
Back to School Special

Session Page



Monday, June 1st 8pm Eastern USA time with Erin Klein & Al Juliani

It's time to rethink our learning spaces. The mission of Classroom Cribs is to enhance pedagogy and the learning experience with brain-based classroom designs that students will love. Join this conversation with Erin Klein & Al Juliani to learn tips and tricks on how to create learning spaces centered around research and that work!

Join us, Monday, June 1st!

Session Page


Telling Your Story

Join us on Monday, May 4th when Elissa Malespina and

Nikki D Robertson talk about the importance of telling your story.

Session Page Link

Participant Link

{Screen Shot 2015-04-04 at 11.18.20 PM.png} Stories from Our Makerspaces

Join us on Monday, April 6th when Shannon McClintock Miller and Diana Maliszewski and many special guests, talk about Makerspaces within libraries and beyond.

Session Page Link

Participant Link


Tech-knowledge-y Rocks. Seriously!

Presentation Page

Participant Link

Monday March 2nd

with Jamie Forshey


Take hands-on learning to a new level with this smack down of hot fire classroom iResources from the Geeky Girl, Instructional Technology Coach Jamie Forshey. Your new tech crush is about to be uncovered!



February 2ndwith Tiffany Whitehead

Participant Link



January 5th with Joyce Valenza & Andy Plemmons

Participant Link

Never before have we had truly effective tools for synchronous conferencing and media-rich asynchronous group discussion. Never before have we been able to leverage our emerging online communities of practice. Never before has participation been so possible. Never before has our world been so flat. Never before has it be more obvious that the prefix geo might amplify themes in any curriculum.

Our children deserve teachers and librarians who are global. TLs who can plan meaningful global learning partnerships, connecting learners, classrooms and libraries through inquiry projects and expanding the possibilities of expanding the books we read.

{https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7529/15085361003_cfaab2a3f9_c.jpg} Edutech Open Mic Smackdown

with Dr. Joyce Valenza

and YOU!

with Gwyneth Jones & Librarian Tiff moderating.

December 8thnd 8pmEastern

For resources, chat & webinar archive visit the

Session Wikipage

Participant Link

While you're there please consider adding to our crowsourced slideshow and prepare to take the mic on webinar night!

{TL CAFE MacGyver.png}

MacGyver Librarianship

The Art of Doing More w/Less!*

with Jennifer LaGarde & Mark Samberg

No budget? No problem! This session is all about finding creative ways to use free (and really cheap!) resources for creating exceptional spaces, warm and engaging environments and outstanding instruction. Join Jennifer LaGarde and Mark Samberg for this fun, fast paced session and learn how to channel your inner MacGyver to become a master of making the most of what you have while still advocating for the best possible resources for your kids!

*Mullet optional (but highly recommended).

November 3rd, 2014

8pm EST

Participant Link

Session Wikipage


Saddle Up & Rope ‘Em In! Codes to Teach Like a Cowboy/ Cowgirl

with guests

Shelly Terrell & Jake Duncan

Teaching can feel like trying to conquer the Wild West. We need inspiration and advice from trailblazers used to rough terrains. Two Texas educators invite you to join this campfire conversation in which they will share some practical ideas and tips for handling anything from fundraising to teaching with little technology. Giddy up! Get your boots on and join us for this adventurous ride that’ll get you fired up and equipped for the school year.

October 6th, 2014

8pm EST

Participant Link

Session Wikipage

Follow Shelly Terrell---> @ShellTerrell

Follow Jake Duncan ---> @jkdncn

{https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3861/14885582694_88078b5e57_z.jpg} Back to School Special: Open Mic Edition

Mark your calendars & get some ideas ready to SHARE! We're crowdsourcing the preso this year (our 4th!) swapping great ideas how to make yourself indispensable to your admin & school staff at the beginning of the school year!

Sept 8th, 2014

8pm EST

Participant Link

Back to School Special Wikipage

NOTE: delayed date due to the US Labor Day holiday

{https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7214/13233204025_5cb7771382_c.jpg} Digital Image Factory

with Gwyneth Jones - The Daring Librarian

Monday, June2nd


Join us!

Session Wikipage

Archive is up on the session page!

{show me the data.png} Show Me The Data!

Just in time for "annual report season!" Tips and strategies for connecting the dots between the library and student learning.

