Fake news has certainly become a big buzzword over the last few months. There isn’t a day that goes by where someone on CNN or Fox is not discussing fake news.
CNN anchor Chris Cuomo had to apologize for saying a fake news accusation is like the N-word for journalists.
There is a story on DallasNews.com today about a California man, George Bacon who purchased FakeNews.com 11 years ago for $250.
From the article:
Fakenews.com isn’t the only domain Bacon owns — he buys and sells them regularly as a hobby — but soon, it will be the most profitable. The address is currently up for sale. And he’s gotten more than one six-figure offer.
“My plan is to have it sold by the end of the month,” Bacon said. “I’ll probably do some remodeling of my house. And I’d love to get a condo up in Mammoth for snowboarding.”