
photo credit: Cameron Cassan

This is just

a quick update, as I’ve not had the opportunity, or, let’s face it, the motivation to get my rant on. Especially not in the face of the events happening in Japan. My home page has been permanently refreshing the ABC news feed, which seems to be capturing not only the facts, but also a good deal of the feeling of the nation whose hopes keep being battered. My thoughts, as much as they can be, are with all of the Japanese people.

‘As much as they can be’, because as you might have guessed from the couple of weeks between updates, I’ve been pretty busy. Thesis work is winding up: I’ve only got a couple of results left to slot into tables, then it’s all conclusions, abstracts, acknowledgements, and hopefully a kick out the door. I would propose a date, but I’ve played that game before and I don’t want to disappoint anyone, least of all myself. Laboratory demonstrating has started back again. It feels good to be back in the labs, doing practical things and helping the students learn. The unit I look after is a bit of a dog’s breakfast at the moment–five different lecturers over two very distinct fields of chemistry, one of which they will never have seen before–but the students aren’t demanding. And when Curtin eventually starts paying me, I’ll be able to cover rent again. In other job news, there’s also the possibility of producing a literature review for a project with an industrial partner that my supervisor is part of, which would result in a part-time contract for a couple of months. Fingers crossed, I’ve been without an income for way too long.

I’ve been cycling to uni for three weeks now, and my legs are correspondingly fucked. Not fucked in any dangerous sense, but they quite often let me know that they would very much like to lie down right here, yes, right now in the middle of this pavement would be great, thank you very much. It has had a positive effect on my lower back issues though, with far less discomfort with walking around and the like. Plus, y’know, I’ve now got buns that could be used as anvils.

On writing…well. Nothing much to report, really. I’ve set some submission goals, which is unusual in itself. They’re lofty ones involving railway ties and universities, but I’ve given myself a great deal of time to work on getting final drafts ready. It’ll be nice to get feedback from the writing group again, I’ve been too long in my own head. To keep some balance I’ve made sure to include some fun side-projects while I’m at it, which may or may not end up getting sent out. We’ll see.

Alright, I promised short so short it’ll be, but I’d love to know what you guys are up to. Do you have any goals for the next six months, or the year?


In what is my very first foray into the world of blogging competitions, I seem to have entered myself in the Best Australian Blogs competition being run by the Sydney Writer’s Centre. Click on the badge for more details.


Also, I have just realised that this is my 700th post *waves flag*. I am demolishing a chocolate in celebration.

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