Akhil Akkineni, the younger son of King Nagarjuna got engaged to Shriya Bhupal in December last year and the couple was all set to tie knot in Italy in May this year. Rumours are abuzz that the wedding ceremony of Akhil Akkineni and Shriya Bhupal (GVK’s Grand Daughter) has been called off for reasons best known to the both families. If the grapevine is to believed, 700-odd Guests who were invited for the destination wedding in Italy in May this year were informed about the cancellation. All those who have been present for the Engagement Ceremony seems to be shocked to hear such a news.
Shriya is fashion designer and granddaughter of noted business tycoon GVK Reddy. Few years again the couple fell in love and engaged in December. In January, Naga Chaitanya and Samantha also got engaged and there is no any confirmation regarding their marriage date and venue. Media should have waited for an official announcement from either Akkinenis or Reddy’s while reporting such sensitive matters.
Keywords : akhil engagement, akhil engagement pics, naga chaitanya engagement, shriya bhupal images, naga chaitanya engagement photos, akhil akkineni marriage shriya bhupal, akhil engagement date, akhil akkineni and shriya bhupal
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