it also involves avoiding things that can harm your skin. These include the following bad beauty habits that can play havoc on your skin and you should avoid them as much as possible if you wish to have healthy and glowing skin.
10. Tummy and Side Sleeping
You might not believe this, but it’s the whole truth. Although most people love sleeping this way, it is a wrong way to sleep, and it also encourages wrinkles to form. Not all people find it comfortable to fall asleep on their back. However, smashing one side of your face against a pillow for almost the entire period of your life can cause lines to form. Make changes and try sleeping on your back. You can also find a satin pillowcase to minimize the appearance of sleep lines.
9. Excessive Drinking
Drinking is not bad. However, excess drinking is not good at all. Too much alcohol can ruin your overall health. Alcohol can create wrinkles because it speeds up the process of aging as it depletes the body’s level of vitamin A. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant that helps produce collagen. Lack of this vitamin will contribute to premature aging. Varicose veins is another condition that is also caused due to excessive drinking. To ensure that your skin is supple, taut and young, stop drinking. Try doing yoga, exercise, and even meditation, these can help you quit drinking.
8. Smoking – Bad Beauty Habits should be stopped
Smoking is the most common cause of wrinkles. In fact, a recent research proved it right after some twins showed proof of this. The smoking one looked older than his own brother yet they were born the same time. Wrinkles are a part of aging and life. Some wrinkles that occur have nothing to do with age. The kind of lifestyle we live and the routines we take impact wrinkling as well.
7. Sleeping with Makeup
Most women tend to forget to remove their makeup especially during the end of hectic and a tiring day. It’s important always to remove any kind of makeup before you go to sleep. Sleeping with makeup causes significant damage to your skin and accelerates the aging process. The makeup that you wear picks up several pollutants and free radicals throughout the day. Forgetting to clean your face and remove makeup clogs the skin pores and cause the breakdown of collagen fibers. Learn to pamper your skin for ten minutes or so before you go to bed. It’s one of the best ways to avoid wrinkles.
6. Going Out In the Sun without Protection
Although sunlight is good for your skin, too much of sun exposure can also damage it. If you are exposed to sunlight for a long time during the day, the UV rays from the sun can cause the sun aging that can lead to wrinkle formation. For this reason, it is prudent to apply an SPF solution on your body parts when spending time at the beach or during a trip to a hot region.
5. Over Ex-foliating
It’s not bad to exfoliate, it helps remove dirt, excess oil, debris and dead cells. Additionally, exfoliating on a regular basis also helps your skin products to penetrate deep into the skin. This makes the skin appear more radiant and youthful. However, if you over-exfoliate, you will be robbing your skin of its natural oils, leaving it red and hence causing skin irritations. Do not exfoliate too much, try to keep it once a week if you have dry skin. This way, you will prevent the formation of wrinkles at an early age.
4. Sugary Foods
Avoid sugary foods if you want to keep your skin healthy and young. Continuous intake of sugars also invites wrinkles. Apart from wrinkles and adding some extra pounds, eating too much sugar and high-glycemic foods may also be aging you. Sugary foods can bring wrinkles through a damaging process called glycation. Glycation occurs when sugar molecules attach to the proteins in your skin causing them to stiff and malformed. This causes a loss of facial elasticity and contours, puffiness, and fine lines. Avoid sugars and you will not invite wrinkles, entertain such food and you will be a victim.
3. Bad Beauty Habits – Chewing Gum
If you have a habit of chewing gum, it can cause wrinkles on the lower mouth. Additionally, this habit causes other issues related to the mouth structure. Chewing can be avoided. It only requires commitment and avoiding gums. Give up chewing in the name of looking better.
2. Long Hot Showers
Having a hot shower is one of the most relaxing things to do after a long shower. But, unfortunately, the heat from the hot water can cause many skin problems including wrinkles. Did you know that the hot water removes all the natural oils found on the skin? These skin oils form a layer that protects the skin, without this natural protection, the skin becomes more prone to premature aging. The best way to the bath is to enjoy lukewarm showers.
1. Lack of Eyes Care
The eye region is one of the primary areas of the face to exhibit the indications of aging. The skin surrounding your eyes contains oil glands, and it’s very fragile. This is the very reason the skin lacks the needed protection against the influences of the environment as well as harmful UV rays. Eye wrinkles are typical and highly noticeable indication of aging. To prevent wrinkles around the eyes, take extra care of this delicate skin area. Avoid rubbing your eyes with your fingers. Learn to wash your eyes every morning with clean water. It’s the best way to keep off the wrinkles.
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