
About Hair care
How to make your blow dry last
- Start with wet hair. You can gently towel- dry so its not dripping wets, but do not rub too hard [ it will get tangled], for the smoothest, mosy long-lasting results, avoids " rough drying" - fluffing the hair with your hands while drying. While it saves time, it make hair frizzy

- do not use too much product. If your hair is fine or oily, it will become limp. Put a bit of product only the ends, if needed.
- divide your hair in sections, and start in front because this area tends to dry the quickest. Using a round brush and plenty of tensoin, aim the blow dryer at the roots and move it along the length of your hair to the ends. Heating the hair in the direction of the cuticle help keep it smooth and fights frizz. For volume and hight hold each section up and in the opposite direction from the way you want it to lie. For extra bounce pin each section up after drying to let it cool. This helps sets the crul so your hair does not go flat the minute your walk out the door.
- To make your blowout last, spray your hair lightly and then leave it alone. Avoid brushing it out or running your fingere
through it- this will break up bounce and make it go limp
बढी सेक्स गर्ने केटी यस 'किसिमका हुन्छन्....थाहा पाई राखौ'''है पुरुस मित्रहरु हो सेक्स गर्ने केटी यस किसिमका हुन्छन्....थाहा पाई राखौ कक्षामा नबस्ने, क्लास बंक गरेर घुम्न जाने र कण्डोम नलगाइ सेक्स गर्ने सम्बन्धमा एउटा अनौठो शोध सार्वजनिक भएको छ । अमेरिकास्थित युनिभर्सिटी इन्डियानाका शोधकर्ताहरुले १४ देखि १७ वर्ष उमेर समूहका युवतीको डायरीबारेमा अध्यन गरेर परीक्षामा फेल हुने केटीहरु सेक्समा बढी लिप्त हुने निष्कर्ष निकालेका हुन् । १९ वर्ष भन्दा कम उमेरका युवतीहरुमा गरिएको यस प्रकारको पहिलो अध्यनले केटीहरुको स्कुले जीवन र सेक्स जीवनबीच प्रत्यक्ष सम्बन्ध रहेको दावी गरेको छ । 'द जर्नल अफ एडोल्सेन्ट हेल्थ' ले १० वर्ष लगाएर यो अध्यन गरेको हो । यो अध्यनमा यो उमेर समूहका केटीहरुका डायरी अध्यन गरिएको थियो । उनीहरुले डायरीमा लेखेका र भनेका कुराहरुलाई समेटेर उनीहरुको स्कुल र यौन ब्यवहारबारे अध्यन गरिएको हो । यो शोधका अध्यनका प्रमुख डेवन जे ह्यान्सलले स्कुल बंक गर्ने र परीक्षामा फेल हुने केटीहरु विना कण्डोम सेक्स गर्ने पाहिएको बताए । पढाइमा राम्रो गरिरहेका केटीहरुले भने यौन सम्बन्ध राख्दा सुरक्षाका उपाय अपनाउने उनीहरुले अध्यनका क्रममा पाए । source tajakhabar
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Nepali Music/Song refers to the various musical genres of Nepal. With more than fifty ethnicity, the music of this country is a highly dispersed phenomenon. Although genres like pop, rock, folk, and Classical music exist, a huge number of such genres are yet to be cataloged. Many musical bands exist in Nepal, with a huge number in Kathmandu – most of the recent ones focused in pop and rock. Rap has been known to emerge on the charts from time to time.
Dohori:- Dohori music is Nepali folk songs. It is a very unique style of music. Dohori means from two side or a debate. This debate is in rhythm, and involves quick and witty poetry.The two teams in Dohori usually involves boys in one group girls in the other.The song is started with a question usually from the boys side. The girl follows the question with a quick response and continues the musical conversation. Dohori songs can last for a long periods of time, even up to a week long. The length of the Dohori depends on the quick thinking ability of the players.
Aadhunik geet:- Aadhunik geet or modern songs are popular songs in Nepal. Its also known as sugam sangeet. These type of songs are soft and melodious.source:e sanjal

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