
On the 23rd of December 2013, Ghana will witness a vibrant shift in Christian entertainment with the launch of its #1 Online Urban Christian Radio Station, TRUTH4LIFE RADIO [T4L RADIO].

This station is dedicated to broadcasting pure Christian content 24/7, a move that has caused a reverberation of enthusiastic responses across Christian communities both here in Ghana and the world at large.

Truth4Life Radio delivers Christian entertainment that is both hip and urban, employing programming techniques that appeal to teens and young adults who yearn for contemporary gospel shows that they can relate with.

According to the Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Yaw A. Debrah, Truth4Life Radio is borne out of the need to inspire Christians all over the world to live their dreams and achieve their God-given potentials. He added, “This station is established to develop and provide outstanding radio programming and resources for Christian listeners around the world in such a way that they draw closer to Jesus Christ and into His Kingdom, that they come to accept Him as Saviour, Lord, and King, follow His teaching, and live in obedience to Him as His servants, and as members of the body of Christ. We are proud to say that Truth4Life Radio is safe for the whole family and every aspect of the content broadcast on Truth4Life Radio is subjected to intricate systems of screening and scrutiny to ensure our content meets the highest standards. Every song, commercial, promo, and possible personality talk is designed to be “Christian Friendly” to meet the needs of our listeners.”

Truth4Life Radio is an inter-denominational radio ministry established for the sole purpose of taking the Good News to the world. In so doing, it seeks to cooperate with and support existing missionary efforts and the ministry of the greater body of Christ worldwide. At Truth4Life Radio, we believe that Gospel Radio Ministry should present a consistent message for the edification of the body of Christ.

You can tune in to Truth4Life Radio from anywhere in the world at any time of the day by logging on to www.t4lradio.com with your internet enabled computer. It is also accessible via smartphones, i.e. blackberry, android, apple, windows and Symbian using the tunein radio app by searching for “Truth4Life Radio”.  The Truth4Life Radio android app can also be downloaded from the Google Play Store by searching for “T4L RADIO”.

The Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Lambert Kuuku, highlighted that the proffered programs by the radio station are fun, inspirational, trendy and very interactive. Christian shows such as Christ Urban Element [CUE] show, The R116 Show, Lifestyle Xpress, COREconcepts, S.O. 2 the Lord,  The End Time Woman, True Citizen Morning Show, Rated PG, Purity Diaries, Gospel Connection, Urban Soul Experience, Worship the Lord, Jeremiah Buabeng Live, just to name a few are shows designed to bless listeners out there.

To get real time updates from Truth4Life Radio, follow on twitter @Truth4LifeRadio, on Facebook – T4L Radio and on Instagram @t4lradio. Tune in or log on by clicking www.t4lradio.com.

Truth4Life Radio, Inspiring the World through Christ!

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