
Last year I wrote to tell you all about this new show called The Shadowhunters. A show based off of Cassandra Clare’s novels; The Mortal Instruments. ABC Family Channel was re-branded Freeform Network and took on the making of this cult phenomenon. Many fans were outraged at how the show was vastly different from the books, only choosing to see the negatives. The imagination of the writers and the talented cast of Shadowhunters have proven those negative reviews wrong and they have come back stronger than ever. From the previews season 2 is gearing up to be bigger and badder than season 1. That’s not an easy task to accomplish for a sophomore show. Shadowhunters season 2 came at us hard and fast tonight with a very emotionally charged first episode titled The Guilty Blood. My following review includes many spoilers so if you have not watched this episode, be warned.

Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 1 : The Guilty Blood Freeform Network

The stunningly gorgeous cast of Shadowhunters returned tonight for a season 2 premier not to be missed. The cast includes: (left to right)

Matthew Daddario, Isaiah Mustafa, Alberto Rosende, Emeraude Toubia, Katherine McNamara, Harry Shum Jr and Dominic Sherwood.

Season 2 picks up right where we left off as the search for Jace continues. To save his friends Jace had to leave with Valentine; who had just dropped the bombshell that he was both Clary and Jace’s evil Father. It was a classic Star Wars moment any fan could appreciate “Jace, I am your Father”. Unclear as to whether Jace has really defected to the dark side or is in fact being a hero; the Clave orders a new head for the New York Institute. This total tool bag is determined to keep Jace’s family and friends from finding him, in one piece that is.

Clary’s mother Jocelyn is now out of her coma, and she seems to take the news in stride that her dead son Jonathan Christopher is really very much alive. Neither Clary or Jace seem real concerned with the fact they now believe they are brother and sister. This not so minor detail seems to have been glossed over, whereas in the books it was a major struggle for these characters. The “Clace” drama promises to be epic this season! Should be interesting with Simon slowly gaining courage to tell Clary how he feels about her as well, I sense a love triangle brewing.  I am stoked to see both Izzy and Alec take a stand against their mother and the Clave for Jace. The sibling and Parabatai bond runs strong in the Lightwood kids. I just wish I could say the same for their cold bitch of a mother Maryse.

Some of my favorite moments from episode 1 are the shirtless scenes from Harry Shum Jr, and some squeal worthy “Malec”(the shipper name for Magnus and Alec= Malec) scenes. Matthew Daddario who plays Alec Lightwood is intense and highly charismatic. The once sidelined, brooding older brother now steals the show! Izzy and Clary’s covert training scene was a ton of fun to watch as Clary boasts “I’m a quick study”. I love how devious these girls can be when push comes to shove.

The only disappointing thing for me was Jocelyn’s behavior. First she promises to be open and honest with her daughter Clary. Then she locks Clary and Simon in the boat house while she runs off to hunt down Jace alone. She takes Clary’s phone and her stele, leaving her stranded and helpless. Thank god for her hunky vampire bestie Simon, who manages to get them out and locate Jace. They arrive just in time to see Jace being manipulated once again by Valentine, and Jocelyn trying to kill him! I was shocked! She tried to kill her own son, but evil daddy dearest actually took a crossbow bolt for Jace. This act will further cement this unnatural bond Valentine is trying to forge with Jace. Jocelyn is going to have a lot of explaining to do to her now disillusioned and distraught daughter.

Shadowhunters Season 2 is off to a great start so far, with much more sexy drama to come. If you enjoy a show that has a stunningly attractive cast, tons of supernatural action and a whole mess of drama; then Shadowhunters is a good fit for you. I am enjoying the story developments, and deviations from the books. It gives the show a life of it’s own. I’d highly recommend the Shadowhunters to my friends and family. Here in this adorable cast photo, they all seem to agree with me that Dominic Sherwood (Jace) is just totes adorable! The chemistry this group has is what truly makes the show work. If they keep up this momentum we can look forward to many more seasons of The Shadowhunters.

**Catch Shadowhunters Monday nights at 9pm on the Freeform network.**

The post Shadowhunters HUGE Season 2 Premire Freeform Network appeared first on TMStash.

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