
As we age, our eyes experience likely changes each year, making continuing awareness to your eye health an important facet of your complete health and welfare.

The importance of lifelong eye care is an object lesson champion wide receiver Victor Cruz learned when he was young and learned well.

“When I was young my mom made sure that I went to all my annual vision tests and had my eyes checked numerous times just to make sure I was up to date,” Cruz said. “I had to make sure my vision was right because I was an athlete playing multiple sports and she wanted to make sure that my vision was taken care of first and foremost.”

In reality, the eyes are a reliable marker of general health. Trouble with your vision can be a red flag concerning eye health.

In addition, according to the American Optometric Association, a thorough an eye examination detects a wide range of signs of illnesses. It detects illnesses such as, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and even uncommon genetic diseases.

Leading health authorities such as The World Health Organization affirms that more than 80 percent of vision problems are preventable, treatable or even curable.

Listed here are five expert and easy tips for taking care of your eyes from a global leader in eye care, Alcon:

Schedule routine eye exams.

Your eye care specialist will recommend how frequently you need an eye exam. This will fluctuate based on your age, health, family history and whether you wear glasses or contact lenses.

The American Optometric Association recommends most healthy people over six years old ought to have an eye assessment every one to two years.

Ask for comfort when choosing lenses.

Consider if you need corrective contact lenses, that there are continual advances made in contact lens technology. Confirm with your eye doctor, which improved product, may be correct for your specific needs.

For instance, DAILIES TOTAL1® contact lenses are the first and solitary contact lenses with water-gradient technology. The contact lens approaches 100 percent water content at the outermost surface,* there by providing a cushion of moisture that furnishes exceptional daylong comfort.

Keep contact lenses clean and replace them as recommended.

Regardless of our best intentions, a lot of of us are not correctly caring for our contact lenses.

In actuality, a current study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that approximately 99 percent of lens wearers reported at least one contact lens hygiene threat behavior. Threating behaviors including going for a swim still wearing contact lenses or failure to wash hands before inserting lenses.

Be sure to communicate with your eye doctor about your contact lens options.

Using daily disposable contact lenses makes some risky behaviors avoidable.

Be up-front with your eye professional.

Should you have any discomfort or irritation you may be experiencing with your eyes or if you notice, changes in your vision communicate your concerns to your doctor.

There are new vision technologies advanced on a regular basis so there may be new products that can help you.

Protect your eyes from digital eye strain.

Spending two or more hours a day staring at a digital screen (computer, smartphone, tablet, television, etc.) can lead to digital eye strain, which can results in physical straining that causes dry, itchy or burning eyes.

The Vision Council endorses following the 20-20-20 rule to protect your eyes: for every 20 minutes, you devoted to gawking at a screen, take a break of 20 seconds and find an object 20 feet away to focus on.

Discover more about your eye health at MyEyes.com, there you will acquire the resources to help you, your family and friends take better care of your eyes and vision.

*Based on laboratory measurement of unworn lenses.


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