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Booster seats are an important step in transitioning your child out of a car seat. When my son was old and big enough to be safely moved out of a car seat, I had a really hard time choosing which booster seat was the safest for him. I knew the seat needed to be safe as well as comfortable for him. That’s why I ultimately chose Chicco KidFit Booster.

First of all, do you know when your child is ready to be put in a booster seat? There is a big gap between my second youngest son and my youngest son. I thought I was done having kids, so I got rid of everthing for babies. Including their car seats. When researching car seats for my new baby, I was surprised to see how much the regulations for car seats had changed since I had my first. Here is an infographic to help you decide which seat is right for your childs stage in babyhood:

Did you know that an infant should face backward until they are 2 or older? That was new information to me! Also, they need to stay in a forward facing car seat until they are at least 4. And a child should stay in a booster seat until they are at least 4’9″ in height. Eye opening isn’t it? We want our children to be as safe as possible in the car. Please, Please, Please make sure your child is restrained properly in your car. They are a precious cargo!

So, why did I choose the Chicco KidFit Booster Seat for my little guy? There are two main reasons. The DuoZone™ head and shoulder side-impact protection and the SuperCinch® LATCH attachment and tightener.

The DuoZone™ head and shoulder side-impact protection was important to me because my little one needs the most support where his head and neck are concerned. He is so little and a side impact air bag could hurt him. I also love the fact that when he falls asleep, his head rests perfectly against the seat.

The SuperCinch® LATCH attachment and tightener is also a favorite feature of mine because I know my little one will not be sliding forward in an impact. The booster seat is tightly secured to the car seat itself.

This latch also makes it easier for my son to get in and out of the car because the seat stays still. The Chicco KidFit Booster Seat grows with my child while protecting him in the car. I love that the back headrest and shoulder strap positioner is adjustable. I can raise it when he grows. I already have, he is growing up too fast!

Other bonus features of this seat that I love are the retractable cup holders that don’t take up valuable space when not in use. I also love that the seat pads and arm rests are machine washable! Hallelujah! You know how big of a mess your kids can make in their seats, especially when they are potty training, or you need to pick up lunch and eat in the car on those busy mom days!

Motor vehicle injuries are a leading cause of death among children in the United States. Unfortunately, many parents do not utilize a booster seat, despite the fact that when used properly, they reduce the risk for serious injury by 45 percent for children four to eight years old when compared with seat belt use alone. Chicco’s child passenger safety expert, Courtney Barry, shared some tips for parents using or thinking about transitioning to a booster seat.

“Big kids” need car seats too. While your baby may not be an infant or toddler anymore, once they outgrow their convertible car seat, they still need a safety seat. It is important that a child starts in a booster seat with a full back, as the headrest feature is key for protection in the event of a crash.

When transitioning to a backless booster seat, position your child in a seat where a headrest is built-in to ensure continued head and neck protection. For most cars, that means they shouldn’t be in the middle seat.

Are booster seats really that important? Because booster seats are much easier to install than infant and convertible car seats, parents make the mistake of thinking they aren’t as important. Unfortunately, they’re wrong. Seatbelts are designed with adults in mind, NOT kids. A booster seat is the only way to make that seatbelt safe for your child.

Proper fit is key. Once your child is in his or her booster seat, double check to make sure they are secured correctly. That means the lap belt will lie flat across your child’s upper thighs, not across the soft abdomen, and the shoulder belt will cross over the middle of his or her shoulder. Make sure they don’t wrap the seatbelt around their back or under their arm, as that defeats the purpose of the booster, and can cause injury.

Maturity Matters. Even when your child fits the height and weight guidelines to use a seat belt instead of a full harness with their booster seat, that doesn’t mean they should. Most children younger than five years old are not mature enough to sit without a full harness. You know your child best – don’t make the switch until you’re confident your growing child will sit still and safely without a full harness.

From road trips to play date drop offs – every ride matters. Taking the time to secure your child in their booster seat is often a step that is overlooked to save time, especially if it’s just a quick trip around the block or to the grocery store. As it turns out, these are the most crucial times to use your booster or safety seat as 61 percent of crashes involving children occurred 10 minutes or less from home.2 Be sure that your child is always riding in his or her safety seat –in one year, more than 618,000 children rode in vehicles without one at least some of the time. 1

Don’t just say, “Because I said so!” Kids ask a lot of questions, and as they grow those questions come fast and furious. When your child complains about using a booster seat, or tries to negotiate their way out of it, take the time to explain why their booster seat is important. Set the expectation that just like a helmet is needed for riding a bike, a booster seat is needed for riding in the car.

Ask an expert. If you’re unsure of what type of car seat your child should be in, or if you have trouble installing your seat, seek out help from your local child passenger safety technician.

Please make sure your little ones are secured safely in your car before going anywhere!

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Safe Travels!


The post How Do I Choose a Booster Seat for My Child? appeared first on Tips from a Typical Mom.

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