Brahmotsavam satellite rights sold for huge to Zee Telugu: Brahmotsavam the upcoming Tollywood blockbuster film having Prince Mahesh Babu in the lead role. The film Brahmotsavam all set to hit theaters on 20th may. To make huge collections in the first week itself, the movie crew trying different ways of promoting the film. Fans and audience are eagerly waiting for Brahmotsavam. The movie has good pre-business, and the distribution rights of this movie have been acquired by PVP Cinemas.
Brahmotsavam satellite rights sold for huge to Zee telugu @ 11.20cr
Earlier Prince Mahesh Babu supposed to produce the film. He agreed to produce the film if the budget of the movie doesn’t cost more than 50cr INR, but unfortunately, the movie has to invest more than 50Cr INR, so Mahesh Babu doesn’t want to produce the film. However the movie completed in a good budget and the movie crew expecting to recover their investment before the movie release. You can ask me, is it possible? I say, Yes, It’s possible for Big Star films. Same thing happened with Powerstar Pawan Kalyan. Sardaar Gabbar Singh earned their expenses before movie release in theaters.
Brahmotsavam film Satellite Rights sold for a huge amount. Many channels eagerly wanted to acquire Brahmotsavam satellite rights. Fortunately, Zee Telugu acquired Brahmotsavam satellite rights at 11.20 crores. It’s huge! Even Srimanthudu movie satellite rights acquired by Zee Telugu itself. The movie has a good promotion, and the movie has good craze in fans and audience, the pre-business of the movie going greatly.
These Satellite rights are the highest for any Mahesh Babu film till date, its a record for Mahesh Babu. The movie Brahmotsavam started making records. Even Mahesh Babu’s previous film Srimanthudu made record breaking collections and stood in the top list, this movie Brahmotsavam also continue to make many more records. The movie Brahmotsavam is releasing this Friday. Can’t wait anymore to watch the film.
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