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|This website is written by a group of people who suffered from terrible pain (and other symptoms) until they discovered ideas first popularized by John Sarno, MD. These ideas have transformed our lives and we hope that they will transform yours as well.

Best wishes, ''[[About the PPD/TMS Peer Network (PTPN), sponsors of the TMS Wiki#Executive_Council|The Executive Council of PPD/TMS Peer Network (the PTPN)]]''


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| [http://tmswiki.org/forum '''Click here to check out our new discussion forum!''']

It's a great way to show your support for your grassroots TMS nonprofit,
while sharing your ideas or getting help from people who have recovered.


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| ''Our goal is to create a 501(c)(3) public charity to run the wiki and help spread the word about TMS. We have incorporated as a nonprofit in Massachusetts and are in the process of submitting 501(c)3 paperwork to the IRS. [[TMSWiki:About|Click here]] to learn more about our organization.''


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== Highlights of the Wiki ==

(The best way to explore the wiki is through the sidebar menu)

* We have special home pages for

** [[For people just learning about TMS/PPD]], including [[So You Think You Might Have TMS]] and [[For TMSers new to the wiki]]

** [[For TMS practitioners]], including our [[Conflict of Interest Policy]].

** [[For the Media]], including a [[Press Pack]], information on how you can set up an interview, and lists of the most well known [[Celebrity Advocates]] and [[TMS_In_The_Media|media coverage of TMS]].

* [[Structured Educational Program]] that contains daily activities to do while you try to recover from TMS/PPD.

* [[User pages]]

** [[What Helped Me the Most, by rdgray]]

** [[From Wheelchair to Ice Skates: My Success Story, by Pandamonium]]

** [[Rapid Recovery from RSI, by Brian Jackson]]

* [[Success Stories by Symptoms & Diagnoses]] including information on each symptom and corresponding success stories

* [[Find a TMS Doctor or Therapist|TMS  doctors and therapists]], including [[Structured TMS recovery programs|Information  on structured programs]], help decoding practitioner degrees (what does LCSW mean after all?!), and our own [[TMS Professional Survey Responses|survey for TMS practitioners]]

* [[Medical Evidence]] that supports TMS theory divided by an [[Annotated Bibliography]] with summaries of significant research and a [[Master Bibliography]] of all TMS relevant research.

* [[Q&A with an Expert|Question & Answer]] section where leading TMS  practitioners respond to questions from TMS patients.

* [[Books & DVDs, etc.|Books & DVDs]] page has information on TMS and mind-body books that the TMS community have found useful.

* [[Other Resources]], including information on [[Affirmations|affirmations]], [[the 20/20 segment on John Sarno and TMS]], [[Self_Talk_Dialogue|the self-talk dialogue]], and much more.

* [[TMS_FAQs|TMS FAQs]], including [[How do I journal?]], [[How do I Meditate]], [[How to ignore crippling pain]], and many more.

* [[Promoting_TMS_Awareness|Promoting TMS Awareness]], contains [[Tips_on_Writing_a_Letter_to_your_Doctor|Tips on writing a letter to your doctor]].

* [[About_the_TMS_Wiki|About the TMS Wiki]], including [[After_you_have_created_an_account|After you created an account]], [[Mission_Statement|mission statement]], and [[TMS_Wiki_Frequently_Asked_Questions|TMS Wiki Frequently Asked Questions]].

* [[Helping_Out_On_The_Wiki|Helping Out on the Wiki]], including [[User_pages|User Pages]], [["About" pages]], and [[Policies_and_Guidelines|Policies and Guidelines]].

[[TMSWiki:Accessibility Note|Accessibility Note]]


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''TMS in:''

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| align="center" |[[Image:Brazil.png|frame|center|[[TMS no Brasil|Português]]]]



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== Hidden Gems ==

* [[Interview_with_Howard_Schubiner,_MD|Interview with Howard Schubiner]]

* [[Somatic_Experiencing|Somatic Experiencing]]

* [[Q&A: Flare-ups_after_journaling|Q&A: Flare-Ups After Journaling]]

* [[Q&A: Can a person with TMS go to a therapist who uses CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy)?|Q&A: Can a person with TMS go to a therapist who uses CBT]]

* [[The_Presence_Process|''The Presence Process'']] book page

* [[Slow_recoveries|Slow Recoveries]]

* [[Dr._Schubiner's_TMS_Questionnaire|Dr. Schubiner's]] and [[Dr._Schechter's_TMS_Questionnaire|Dr. Schechter's]] TMS Questionnaire

* [[Fibromyalgia|Fibromyalgia]]

== Great Threads ==

* [http://tmswiki.org/thread/2671620/the+presence+process ''The Presence Process''] thread

* [http://tmswiki.org/thread/3383681/Why+do+some+people+not+get+on+with+Dr+Sarno%27s+method%3F Why do Some People not get on with Dr. Sarno's Method]

* [http://tmswiki.org/thread/3943229/Surgery+-+I+don%27t+know Surgery - I don't know]

* [http://tmswiki.org/thread/3499407/TMS+and+motherhood. TMS and Motherhood]




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