(ThyBlackMan.com) INTRODUCTION.
I woke up very early in the morning and received a warning from a friend saying that I was no longer safe because some people believe that I am “INYENZI.”
I could not help but laugh at the accusations for the RPF has equally called me “INTERAHAMWE” and a “Genocide Denier”.
Below is an excerpt from the Author of “Inside the Hotel Rwanda: The surprising True Story And Why It Matters Today” (BenBella Books, March 24, 2014)-Edouard Kayihura who accused me of “Genocide Denial” after I challenged the RPF version of the events that led to the 1994 Massacres that took place in Rwanda;
“I read the recent interview Face2Face Africa conducted with Lionel Nishimwe on Sept 3, 2015.
When I saw the title, “Hutu Lawyer on Rwandan Genocide: Stop Using the Word ‘Genocide’ To Describe Events in Rwanda,” many questions came to mind.
First among them was, why was the media continuing to give a platform to genocide denials in the name of freedom of expression?
If this was about the Holocaust, who would publish it?
It appears to me that telling the truth is not Lionel’s agenda.
His only agenda is defending his ethnicity. I am somewhat sympathetic, as Germans who did not actively participate in the Holocaust must have felt similarly to Lionel after World War II.
All he knows is what his people have told him. He has been brainwashed by refugees who refused to come back to Rwanda because either they committed the genocide or agreed with the ideology of those who carried it out.”
After consulting with Senior Rwandans from all the tribes in Rwanda,I found it necessary to shade some light on why Rwanda has always led the African Continent where “turmoil”,”mass atrocities”,”rule by terror”,”mistrust”,”chaos” and other retrogressive traits that are capable of erasing humanity are concerned.
It is imperative that I allude my case as an example for it is a clear illustration of how “subjective” my fellow countrymen are.
I had an opportunity to talk to an old Tutsi Lady who lived in Gitarama from 1950-2000.
Her husband was a Clerk for over three(3) decades.
We discussed at length on what she experienced in Gitarama in 1994.
Below is what she said;
“My son,we are not enemies as you may think.
We lived with Hutu families all our lives and not at any time did they threaten violence.
Everything turned “sour” when some new characters started coming to town and spreading rumours in the community that we were conspiring against the State.
Some of them were Tutsi and others were Hutu.
It was not an ethnic fabric but an opportunistic agenda by humanbeings driven “petty jealousies”.
As expected,Rwandans will believe in rumours more than any other people you will meet.
To us,”public perception” is more important than the “truth” itself and that is where our core problem lies.
Be careful how you portray yourself within the Rwandan community for our people are too “gullible” and you can be misquoted on some occasions.
And then,be deemed to be a person you are not.”
I did not even bother to ask whether the animosity between our two dominant tribes are founded on “pure hatred” of one another because from the forestated,it was clear that we lack insight as a people and most of the times we jump into conclusions without investigating all the salient factors.
We only come to realise when an irreparable has occurred.
I thanked the old lady for sharing her wise words with me and she was equally thrilled to speak French once more with a young Hutu son who was not afraid to ask tough questions.
We said our farewell and called it a day.
I left that place in shame for all I was told about Tutsi as a people sounded either doctored or just a mere propaganda to turn us against eachother.
I had to think twice about what I thought of these brothers of ours.
I asked myself this question : Why don’t we see eachother as humanbeings first as opposed to what tribe we belong to?
I understand that the RPF is a predominantly Tutsi party but not every Tutsi supports the Rwandan Patriotic Front for doing so will not be preposterous but an affront to the core beliefs humanity is based on.
People will always have divergent views,it be in one family,the same clan and beyond.
What more the whole tribe?
Isn’t it sheer “madness” to think that all Tutsi are the same just all Hutu?
To get a balanced perspective,I visited another gentleman in some Lusaka Compound.
We first met at a Rwandan(An Ethnic Hutu) wedding and to my surprise,he had read some of my Articles in which I vehemently criticised the RPF Regime and from that time,we started comparing notes.
He was equally worried about the rumours he was hearing about me over the past few weeks.
I explained to him what led to the said development.
I told him of my bold move to condemn the infamous deportation of KABOKO and Mr. Egide.
My rationale was simple;
***In the case of R.V. Chancellor of the University of Cambridge,- 1723 1 str page 557 at 567, one Dr Bentley had been deprived of his academic degrees in the University of Cambridge without notice or hearing.
But he succeeded in obtaining a mandamus to secure reinstatement. In the judgment the judge Fortes cue J. said:
“…even God Himself did not pass sentence upon Adam before he was called upon to make his defense and what was Adam’s defense?
It was this;
The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me the fruit of the tree and I did eat.
God did not also condemn Eve unheard :
then the Lord said to the woman, what is this that you have done?
What was Eve’s defense?
Eve said : the serpent beguiled me and I did eat.
Having heard both of them, Almighty God proceeded to pass sentence.
He expects us to do the same.***
After having said the aforementionned,he narrated how he was called “INTERAHAMWE” when he was working at the National University of Rwanda after he wrote a paper in 2004 stating that the 2003 Rwandan elections were not “free” and “fair” and lacked “credibility”.
My point being that it was not up to me or anyone else for that matter to judge those individuals but a Competent Judge because the manner in which they were deported was inhuman and the DMI may take advantage of such loopholes to start kidnapping Innocent Refugees.
If God himself who knows the PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE availed Adam and Eve with an opportunity to be heard before passing judgment on them,
Who are we not to demand that Due Process be adhered to?
Once again-I was crucified for exercise my inherent right to free speech.
Everyone who disagrees with Paul Kagame is an INTERAHAMWE.
The same way most HUTU in the diaspora call their brothers with divergent views “INYENZI”
is the same way Kagame deals with critical minds.
How different are we from eachother?
Just a word of advice to the Rwandan youths;
“La méfiance entre HUTU-TUTSI et l’ immaturité politique sirtout parmi une “jeunesse sans principle” qui croît que nos dirigeants sont “Immaculés” restera la raison principale de notre subjugation éternelle.”
Let us desist from idealistic views and always side with “reason” even if it means that we will be hated by the whole world.
Nelson Mandela did it and was once called a Lunatic Terrorist but look at how posterity judged him.
Even more so-Jesus Christ was doubted by his own brothers and sisters but turned out to be the most important figure in modern history.
The end will always justify the means.
Staff Writer; Lionel Nishimwe
We are an ‘ ADVOCACY AGENCY’ that specialises in DISPUTE SETTLEMENT in liaison with relevant ‘LEGAL ADVOCATES’. Can visit our official “fanpage” over at Facebook; Lionel Nishimwe & Ngandu Consultancy.
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