
‎A Short History of Human Pain:

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== A Short History of Human Pain ==


== A Short History of Human Pain ==



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed eget tortor eu velit porttitor iaculis eget eget ligula. Morbi et orci risus. Nam ultricies orci enim, vel vulputate felis sollicitudin et. Suspendisse potenti. Maecenas suscipit, lectus at lobortis aliquam, metus magna fringilla magna, et iaculis nisl turpis sed sem. Fusce in consequat ligula. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nulla commodo, neque nec molestie adipiscing, nisi mi sodales risus, vel viverra eros felis at eros. Vivamus accumsan, justo ut congue egestas, massa massa porttitor augue, id consequat tortor diam in dui. Maecenas accumsan id ante ac dignissim. Praesent dolor turpis, malesuada eu vestibulum nec, cursus venenatis tellus.


Chapter One: A Short History of Human Pain



Aliquam euismod lobortis eros
Praesent tempor lobortis dui in consequat. Nunc eu lorem
felis tincidunt luctus. Donec lorem dolor
pretium molestie lacus vel
sagittis posuere lacus
Proin lacinia eros quam
non imperdiet orci scelerisque vel. Vestibulum placerat, massa quis hendrerit mollis, odio lorem luctus erat, sit amet suscipit justo nunc ac justo. Proin a pretium sapien


Pain has existed throughout the human experience which is probably why the first caveman was named Ugh
This was what he said every time he stubbed his toe on
or missed his dinner
both events that happened to him rather often
enough with the jokes



Pellentesque interdum erat varius pretium auctor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
consectetur adipiscing elit
Aenean pretium odio non lorem eleifend sollicitudin. Nam elementum mi a leo elementum posuere. Nunc id posuere elit. Duis vel nunc tincidunt
pretium enim id, pretium eros
Proin augue dui
accumsan quis dui eget, gravida consectetur est
Fusce nulla est, malesuada at metus a, laoreet convallis nunc
Nullam ultricies facilisis mi
eu placerat enim sollicitudin eget
Nam lacus mi, iaculis sed nisl id, volutpat tincidunt diam
Donec cursus tellus in libero faucibus cursus. Nullam vel fringilla tellus. Suspendisse ac vehicula ipsum, id condimentum sapien. Ut suscipit, risus ac mattis bibendum, massa turpis aliquam dui, vitae vehicula orci orci nec turpis
Nunc eget sollicitudin turpis


Pain is what we feel when something we don't like is happening to us
either physically or psychologically
Does this mean we have to increase our control until life is 100% good? Obviously
impossible although many of us try
How about 90% good and 10% not good? Okay
but that 10% not good would sure stand out
50/50? Better--still not good enough
People don't like pain but up it pops
We are stuck with it and need to find solutions on the fly
We need the skills to deal with pain as efficiently as possible
This has always been true



Integer feugiat tellus eget ipsum ornare consequat. Proin at sollicitudin purus. Nam euismod mauris dui
eget tincidunt dui ornare nec
Donec bibendum risus nisl. Nulla lobortis
lorem id hendrerit cursus
sapien massa molestie justo
at rhoncus orci massa quis neque. Sed sagittis lectus in leo laoreet
eu mattis urna hendrerit
Suspendisse placerat velit mi, pulvinar tempor nisl condimentum id. Cras vel facilisis arcu,
placerat augue. Donec placerat feugiat faucibus. Nam at diam lectus. In pulvinar sem ante
a aliquam nisl fringilla ac


Cave people were often, perhaps nearly always
uncomfortable and discomfort has a way of crossing the line to pain
The result
based on Ugh's toe experiences was shoes
moving the rocks off the path and
His inability to count on running down a rabbit resulted
vegetable gardening and supermarkets



Etiam felis lectus
nibh vel
mattis ullamcorper libero
Aliquam aliquet mattis est
, at
vehicula orci tempor sed
In fringilla faucibus eros non sollicitudin
In hac habitasse platea dictumst
Aliquam ac ornare elit
sit amet dignissim ligula
Ut blandit vestibulum erat ac feugiat
sollicitudin risus
nunc tincidunt lacus ullamcorper viverra id id sapien
Morbi mollis magna vitae mi condimentum dictum
Vestibulum quis blandit dolor
Nam volutpat consectetur diam ac dictum


From this point of view
pain is itself a good thing. Without discomfort we would still be
caves or perhaps even hanging out of trees. Why bother with change if nothing is bugging you? We all hate change if we are comfortable.






Another thing is that one woman's pain is another woman's happy times. I once read about an elderly Chinese villager who moved to the USA to be with her daughter who was
I think, a physicist
The old lady immediately took over caring for the apartment and cooking delicious meals. Her daughter showed off the laundry room and demonstrated the working of the washer and dryer. "I'm so glad you won't need to wash our clothes by hand!"
she told her mom.






The old lady put with this nonsense for a few days, then rebelled. For the rest of her days, she washed all the clothes in the bathtub. Her explanation? "What else do I have to do?"






We also learn to change our attitude towards pain and discomfort as we mature. Babies yell their heads off
the first twinge of hunger
"Feed me or else!" is their message
Or else what? "I'll scream louder until you do
" This work well for most babies
at least for awhile






As they grow, babies must inevitably learn to behave more patiently and begin to tolerate a bit of discomfort here and there
As we approach adulthood, we realize our life is our own. Nobody is going to do it for us. We consider out values and we set goals. How to reach them efficiently becomes important to us. Yes, I have to finish writing this report. Now, how can I do that on time, up to standard, and not too uncomfortably?









Another way of looking
pain, is purely as a nervous sensation. It comes when nerves are hit and the perception of pain registers in the body and brain
We've all heard of wounded soldiers who didn't feel
thing for hours afterwards
If we lie in our hammock, deeply focused on an interesting magazine, perhaps listening to music, we may not feel the mosquitoes bite






One early response to pain was to get right into it
The Iroquois were possibly the fiercest, most powerful confederation of tribes in what is now the US and Canada
They loved dishing out pain and their greatest pride was their unparallalled ability to endure it. To them, nothing was better in life than an agonizing death.






This, of course, scared the pants off early settlers and soldiers. Missionaries had to pretty darn committed to go anywhere near Iroquois territory. Most other Indian tribes tended to head for the hills. xxx what to call Indians in the US?




== Is Pain Gone in the 21st Century? ==


== Is Pain Gone in the 21st Century? ==

Show more