
(ThyBlackMan.com) For the love of humanity, why can’t we let this racist idiom die?

When dealing with controversial issues, we often allow our feelings to overshadow our powers of reason. Hence, the N- word, has resulted in a three-ring circus, regarding which races are prohibited from saying it, and which ethnic groups can use the label without fear of reprisal.

This observation came to life two days ago while I was having lunch at a local Italian restaurant. As I recall, I was enjoying a Basil-Tomato Salad, when I overheard a conversation between two African-American women who appeared to be in their mid-30s. They were talking about which celebrity was more attractive, Idris Elba or Boris Kodjoe.

One woman said Boris was so good looking it hurt. To which her friend replied, “Ni..er Please,” as they burst into laughter and gave each other high fives. Listening to their conversation, I couldn’t help but wonder what would have happened, if a person of European heritage uttered the N- word.  Harsh words would have been exchanged, and a few nerves rattled.

For decades, Blacks have contemplated the age old question, of why it is acceptable for African-Americans to call each other the N-word, but unacceptable for Caucasians to call, or even think of calling us that horrific slur, detested by Blacks of all ages and socioeconomic status.

Blacks contend that the reason it is perfectly harmless for us to call each other the N-word, is because it is said in a good-natured mode, as opposed to the sadistic tone conveyed by non-blacks.

Not surprisingly, while we maintain that calling each other the N-word is harmless, there are millions who disagree. They maintain people of color, should have enough love and respect for each other, to stay as far away from the word as possible. Unfortunately, that advice, doesn’t apply to some segments of the Black population.

A glaring example of this debate took place in 2014, when a poll conducted by the now defunct Galvanic Institute of Sociology, interviewed 400 adults aged 20 – 85, to determine their views regarding this topic. When asked if they would be offended if they were called a ni..er by another African-American, 86 percent of the respondents said no, with 14 percent saying they would be offended. However, when asked if they would be offended if a White person did the same thing, a whopping 98 percent said they would respond negatively. Amazingly, two percent said that being called a ni..er by Whites, had no effect on their self-confidence.

The poll further noted that college-educated Blacks found the term less offensive than Blacks with 10 years or less of education. Experts contend, the former represents those African-Americans who view themselves as color- blind, and are oblivious, when it comes to racism. Theoretically, they fall under the same category as others who adhere to this bogus concept, like Chief Justice Clarence Thomas and 99.7 percent of the African-American pundits and commentators on FOX NEWS.

It’s ironic, isn’t it? We laugh when calling each other the N-word, but clinch our teeth and bring out the fangs, when called that by Caucasians. Is there really a difference? Or do we feel less vulnerable, when we are put down by each other, instead of those other folks?  Kneegrow please!

Staff Writer; Peggy S. Butler

One may also view more of this talented writer work over at; http://peggysbutler.com. Also feel free to connect via Twitter; http://twitter.com/peggybutler647.

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