Comedian turned hero Sunil is presently working on his next film Ungarala Rambabu in the direction of talented director Kranthi Madhav.The film makers have released Sunil’s first look from the movie today on the occasion of Maha Sivaratri. Giving title justification, Sunil is wearing rings to all his fingers in the first look.
Mia George is romancing Sunil in Ungarala Rambabu. The film makers are planning to release the the audio in the second week of March. They are planning to release the film in the Summer. We have to wait and see how Kranthi Madhav presents in this film because he is known as a class film maker whereas Sunil is known for his routine mass films.
Keywords : Ungarala Rambabu latest news, Ungarala Rambabu movie stills, Ungarala Rambabu movie first look, Ungarala Rambabu first look images, Ungarala Rambabu wiki, Ungarala Rambabu movie name, Ungarala Rambabu movie wiki, Ungarala Rambabu movie release date, Ungarala Rambabu movie heroine, Ungarala Rambabu movie director, Ungarala Rambabu hero, Ungarala Rambabu movie updates
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