
When you go home in the evening after working hard all day, do you also often have the feeling you have achieved much less than you had expected or hoped for that day? If so, join the club.

But now that I sit back at the start of a new year and retrospectively look at what 2013 brought for TMS, I hope you'll agree with me that we nevertheless achieved quite a lot. Actually, 2013 was quite a rollercoaster.

To start with, our VCL development continued relentlessly.

TMS Component Pack

We have seen 4 major releases, going from v6.7.0.0 to v7.1.6.0. with support for RAD Studio XE4 and XE5 added but also with 7 new components, 206 new features and numerous improvements added. For 2014, new components & new features are already in development. Be in touch with our development team to express your desires & comments so we can integrate these also in future updates.

TMS Aurelius

Our flagship ORM for Delphi, TMS Aurelius continued to be highly appreciated by customers and several exciting capabilities were added. There is now integrated database schema update and validation. There is iOS support with full native access to SQLite. There is the new TExpression/TLinq for stronger querying capabilities. TMS Aurelius is also being readied for seamless integration with TMS XData that will be released in 2014.

TMS Cloud Pack

This was another rapidly growing product in 2013. TMS Cloud Pack now comprises seamless access to the worlds most popular cloud services like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, FourSquare, iCloud Calendar, iCloud Contacts, Google Calendar, Google Contacts, Live Calendar, Live Contacts, Flickr, Picasa, Instagram, Google Drive, SkyDrive, DropBox, Box.NET and more... But this is only the start. Watch 2014 for some exciting new capabilities to be added.

GEO mapping components TWebGMaps and TWebOSMaps

In 2013, we extended our component for Google Maps, TWebGMaps with directions, directionlist, waypoints and also introduced a new component TWebOSMaps that offers similar functionality but using Open Street Maps. We also made our GEO mapping components available for web application development with an IntraWeb version and for mobile development.

TMS Advanced Chart

This year also saw some major new features added in TMS Advanced Charts. 3D pie charts and the funnel chart type were added along with several smaller enhancements that make the every day programming with TMS charts easier.

With the releases of RAD Studio XE4 and XE5 this year, bringing us cross platform development targetting iOS and Android, there was without a doubt also much activity at TMS in the area of FireMonkey development!

TMS Flexcel

The strongest VCL solution on the market for native XLS/XLSX file manipulation with included PDF & HTML report generation on Windows, TMS Flexcel now makes its power also available for Mac OS-X, iOS and Android. No matter what operating system you target, TMS Flexcel offers a versatile, feature rich and high performance solution for dealing with XLS, XLSX, XLSM files.

TMS Pack for FireMonkey

With RAD Studio XE4 and XE5 bringing native iOS and Android support, it is evident that our team had its hands full with ensuring TMS Pack for FireMonkey components work flawlessly on all four platforms and on top of that we added new components and numerous new features. There is a new syntax highlighting memo in the TMS Pack for FireMoney, the included feature-rich grid was extended with new functions and improvements, a VCL listview interface compatible wrapper was added, live bindings support was added in the TTMSFMXTileList and support for it was improved in several components.

TMS Cloud Pack for FireMonkey

TMS Cloud Pack for FireMonkey is a new product that saw the light in 2013. Developers can now easily integrate the consumption of popular cloud services from Delphi iOS or Android applications via ready to use Delphi classes that wrap all the functionality. TMS Cloud Pack for FireMonkey development is closely tied to TMS Cloud Pack for VCL development, so expect new features and improvements to become available in both.

In 2013, we also saw the creation of a new category of components: the 100% native iOS and Mac OS-X components. For those instances where it is really needed to get the maximum performance and maximum UI look & feel consistence out of your applications, we created TMS iCL targetting iOS and TMS mCL targetting Mac OS-X. TMS iCL and TMS mCL bring more than just thin Delphi class wrappers around iOS or Mac OS-X APIs. Our focus is on easy to use, feature-rich Delphi components designed with RAD in mind.


This suite of components targets iOS. It contains nearly all native iOS UI components like buttons, edit, switch, pickers etc... but also rich Delphi classes giving access to complex iOS controls such as the collectionview, rich text editor, tableview, mapview, toolbar etc... For 2014, we have several new components in research and development that go far beyond simple iOS API wrapping.


Similar to TMS iCL, TMS mCL targets Mac OS-X. This component set is designed with the same philosophy as TMS iCL. Also here, there is a rich text editor, a tableview, toolbar, PDF viewer, web browser and much more.

Not only for Delphi developers we added a huge array of components for cross-platform / mobile application development, also in the area of .NET, TMS Flexcel for .NET entered in the mobile area with new support for Xamarin. Via Xamarin, TMS Flexcel .NET now also targets iOS and Android!

In the area of web development, the focus was on new products like TMS IntraWeb WebGMaps, TMS IntraWeb WebOSMaps, TMS IntraWeb Cloud Pack as well as continuously improving our products for cross browser compatibility and adding support for the latest versions of IntraWeb 12.2 and IntraWeb 14.0. For this year, we have some exciting new developments underway for your web development.

Of course, this list is just a summary of some major component developments that happened here in 2013 at TMS. It would make this article far too long to list everything in detail. Check the version history tab on each product page to have a look at what was recently added!
Other than component development, in 2013 we had several other major events. One such event was the first TMS developer day we organized with the support of the Be-Delphi organisation in April. From the feeedback of attendees, it was clear this day was very much appreciated and we plan a new TMS developer day this year but most likely at a different location. The second major event this year was the release of our completely restyled website. And finally, we have also introduced feature-request voting this year. With this tool, we cannot only capture what you would like to see us develop but also measure interest and steer our development to what you need most. Since its introduction this year, we have already handled more than 20 such requests.

So, we hope you'll agree with us that 2013 was quite an exciting year. Our batteries are recharged to bring more excitement for 2014. Our team is ready to listen and respond to all your inputs, feedback, comments, questions and suggestions to create together great software development solutions.

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