Keynote Address
Sr. Georgette Lehmuth, OSF
President/CEO National Catholic Development Conference
“A leader on faith-based fundraising issues and the need for such charities to be aggressive and transparent.” “She collaborates with everyone while keeping everyone’s eyes fixed on the prize – service to others.”
“Why I Give: The Life-Changing Power of a Generous Life”
Michael Chatman
Senior Vice President for Philanthropy Community Foundation of the Ozarks
One of America’s most listened to voices in philanthropy; a champion for cultivating generosity. Host of #WHYiGive, most influential giving movement on Twitter.
“Unleashing Catholic Generosity”
Brian Starks, Ph.D.
Institute for Church Life University of Notre Dame
Why are U.S. Catholics less likely to engage in religious giving than members of other faiths? Social science answers why all Catholic charities need to be concerned about what is (or is not) occurring when it comes to cultivating generosity.