
(ThyBlackMan.com) Fathers matter in the education of their children, fathers are more than just providers they are a foundation of strength to prepare children for a world of diverse challenges, temptations and pressures. If you take a father out of the lives of children there is a “Gap In The Bookshelf” of learning how to cope and deal in a world that at times is dangerous and confusing. Fathers not only prepare their children for the world, they also influence learning in educational institutions that are sometimes unwelcoming to children of color and culture. This blog is influenced by Nigerian, Chinua Achebe a husband, parent, author, poet, writer and educator who lived through the colonization of Nigeria by the British.

The national educational climate is changing, growing numbers of youth are meeting standards, achieving educational successes and graduation rates are rising as detailed by the Department of Education. Data in many cases is showing that learning is being achieved in the classrooms of schools in the nation.

But… there are still too many youth in the educational system struggling with challenges that affect their educational growth and development. Reading and comprehension is still a challenge for many school age There needs to be more encouragement by fathers supporting of the community and educational successes of youth. Fathers do help in learning gains, graduation rates, and increase numbers excelling on standardized assessments that are given nationwide. Parental involvement is the foundation for the success of students in school as data is showing in national studies; education is seen as an investment to the future of the stability and growth of America especially for children of color and culture.

An educated and skilled work force that is working and contributing to the economy provides the much needed tax base to support services allowing cities to function. Parents are the role models for their children in learning, parents set the direction for their children to respect learning and follow their teachers in learning goals, and as learners in the educational environment preparing millions of students to transition through the educational process.

As an educator and parent I want to encourage stepfathers, fathers, grandfathers and other men with a vested interest to see children excel to, volunteer in schools from elementary to high school. To be a part of the educational process and success of girls and boys. As an educational professional I see the importance of parents and family involvement in the educational development of children. “It takes a village,” but if the village is hurting so are the children. In this twenty-first century, all fathers, stepfathers, uncles and grandfathers should be taking a stand against violence and place value on educational success, volunteering at schools to slow the direction of dropout rates, stop violence in schools and address community issues.

Children want their parents especially fathers (a male parental figure) to visit their school, to share in the excitement of learning, the journey of exploration and discover, and the fun of interaction. Fathers are missing the important years of their child’s development if they stay away.

Fathers that talk to their children stay connected and in touch with their children, communication is important for stability. Parenting should not ”back off” as the child grows from elementary school to middle and high school; they need to continue to offer guidance and direction.

There are many distractions, challenges and potential dangerous elements in our communities that try to take children’s attention from learning. Fathers and mothers need to communicate with their children to make sure they are on the right road to success.

Father’s expressing their desire for their children’s success in life is important, making sure that children gain a quality education and instilling this in them early. Knowing as a father you can contribute to children’s education, that is what a REAL father does, he accepts this responsibility and is accountable for their children’s behaviors. Fathers push their children to excel, even if fathers did not finish high school or attend college fathers or has a learning disability, fathers should make sure their children are successful. Generational curses still happen!!

There is more of an impact when “fathers” participate, stated on “Fatherhood Online,” that is stated from the National Fatherhood Initiative. “Children with involved, loving fathers are significantly more likely to do well in school, have a healthy self-esteem, exhibit empathy and pro-social behavior, and avoid high-risk behaviors as drug use, truancy, and criminal activity compared to children who have uninvolved fathers” (1994-2006).

I participate as a speaker at the Preventing Crime in the Black Community Conferences (2014 – 2015), many youth in the “system” are without involved and loving fathers. They report that if there was a father involved and active they would not have been involved in criminal behaviors. Data on girls shows girls are more violent, participating in growing crimes and involved in disruptions in schools and even on Social Media networks. (Fl Dept of Juvenile Justice www.djj.state.fl.us) Girls need and want their fathers to be involved, but do not have the communication skills to tell their fathers this, so their behaviors show inner feelings of conflict and confusion.

Parental involvement is vital not only to the educational success of youth, teens and young adults, but also to keep them from being immersed in the Juvenile Justice system.

Upcoming events are key to providing much needed resources to help fathers and men to be supportive of the children in their lives. It should not take a child getting into trouble as a call for help. There should be loving and consistant involvement every day. The youth of today will be the community leaders of tomorrow, as Frederick Douglas stated, “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”

Participate in the upcoming event of:

Real Talk Real Change – “Who’s Da Man!!??”

E3 Facebook page:

Official Real Talk Real Change Site http://rtrc.e3northflorida.org/

Thursday, February 18 2016 at 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM in EST

Jacksonville Public Library Main Library

303 Laura St N, Jacksonville, Florida 32202

Real Talk… Real Change is the largest, free annual community dialogue in North Florida. It is presented by E3 Business Group, Inc. a national organization which builds entrepreneurs into leaders of business and supports their efforts to be leaders in their communities.

Staff Writer; William D. Jackson

Find out more about this talented writer over at; OCS For Education.

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