
photo credit: c@rljones

The end of

the first week of my internship at COSMOS, and I’m feeling pretty good! I’ve had two articles go up on the COSMOS website–one on HIV and the other on the CERN faster-than-light thingo–and I’ve learned a lot about how an editorial team operates. It’s an interesting ecosystem of writing stories, scouting reports, outreach to schools and business, and design. Everyone kind of pitches in on everything, and there’s often overlap between writers when getting interviews and such. Like I said, it’s an ecosystem; very natural.

Outside of the office, I’ve been reading quite a bit. I finally got around to reading The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi (or, ‘bag a loopy’ as it sounds in my head). I enjoyed it, it’s obvious why it won a bunch of awards. It’s that kind of novel, like China Mieville’s Perdido Street Station, which divides its time between multiple protagonsits, each with their own political and personal motivations. They’re all very well-realised, and the backdrop of a post-energy crisis Thailand is as novel as a different planet.Recommended if you’re after satisfying a sci-fi craving. EDIT: I’ve since had multiple conversations with others who have read this, and I think there are definitely flaws in the book (some weak characters, and a certain amount of predictability). I still think it’s worth reading as a result of the unique Asian world it presents, but it’s certainly not as good as Mieville.

I moved off that and into J.G. Ballard’s Crash. I’ve been meaning to read more of Ballard ever since being impressed by Hello, America. But woah, pretty different works. I’m enjoying it, it’s probably the closest to erotica I’ve ever read, so it’s certainly a new experience. If I had to sum it up in five words or less, they’d probably be ‘chromium, pubis, penis, mucus, semen’. But it seems to be a bit more than just an erotic novel, exploring the relationship we have with our industrial evolution. I think once I’m done with it I’ll pick up something slightly less uncomfortable to read on a bus.

Despite my vows to stay clear of video games while I’m over here, I may or may not have found a copy of Chrono Trigger staring at me with puppy eyes. Goddamnit, technological luxury. At least it makes for something different to do in my dorm. Alrighty, back to trying to get some writing done while I have a spare day.


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