Show Me The Data!--with Library Girl, Jennifer LaGardewith Jennifer LaGarde - Library Girl

Show Me The Data!--moderated by Tiffany Whitehead - The Mighty Little Librarian!moderated by Tiffany Whitehead - The Mighty Little Librarian!

Show Me The Data!-Monday, January 6th - 8pm ESTMonday, May 5 at 8pm EST

Join us!

Session Wikipage

Participant Link

{April 2.jpg}

Libraries and the 1:1 School

Final Nail in the Library Coffin?

Concerned that ebooks, 1:1, BYOD, Google and other technologies will make school libraries and librarians obsolete? Think again! Join our panel as we discuss the intricate roll librarians play in this new digital world of education.

Moderated by: Matthew Winner

Presented by Sheila Glasscock, Nikki D Robertson, Holly Sutherland, and Marnie Utz

Participant Link

Session Wikipage

{Screen Shot 2014-03-03 at 3.43.02 PM.png}

re Thinking library

Join speakers Shannon Miller & Carolyn Foote and our wonderful moderator, Tiffany Whitehead

Learn how to use Google Hangout and Edmodo and more to break down the library walls and connect with other people from around the world. See examples of how Shannon and I are doing it (poetry summit, virtual debate, author visits, class vista etc).

Session Wikipage



If you could change one thing about your school, what would you do? A student-centered, inquiry-based, Genius Hour-inspired learning WIN for your students that you won't want to miss.

with Sherry Gick (The Library Fanatic) and Matthew C. Winner (The Busy Librarian)

moderated by Jennifer LaGarde -

Library Girl

Monday, February 3rd - 8pm EST

Participant Link

Session Wikipage

{tlcafe lagardenorthrup.png} Leading From The Library!

Tips and tricks for stepping out of the stacks and into the limelight as instructional, pedagogical and technological library leaders!

with Library Girl, Jennifer LaGarde and Jennifer Northrup, The Candid Librarian.

moderated by Matthew Winner - The Busy Librarian.

Monday, January 6th - 8pm EST

Participant Link

Session Wikipage

{smackdown.jpg} 3rd Annual Edutech Smackdown

Our highly anticipated, most attended, & crazy fun LIVE webinar event is BACK!

Starring Dr. Joyce Valenza and YOU!

with Gwyneth Jones & Librarian Tiff moderating.

December 2nd 8pmEastern

For resources, chat & webinar archive visit the

Session Wikipage

While you're there consider adding to our crowsourced slideshow and prepare to take the mic on webinar night!

{Level_Up_TL_Cafe_Head.jpg} Level Up Your Blog - Taking Your Blog to the Next Level!

Does your blog need an epic win? How to add extra pages, engage guest bloggers, & how to make your blog your triumphant one stop shop and main web presence.

with Sue Waters, The Edublogger

moderated by Gwyneth Jones - The Daring Librarian

Monday, November 4th 8pm Eastern USA

(simultaniously it is also November 5th & 7am in Perth, Australia!)

Participant Link

Session Wikipage

{FlipItSlim.jpg} Flip It! Flip It Good!

Oct. 7, 2013 | 8pm EST US

Novice yet earnest flipper Marie Slim (Teacher Librarian and Spanish Teacher) will share tips, tricks, hashtags, mentors, pitfalls and successes. Flipping is made for the library - one of you and 2000 who need you!

Session Wikipage

Participant Link


Back to School Special

Monday Sept. 9th, 2013 (Due to the US Labor Day holiday) 8pmE

Tips & tricks to become indispensable to your teachers, school, & community!

Gwyneth Jones, The Daring Librarian

Tiffany Whitehead, Mighty Little Librarian &

Jennifer LaGarde, Library Girl!

Participant Link

Back to School Special Wikipage

Past Webinar Archives: 2012-13 Season

{http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7360/8754332046_f8f479b0db_z.jpg} ISTE Inspire

Hot Tips & Advice to Maximize Your Ed Tech Conference Experience

Join Us Tuesday June 4th 7pm EASTERN

The TL Cafe & ISTE SIGMS teams up to present a FREE webinar to get you ready & inspired for ISTE13 San Diego!

Participant Link

Session Wikipage




Connect, Share, Learn, Grow: That's The Way We Roll!

June 3rd 8pm Est US

moderated by NikkiDRobertson

TL Virtual Cafe Webinar Series Season Finale: Online communities and learning networks are helping hundreds of thousands of educators learn, reduce isolation and providing “just in time” access to knowledge and opportunities for collaboration.

