
This isn’t the post I had written for today. It was a good enough post, but this is stuff you absolutely need to be aware of. Now.

Authority Blog Profits

Sergio Felix has released his long anticipated WordPress authority product. I can’t say that it is the definitive WordPress product available, because I am not even aware of all of them. I am aware of quite a few, and have purchased more than one. This is simply the very best I have seen.

Who Dat?

Sergio Felix. I first got acquainted with Sergio through his video efforts. Funny, direct and almost always with a lesson imbedded in them. He lives in Mexico, is recently married and has been making his living for roughly 15 years with computers and online business. An experienced IT guy, he is also an accomplished guitarist, good enough to get paid for his services. A very talented guy.

The Product

I am close enough to Sergio to have gotten to see some of his work in the production stage. He is absolutely relentless in the pursuit of perfection (Sorry Lexus). If something mystifies him he doesn’t pass it by, he researches it until he has it down.

Authority Blog Profits is an incredibly simple and detailed series of videos that tell you EXACTLY what you have to do to set up a WordPress site. For those unfamiliar with what WordPress can be, it’s not just blogging software. Lots of high powered business sites are based on WordPress. Incredibly flexible product, and as such, very complex and hard to get to know.

Sergio takes you through the whole process, from soup to nuts. He always gives two or more alternatives to every option. Generally paid and free. He’ll tell you things you just about have to pay for, and the things you can do yourself for free.

Who Needs This?

Authority Blog Profits is for anybody that has or wants to have a website. From a single page blog set up to the most complex site you can imagine. So, basically, everybody that wants to have a presence online.


You are probably thinking that since I left price until the end that it is bad news. Couldn’t be further from the truth. Fact of the matter is that I think Sergio made a mistake with his pricing. I think he did what many of us do: Undervalue his product because it is his.

$37.00. I paid better than 10x that for a product that isn’t as good. And I still think the other , product was worthwhile. I got a lot from it.

And there is even better news. Sergio has Authority Blog Profits in limited release right now. Limited to CTP members and the price is $10.00. Really. One time payment. It’s worth more, much, much more.

So. Because of the price, and the deal to CTP members, the links in this post aren’t my affiliate links. They are TimTech’s link, because you can get up to 1 million CTP teams points by joining under that link. It’s the best deal going.

When Sergio takes Authority Blog Profits into general release I will proudly promote it under my link. What I really want today is for EVERYBODY to take advantage of a great product for a stupid good price.

Sergio is a friend of mine. More than anything I can think of I would like to see him make a huge sum of money. He’s earned it.

I’m just sayin’



The post Authority Blog Profits appeared first on Tom Wacker dot com.

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