
Technology has indeed brought many changes to the world. Including in how to market your products or services. In Indonesia, word of mouth marketing is still there.

When technology entered later became one of the social media are adopted quickly. But the development of technology are many other ways in order to introduce the product sales. The purpose is only one, and the first requests of consumers interested in buying or selling. Humans can not avoid the presence of technology.

There is no harm in using technology to have a better life. As Steve Jobs said, "Let's change for tomorrow, instead of fear yesterday,". How Traditional marketing may only be performed. But when there is an opportunity to go faster, why not?

Many are predicting the face of digital marketing industry for 2017, including businessmen in Indonesia. For the startup will certainly do marketing more efficient. It is quite reasonable considering the position of the startup as a new player in the business world.

One of them carried bukalapak marketing strategy. Some time ago Ahmad Zaky startup fronted The translucency as industrial marketplace with the marketing strategy most demanding video streaming. That fact became a pride for bukalapak. It obtained indeed admirable. Because, what do audiences Youtube when there are ads on streaming video? When he appeared the 'skip add' generally will touch the selection. Watch streaming video ads deemed under quotas.

Bukalapak make one change in the form of streaming video ads. Through advertising beamed porous Swordsman Swordsman Jari Sakti Episode Cireng actually invite the attention of connoisseurs Youtube. Even in mid-2016 those ads into one of the categories of favorite video ad content. Spectators do not skip the ads section. Some viewers even chancing episode that ad.

Audience response was so great making the video was eventually created glow. Even characters Swordsman Jari Way has a special fan. "We think such forms of video streaming will become a trend in the next few years," said Head of Marketing PT bukalapak Ambrosia Tyas recently in Jakarta. Interest holders tend to be more like the cell phone video content. Advertising in the form of streaming video would be much more desirable.

But the form of video content would have carelessly. In making the video bukalapak Recreation collaborate together as a creative team. High creativity will create richer content without having to use a famous actor. The story is made from storyboard to the stage of completion. Streaming video ads created bukalapak also tend to be long enough.

Normally, video ads only lasted no more than three minutes. However BulaLapak make the video more than three minutes. However, viewers still watch without worrying siphon data packets. Collaboration and creative content is to be two important elements. Creative content can combine romance, comedy, and animation, as did BulaLapak in the video. Then the audience was given the opportunity to bypass ads when present at a particular video. But in reality the audience does not overstep but instead watch the ad.

Platform marketplace OLX apply different ad types. Until the end of 2016 OLX install approximately 200 tracker or trackers. "Tracker is useful for tracking user habits, will facilitate the users as well," said Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Nurendratoro OLX. Tracker is usually used a kind of e-commerce or marketplace to do precisely targeted to the target consumer.

Tracker serves to read consumer habits when surfing through the internet. For example, a consumer often buy electronic goods online. Tracker will read these habits. Such conditions will be used to perform digital marketing OLX form of offering. Sma shape is almost like a pop-up adds. If the mobile users often find ads from a wide range of e-commerce marketplace or platform typically using tracker. Ads will appear in the corner of the phone or at the top and bottom.

Tracker is not harmful because it serves as a reader of user habits. While virgin personal data of consumers, including credit card numbers, placed on another secure container. Tracker also not be able to read it. That's why only a form deals only products, not services sale of certain banking institutions.

Tracker becomes a natural thing or owned e-commerce marketplace. Even a single platform typically have thousands, while hundreds of OLX only use only. Tracker also not some hacker or cracker. Services tracker is critically important for e-commerce startup or marketplace. In addition to boosting the number of consumers, the tracker is also expected to increase the value of the transaction.

Overview of digital marketing this year on e-commerce industry will also be strengthened on mobile devices, such as smart phone, tablet or pad. This is related to consumer habits are more open content e-commerce on mobile devices than computers. "Consumers tend to prefer open the phone application to access e-commerce," said Criteo Comercial Director Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, and Thailand Alban Villani.