Learn ways to help your school, district and state become connected, collaborative educators.

This session features the following guest presenters:

Author Judith Glenn: Collaboration with students and teachers

School Librarian, Sandy Brand Madison, AL: International Collaboration

Educational Consultant, Jaime Vandergrift: EdCamp Atlanta-Collaboration between public, charter, private & home schools

Educators, Cat Flippen & Jaime Vandergrift: Founders of EduVue

Session Wikipage

Participant Link

{Gone Goolge.jpg} iCame! iSaw! iGoogled!

Googlizing Your Learning Environments with Google Apps

May 6th, 8PM EST US

with Joquetta "The Digital Diva" Johnson

Moderated by Gwyneth "The Daring Librarian" Jones

Are you ready to move beyond just using Google as a search engine?

Led by Google Certified Teacher-Librarian and Digital Diva – Joquetta Johnson, participants will discover how to use Google Applications as a vehicle to drive student collaboration, engagement, and learning. During this learning adventure, we will explore Google Apps like Chrome, Docs, YouTube, and Google+. Participants will leave with a digital backpack of Google resources and a deeper understanding and appreciation for Google as an Ecosystem. This is one Google trip you don’t want to miss.

Session Wikipage

Image Source


The Connected Concierge In Your School (& Classroom!)

April 8th, 8pm EST US

With Tiffany Whitehead aka The Mighty Little Librarian and

Nick Provenzano aka

The Nerdy Teacher

The age of toiling away alone in the classroom is long gone. There is a hero in your midst that can help you now. This suave savior is a master of media, a talented techie, and a connected colleague. The teacher librarian should be the "go to" resource in every building. This chat is going to focus on how these amazing people can be integrated into a teacher's lesson planner.

Session Wikipage

{http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8251/8512146669_3c29b34ef4.jpg} Care and Feeding of

Your Blog

March 4th at 8pm Eastern US Time and

March 5th 9am Perth Australia Time

With Sue Waters, The Edublogger

Participant Link

Session Wikipage

We've all been there, either we've started a blog and neglected it - feeling some deep-seated internal blog guilt or we've started a blog and sometimes just don't know what to post or how to make it grow. Sue Waters, the Edublogger herself, is here to the rescue!

Giving practical tips on how to get a blog started, how librarians and educators use blogs, and how to maintain and nurture a healthy blog without stress or guilt.


Student Collaboration, Research Skills and Tech Integration

February 4th at 8pmE US Time

With Ron Peck & Melissa Seideman

Participant Link

Session Wikipage

A very special #TLChat & #SSChat collaboration!

Join us for a lively and informative discussion on: Tips, tricks and sound ways to get students collaborating and researching using the best of current technology integration tools.

{http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7238/7019686013_0d6c3dc8fa_c.jpg} Transparency is the New Black.

Monday January 7th 8pmE

Session Wikipage

Don’t hide your style under a bushel…be daring and go transparent! Straight from the Paris & New York runways it's time to be on trend and change into that digital shift! Advocate for your practice and our profession by embracing social media and fighting the "locked net monster." Pump up your web presence and stand out from the crowd by being culturally literate, interweb savvy, cloud computing friendly, and embracing our new transliterate "remix mashup culture." Having a hip web presence isn't showing off - it's sharing with the community! Gather round, It's time to make it work!

{OpenMic_SimonScott_TLCafe12.jpg} EduTech Smackdown:

Open Mic Night

with Dr. Joyce Valenza!

Moderators Gwyneth A. Jones - The Daring Librarian

& Tiffany Whitehead The Mighty Little Librarian

Monday December 3rd - 8pm EST

With special surprise guest Nicholas Provenzano (@thenerdyteacher)

This year, we're bustin & branching out beyond the library walls to include ALL of the EdTech world in our rip-roaring fast-paced Smackdown Open Mic Night with Dr. Joyce Valenza hosting & with Gwyneth Jones & Librarian Tiff moderating.

We’re planning to get ready by creating a rich crowd-souced presentation/book.

Please feel free to take a slide (or several) and be ready to grab the mic on the night of the event and share your faves. We’ll leave the evening with our own on-going dynamic resource book.

For resources, chat & webinar archive visit the Session Wikipage

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Gamification for the EPIC WIN!

