users must be familiar with the BlackBerry Internet Service (BIS) or
the packet data service specific BlackBerry customers. The corporate smartphone users is also dependent on the services of BlackBerry Enterprise Service (BES).
the BlackBerry 10, BlackBerry leaving both the service and switch to
using regular data packets from the mobile operators, no different from
other smartphones such devices iOS, Windows Phone or Android.
What is this? According to the Head of Software Portfolio BlackBerry Vivek Bhardwaj, there are two considerations that led to the decision.
we see the trend that the e-mail less frequently used by the user to
communicate. Growing number of people who rely on instant messaging
applications like WhatsApp," Bhardwaj said when met after the launch of
the BlackBerry Z10 in Jakarta, Monday (4/3 / 2013).
BlackBerry Internet Service is allowing customers to access e-mail POP3, IMAP, and Outlook Web App in realtime. Push mail feature is the BlackBerry's traditional strengths. However, as described by Vivek, the BlackBerry seems to try to follow the market trend.
The second reason relates to the BlackBerry Enterprise Service. BlackBerry
10 operating system, BlackBerry decided to support Microsoft ActiveSync
so that devices like BlackBerry Z10 can be connected directly to the
corporate servers that use this technology without the need for BES.
technology continues to grow, and to move in that direction, then we
offer the more modern architecture and competitive," said Vivek.
security, Vivek ensure that BlackBerry 10 will remain secure as its
predecessor "Before the previous one, an e-mail from the user's
BlackBerry only be transferred through our infrastructure."
use of regular data packets on BlackBerry 10 has other effects such as
the loss of data during compression is applied to the BIS service. That
way, users can enlarge the data consumption, but internet access on
BlackBerry 10 could be faster, on par with other smart phones.