In fact they also perform payment transactions using mobile banking, not web banking. Recent data Criteo as a technology company marketing performance was surprising. Reflecting the Online Shopping Party activity which falls on 11 November 2015 showed that 64 percent of consumers to purchase products on more than two mobile devices. About two-thirds of mobile users in Indonesia to browse and buy goods with different devices.

Villani explained, a consumer sometimes open a website on a desktop. Then maybe he's in a hurry to go to directly shut down the laptop. Then consumers continue it in the car to open the phone. Alternatively, have a mobile device leboh factor of one is already such a common sight. Usually, consumers will use two devices when shopping. For example, smart phones are used to make payments through mobile banking.

Criteo also get a new fact about October 25 to 30 November 2015 to the current 'traffic' densest shopping online throughout the year. Analysis of the data is based on 8.2 million online transactions in Indonesia. Traffif website began to climb rapidly from November 9th. Then progressively higher between 9 until November 12. Increased transactions reached 43 percent on average of the popular e-commerce sites. The increase in overall sales also reached 61 percent, and the highest sales falls on November 11.

The situation will become a 'Big Data' is new to the online retail players. If the grasp of the situation, retailers can take advantage of this moment as a great time to advertise. Because, at the time of the transaction and online shopping activity is very high. However, it should present the toughest challenge advertise more attractive. Special creating mobile experiences across devices and should be really smooth.

The goal, so consumers do not forget that before they were visiting one of the sites to shop. When consumers switch to other devices to keep open the same page. Criteo predicts, mobile commerce or m-commerce will dominate sales this year. "Many retailers are jumping directly provide the mobile platform," said Villani. Usually an eCommerce will begin on desktop platforms, then stepped into the mobile application. But now many are already directly create a mobile platform without passing through the desktop.

According to the study, 34 percent of the online traffic comes from the major retail companies smart phones. While 33 percent more through mobile applications. This figure will continue to increase each year in line with the penetration of internet and smart phones in Indonesia. The trend of using more than one device in online shopping will continue to roll the next few years. In fact the trend in creating advertising via mobile devices will also be more creative.

One of them, the ad is no longer the scene of the firm persuasion on consumers. However, the ads will be a platform to communicate with customers. Ads will also be more attractive in terms of appearance. It relies on the concept that consumers preferred segmentation based on things that interest them. Big Data can do it all.

Online Marketing Trends in 2017

Last year became an extraordinary time for the digital industry. One of them in creating the latest marketing techniques. Therefore, the digital industry never runs slow. Marketing is indispensable in the business industry. Through online marketing, business people really need to keep up with technology to keep up. Forbes.com pages trying to predict the trend of online marketing in 2017 that will be widely adopted digital company.

1. Augmented Reality (AR)

Many experts predict the game Pokemon Go will take over the gaming world radically. Why? Because when coasting, Pokemon Go is able to earn up to 10 million US dollars per day. The enthusiasm of the smart phone users increasingly look when you want to try Augmented Reality (AR) is disajikam Pokemon Go. Who would have thought, what do these games actually cause a lot of interest from several labels products. Do not be surprised if this year will be a lot of labeling products from all lines presenting advertisements in the form of AR. Ads will be packaged in the form of games or special applications.

2. Live Video Streaming

The social media users will increasingly fond of video content. They will demand more creative content. Support internet super fast 4G LTE will be migrated to the 5G even make users increasingly want the video content. Therefore, fast internet easier for them to access the content. Few years back might live streaming video is already a lot of enthusiasm. But this year and the anticipated presence will be used in full.

3. Data Visualization

As a marketer, the data becomes life threatening. Companies require accurate data and individual details, such as who like to buy this, that, and why they buy the product.
Understand the data analysis is difficult. But the human brain is so created intelligent hingha able to create a device to process the data. Do not be surprised bia this year will find dozens of tools for data visualization. Even its existence is ready to read the market. The company's technology will scramble to use it.

4. High-Sensing Experience Marketing Content

Again AR and VR will be a featured weapon in marketing this year. Do not be surprised if later seek remedy at least 360 video only review this product alone. It's not a video, but the ad. Even consumers will not be aware that enjoying the ad content created with different experiences. One of the keys, add interaction with the consumer.

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