Why gaming

works, reframing instruction using game theory, and the most epic book club EVER. No gaming experience necessary.

Monday, November 5th - 8pm EST

Presented by: Matthew C. Winner & Jennifer LaGarde

Gamification for the Epic Win! wikipage

View Archived Webinar

{Common_Core_SecretWeapon_large.jpg} Your Common Core Secret Weapon

with the Librarians in the Middle!

Monday October 1st - 8pm Eastern US

Starring: Tamara Cox , Kristen Hearne AND Monique German

Your Common Core Secret Weapon Wikipage

View webinar archive here:


Back to School Special 12

Rocking the New Year!

Monday Sept. 10th (Due to the US Labor Day holiday)

Back to School Special Wikipage


Be the Change You Want to See

in your Library Media Center.

This is your chance to be heard! June 4

Tell us what support you need to make your media center the perfect learning environment. Advocacy tools? Professional development opportunities? Access to curriculum tools? Other resources?

This project is the brainchild of MEMO President-elect Dhaivyd Hilgendorf, @dhaivyd who will help host the event.

Pre-chat chatter at #memobtc and http://d279.us/btc

{TL Virtual Café Chat June 4.pdf}

Archive Link Go to program #37. Resource-sharing wiki


Two Libraries, One Voice

Even though Shannon Miller's and John Schumacher’s students live 338 miles apart, they connect multiple times throughout the week. This session explores the collaborative tools they use to connect their students with each other and schools around the world.

May --7

Wiki Page

Due to technical difficulties the audio archive for this event isn't available...We are sorry.


Dynamic Duo: English teacher + Teacher Librarian

Creating a Culture of Reading wherever they Go!

April --2

Meenoo Rami

The Nerdy Teacher Nick Provenzano

Moderator Shannon M. Miller

An important discussion around how classroom teachers and librarians should be working together to create a rich literacy environment in our schools.

Session Wikipage with Archive Link

Participant Link

Wanna Play?


Monday March 5th 8pm EST


Denise Colby

Liam O'Donnell


Diana Maliszewski

with **Tiffany Whitehead aka**

The Mighty Little Librarian, Moderating

Webinar Archive

Session Wikipage

NPC? PvP? WoW? Does this sound like a secret code?

Whether or not you know the meaning behind these acronyms, come join three "gaming-positive" educators as they introduce you to gaming @ your library. Hear about the benefits of gaming, discover how to embrace games that respects the users and the medium, and learn how you can incorporate video games into your library - even without paying a cent. Those WoW (World of Warcraft) players in your school and other gamers that enjoy some PvP (player versus player) matches and other types of games will appreciate you and your library's significance to their growth can equal that of a vital NPC (non-player character).


Passion for the Our Profession

What's Love Got to Do with It?

Monday February --6 th 8pm EST

with Joquetta Johnson

Moderated by Matthew C. Winner

Session Wikipage

Participant Link


Wii Learning: Engaging Students through Gaming Technology

Monday January 9th - 8pm EST

with Meghan Hearn

and Matthew C. Winner

Moderated by

Jennifer LaGarde & Librarian Tiff

Session Wikipage

The Nintendo Wii is a powerful tool for engaging your students and supporting math instruction. No need to be a gamer to score big points here. Learn the In's and Out's and experience lessons aligned with CCSC standards in Mathematics.

{OpenMic_SimonScott_TLCafe.jpg} Library World Smackdown:

Open Mic Night

with Joyce Valenza!

& Moderator Gwyneth A. Jones - The Daring Librarian

Monday December 5th - 8pm EST

At the TL Virtual Cafe on December 5th, 8PM Eastern, we’ll be hosting a tlvirtualcafe/tlvirtualcafe/tlvirtualcafe/Karaoke. We’re planning to get ready by building a crowd-souced presentation/book. Please feel free to grab a slide (or several) and be ready to grab the mic on the night of the event and share your faves. We’ll leave the evening with our own dynamic, growable resource book.

Session Wikipage

Participant Link


Rock Star Advocacy: Proving Your Worth In Tough Times

November 7th


Jennifer LaGarde

Moderated by Tiffany Whitehead

Session Wikipage

Webinar Archive

A fun and lively discussion to help librarians gather and share data that illustrates their value as instructional partners.


PD with a Twist

October 3rd

with Tamara Cox and Tiff Whitehead

Session Wikipage

Webinar Archive

Professional Development does NOT have to be an experience that feels like torture! Tamara and Tiff will share ways that they have put a new spin on the professional development opportunities they offer to their teachers.

{PLNsmall.jpg} Play, Learn & Network with SIGMS

The Best Personal Learning Network for Media Specialist

Wednesday September 21th - 8pm EST

Guests: Doug Johnson, Lisa Perez, Carolyn Starkey, Andrea Christman, Laurie Conzemius, Brenda Anderson, Tiffany Whitehead, Maureen Sanders Brunner

SIGMS Webinar Page

Link to Archived Webinar

Learn how SIGMS can support your professional growth through a variety of virtual and face to face professional development opportunities. Hear how to be a contributor to our newsletter, The Scanner. Join us as leaders in our field share how they leverage their involvement with SIGMS to play, learn, and network. You don't have to be a media specialists to play and learn with us!

{TL_Cafe_BTSpecial.jpg} Back to School Special:

Savvy Starts to a New Year!

Monday September 12th - 8pm EST

(NOTE: changed date due to

Labor Day holiday)

Guests: Gwyneth Jones & Librarian Tiff

Webinar Archive

Webinar Participant Link

Back to School Special Wikipage

A casual discussion to generate ideas on how to build school allies, support new teachers & become indispensable to admin & staff at the beginning of every school year. Featuring how Google tools (forms, docs, & presentation, and more!) can supercharge the library program & classroom throughout the school year. For Teacher Librarians, classroom teachers, tech teachers, admins, & well...everyone!


Ready, Set, Go to ISTE11

Guest: Laurie Conzemius, SIGMS Communications Chair

Host: Brenda Anderson

June 15 - 8 pm ET

Learn Central Page

Here is a link for the TL Cafe participants

Are you attending ISTE 2011 in Philadelphia? Want to get the most out of your conference attendance? Join SIGMS Communications Chair Laurie Conzemius for this webinar and hear tips for making your conference successful. Laurie will share the best ways to prepare now (before you even leave for the conference), tips for getting the most out of your time at ISTE 2011, and some great ways to bring the conference back home again and share your experience with your coworkers.


DIY Summer Reading List

Guests: John Schumacher & Shannon Miller

Host: Ernie Cox

June 6 - 8pm EST

Learn Central Page

Session Wikipage - Resources and More.

Here is a link for the TL Cafe participants

Tired of the same old required summer reading lists? Struggling to come up with great suggestions for the youth you serve? We will build an exciting summer reading list with the help of youth participants from around the country.


Catapult into the 21st Century and Beyond

Guests: Silvio Rosenthal Tolisano

Host: Brenda Anderson & Andrea Christman, An ISTE SIGMS webinar

May 16th - 8pm EST

{ISTE-sigms.gif} Session Wikipage - Resources & More!

Learn Central Page

Link to the Archived Webinar

Are you still teaching in isolation or at best parallel to your students’ other teachers? How do you take your lesson plans, connect them to 21st century skills, infuse new litercies and get students motivated and engaged for their present and future? Join us for a conversation about upgrading lessons and units that extend your classroom to connect to and collaborate with other subject areas, grade levels, peers and experts from around the world.


Diving into Digital Books

Adding eReaders to Your School Library

Guests: Buffy J. Hamilton & Jennifer LaGarde

Host: Gwyneth Jones

May 2 - 8pm EST

Session Wikipage - Resources & More!

Learn Central Page

Here is a link for the TL Cafe participants

Kindles, Nooks and iPads, Oh My! Implementing eReaders into your library program is about more than just jumping on the latest technological bandwagon or attempting to reinvent your library in order to stay relevant. It’s about good practice. Join Buffy Hamilton and Jennifer LaGarde as they discuss how eReaders have helped them provide students with a) access to the most up to date titles, b) the unique ability to efficiently link works of fiction with nonfiction resources and, c) the opportunity to interact with texts in ways that are simply not possible with traditional, library owned, books – all in an environment that both appeals to and enhances their skills as 21st century learners.

(Photo from the UnquietLibrary Flickr Stream)

Contact & Joining

For questions concerning calendar placement, cafe webinar ideas, or promotion of a Cafe webinar event please feel free to contact TL Cafe Coordinator Tiffany Whitehead at librariantiff (at) gmail.com Thank you!

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